As was mentioned in Mrs Mosley’s parent update, we had a World Book Day reboot last week on Accelerated Reader. Accelerated Reader is a programme used to actively hone and develop reading skills. Students are tested termly to establish their reading age and are allocated a ZPD score. This score then guides them to books that are accessible but also challenging and students complete quizzes to check their comprehension.
We reiterated our expectations around AT LEAST 20 minutes of reading per day. We listened to student voice on what some barriers were to reading and have taken steps to remove these barriers. Some students were concerned that members of their crew weren’t reading because there were no consequences. At XPG we push and challenge students to be the best version of themselves and we feel strongly that reading regularly is a part of this. It is proven that regular readers achieve greater academic success, as well as having a host of mental health and cultural benefits.
Support for reluctant readers
For this reason, we have shared a ‘stepped’ approach for students who are not making sufficient progress with their reading (as measured by quizzes passed) which will be reviewed weekly. Students will only move onto this stepped system if crew leaders have concerns that a student is not completing the expected 20 minutes a day of reading extended study.
Step 1: Crew Leader will have a 1:1 conversation with the student to set daily or weekly reading goals (most likely a certain number of pages to be read.)
Step 2: If the student does not meet this goal, crew leaders will contact parents for support and request sanctions at home. For example, no playstation until they have completed 20 minutes of reading.
Step 3: If the student continues to not make the progress we would expect, students will be directed to a reading specific extended study for the remainder a half term. Here we will try and help to build good reading habits, students will have the opportunity to read aloud to a member of staff and discuss and make predictions about what they are reading.
Because our students form habits around Getting Smart and taking responsibility for their own learning, a number of students have already identified themselves that they struggle to find the motivation to read and have been asking crew leaders to support them by setting them reading goals – what proactive, mature and responsible students we have!
Celebrating great readers!
However, the excitement came with the incentives we have introduced. Students who have either passed 4 quizzes in a term, or read 100,000 words in a term will be entered into a lottery to win a £20 voucher! There will be a G28 and a G29 winner.
Students can be in the draw numerous times and even since last week we have seen the list of eligible students grow tremendously!
A big shout out to the students who have already made the draw:
Students still have 3.5 weeks to make it into the lottery so please encourage your child to get reading and remind them to quiz!
We appreciate your support with ensuring that all students are reading regularly and if you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with your child’s crew leader.