Beautiful work from all of G29 – TOILET TWINNING

As you know last term, as part of our Crew Day, students in G29 carried out fundraising for Toilet Twinning. This was connected to their learning from their expedition “Staying Alive” which included study of access to clean water.

This is a brilliant example of the 3-dimensional nature of our curriculum. We ask students to produce beautiful work, so that they develop their character and as a consequence see academic success.

The study of separating mixtures is part of the national curriculum. Studying this through expeditions brings this learning to life. Our students carried out practical investigations into separating mixtures, and learned about the need to filter and treat water from an expert in sewage treatment. Importantly, they also read a text about two children in rural Kenya, whose lives were markedly different due to the level of access to potable water. This was the driver for our Crew day: helping students to get a visceral insight into the daily experience of some children, asking them to show resilience, to support each other as a Crew whilst raising funds to make a difference.

Our aim for the day was to raise enough money to support one toilet block being installed in a place of need.

We are delighted to announce that, with your support, we have smashed that target!

Students raised a total of Β£1269 which has enabled us to twin our toilets with four sets of toilet blocks in schools in Malawi, Nigeria and Tanzania – one set for each Crew.

Thank you so much for your support, it is so important in helping our students see that they are important, that their work is truly important and has global reach.