How to apply for a place at XP Gateshead

XP Gateshead is an academically rigorous 11-16 mainstream secondary school in Gateshead. It is situated in the east end of Gateshead at Swards Road, NE10 9UZ.

XP Gateshead caters for ages 11-16, with 25 students in each class and two classes per year group. The school is being rolled out over five years, starting with XPG’s Year 7 in 2021, achieving full capacity of 250 students in  2025.

Our catchment area and oversubscription criteria can be found in our admissions policy. It does not matter how close you live to the school in this catchment area. Each year we expect more applications than we can offer places, so admissions are determined by a random lottery administered independently by the Local Authority.

Admissions for XP Gateshead

Applying for XP Gateshead is through the normal Local Authority admissions process, detailed here:

For in-year transfers, again you should contact the Local Authority.

Please note: If you put XP Gateshead as your first choice but are not successful in gaining a place at an XP Gateshead, this DOES NOT affect your chance of getting a place at your other choices of school.

For clarity, you ARE NOT less likely to gain a place at your second or third choice school.

For further details, please contact Gateshead Council’s School Admissions Team on 01914332757 / 01914332756 or [email protected] .

Please be aware that we have extremely high expectations for our parents as well as our students:

Waiting list for the current Year 7

If you would like to enquire about our waiting list for the current Year 7, please contact Gateshead Council’s School Admissions Team on 01914332757 / 01914332756 or [email protected] up until December.

From January each year, we maintain the waiting list for the current Year 7. From January, please contact please contact us on [email protected] or 0191 481430.

Waiting list other years

If you would like to enquire about our waiting list for the current Year 8, please contact us on [email protected] or 0191 481430.