All three students have been chosen to be published in a Young Writers Anthology with their short stories on the theme of ‘Mission:Catastrophe’.
This was a national competition, and all three of our entries for the school were chosen to be published. It is of note that Eliza, Lyra and Leo can now all say they are published authors…twice!
Congratulations on such a fantastic achievement. We’d love to see more students entering in the next competition which has a poetry focus. More details from Miss Tatters soon!
Drew was awarded the players’ player of the year for his club Hebburn. This is a testament to quality of Drew’s game as sometimes defenders do not get the same level of recognition for the work they do in a team. The feedback from Drew’s teammates is that without Drew this year they most likely would have lost more games that were marginal.
Well done Drew! It’s great to see you being recognised by your peers.
G28 started their GCSE English Literature course today by annotating the poem Hawk Roosting by Ted Hughes. They will be exploring 5 of the nature poems from their poetry anthology within the context of their current expedition ‘How does water shape our world?’
They’ve made a great start and have attached some examples of their beautiful work below. Whilst working on this, I showed the students a poetry anthology revision guide that is useful. This is NOT a necessity and certainly is not needed now but some students were keen to get a copy and asked that I share the link via the website. So you can buy it on Amazon here but just to reiterate, this is not compulsory or a necessity it would simply support students’ revision of the poems.
If you are looking to support your child further with this, I also suggested the pens with 4 colours and a highlighter with 3-4 colours too (to support with annotations.) Again, we do have different coloured pens and highlighters in school so this is not a necessity but something that would be useful if you wanted to purchase for your child.
Adam’s football team Wrekenton Nou Camp won their recent tournament which was played over two days, this on top of winning their league too. Adam was delighted to receive his trophy from professional footballer Wes Morgan.
During the Easter Holiday Grace passed her Grade D assessment in riding skills and horse care. Grace, her family, and we are very proud of her achievement.
Being Human – Beautiful Speeches from XP Gateshead
The G29 students speeches answering our guiding question “What does it mean to be human?” is now live on our website.
You can listen again and relive the POL speeches here!
This beautiful work is also available to visitors to the QE Hospital at the Windy Nook Entrance via a QR code on the art installation. This is important work matters, raising awareness of the importance of organ donation. A work that chimes with Olivias’ concluding remarks to our POL.
“…being human is about our social structures and relationships. How we connect, understand each other and have a sense of understanding and acceptance for ourselves and others. We build our world through our memories and experience to decide where we want to go in the future. Humans grow through our community and others around us.”
XP Y9 Fieldwork to Thackray Museum
The Power of Change @ Carcroft
In Spring 2024, students from Years 5 and 6 at Carcroft School embarked on an Expedition to explore the 19th century’s impact on our lives today, examining whether its influence has been positive or negative. Students immersed themselves in the era by creating African pattern-inspired book bindings and sculptures. They delved into the work of British-Nigerian artist Yinka Shonabare to understand cultural identity and globalisation. The history case study focused on the British Empire, particularly its effects on South Africa and the Zulu people, comparing Victorian society with Zulu society and discussing the legacy of these interactions. The science component of the Expedition related these historical impacts to the concepts of reversible and irreversible changes, using chemistry to draw parallels between the societal changes and scientific processes.
The Expedition’s culmination was an art exhibition-style event where students showcased sculptures inspired by Yinka Shonabare, reflecting on cultural identity and personal, cultural, or ethnic adaptation in an ever-changing world. This final product, along with literacy-based assessments and case study reflections, demonstrated the students’ learning and understanding of the 19th century’s influence. Throughout the Expedition, a diverse range of texts, including graphic novels and classic literature, enriched the students’ experience. Despite limitations on fieldwork due to economic conditions, video calls with South African residents offered insights into the lasting impacts of the British Empire on the Zulu people, enhancing the students’ global perspective and understanding of historical legacies.
Highlights from UKS2’s COL @ Plover
In the last week of term, students in UKS2 at Plover celebrated their work from their Expedition ‘The Power of Change’. Their guiding question was ‘How did the 19th century influence our lives today?’ and their final product explored significant locations in Doncaster, creating a history trail for members of the community to follow to learn more about the City’s history.
‘How will what I do today impact the world tomorrow?’ @ Norton Infants
Last term, students in KS1 at Norton infants explored ocean pollution – contrasting clean and polluted waters and their effects on wildlife, leading to local litter collection activities and artistic recycling projects, culminating in a family event promoting the reduction of single-use plastics. They delved into the science of this by examining the characteristics of living and non-living entities, focusing on animal needs and dietary types, and assessing human impacts on ecosystems, resulting in a detailed report on local fauna. Their geographical studies spanned identifying global continents, oceans, and specific habitats, enhanced by a narrative exercise based on “Somebody Swallowed Stanley.” Art skills were honed through various mediums in creating a sculpture and alternate story settings from “The Tin Forest.”
The students’ final product drew together learning from all three of these case studies. They created these activity booklets, which contain examples of beautiful artwork and written information, and include activities for children to complete – here’s a sample of their work below!
We would like to donate these booklets to local places so that children can complete them whilst they are out in our community! If this is something that you feel you would like copies of, we can send them to you! Please send an email to [email protected] and we will organise sending them to you!
The G29 students speeches answering our guiding question “What does it mean to be human?” is now live on our website.
You can listen again and relive the POL speeches via this link
This beautiful work is also available to visitors to the QE Hospital at the Windy Nook Entrance via a QR code on the art installation. This is important work matters, raising awareness of the importance of organ donation. A work that chimes with Olivias’ concluding remarks to our POL.
“…being human is about our social structures and relationships. How we connect, understand each other and have a sense of understanding and acceptance for ourselves and others. We build our world through our memories and experience to decide where we want to go in the future. Humans grow through our community and others around us.”
G29 have started immersion for their new expedition this term. In human they explored the poem Home by Warsan Shire and were challenged to describe what home means to them.
I have combined their “What home means to me” sentences into a word cloud of the keywords that came up again and again from our students that I wanted to share with you.
During the Easter break Emily and Macie took advantage of the opportunity to take part in the Health and Care Youth Academy, working alongside health professionals such as paramedics and nurses. This is a great way to learn more about careers and to get the edge when it comes time to apply for next stages in employment and training.