An update about the Crew Curriculum (RSHE)

Here at XPG, Personal Development is an essential part of the curriculum. Every week, students have ‘Wise Wednesday’, a time for students to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding they will need to manage their lives. 


As the newest members of our school, Year 7 are currently examining what makes a strong community. This week, our students have looked at bullying and the importance of being upstanders in our community. After half term, we will also look at cyberbullying and how we can protect ourselves online.


Our G29 cohort have been discussing prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping in depth, considering how this can impact our treatment of others. The level of discussion has been truly phenomenal and students have made clear links to their current expedition ‘Being Human’.  Next term, students will deliver a presentation within crews about their own identities, developing not only their presentation skills but their confidence and crew relationships. 


Building on the work we did in the summer term, Year 9 have been looking at sex and relationships education. Historically, sex and relationships education in schools has been described as “too little too late” and has not reflected the reality that young people experience today. This introduction to sex and relationships education drives home the message that we cannot talk about sex without consent, as well as the importance of healthy relationships. Our students have also considered the importance of contraception and how to access sexual health services in our local area. Many pupils in the UK leave school without knowing what services they can access, which is an injustice. Here at XPG, we want our students to feel empowered with the right information to make informed choices. 

Talking about these sensitive (and potentially embarrassing) topics can be hard. However, good PSHE education is a partnership between the home and school. As a parent or carer, allowing your young person to talk about PSHE topics can be an amazing way for them to explore some of the content they learn. If you have time, you might want to do some research to anticipate any awkward questions. Being honest if you can’t answer a question is also absolutely fine. 

If you would like to know more about sexual health and wellbeing, have a look at the website below. It is designed for young people, but has a wealth of information for all: 

Brook: Sexual Health and Wellbeing


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

Thank you for your continued support, 


Sophie Pegg