Crew Frank are proud to announce that the total raised from our 7.1 Mile Sponsored Walk was £515.62. We are delighted to kick off our support for our chosen charity, The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation, with such a fantastic contribution. We were super proud to be able to officially hand over a giant cheque that was designed for us by Ken Dobson of Studio Stunt Double and then printed by Adam Goodwin of Whittle Print. A huge thanks from us to both gentlemen who did this completely free of charge to support our school as we support many different charities. Unfortunately we had two of our Crew who were absent from school when Liz Luff came in to receive the cheque so missed out on seeing the cheque being handed over but we will be making sure they are in on future opportunities as we have lots of ideas for fundraising in the time ahead of us for what we feel is such an amazing charity that does fantastic work. Liz told us that Sir Bobby would be so proud to have us all on his team and would have loved the fact that we ‘went the extra mile’ when completing our walk (our original goal was 6 miles) as that was something he always tried to do.

Beautiful work from Olivia, Connor and Lewis

Olivia produced this stunning artwork on her iPad using the sketchbook app. She started out curious if she could represent the unusual colour of her eyes and then continued to match her skin tones and hair colour with some beautiful strokes of the digital brush. She has then gone on to do some more images of her family too. Amazing work Olivia.


Felling Magpies have done it again, winning the league with a game in hand after this week’s 11-1 win against Prudhoe. Connor scored two goals and was nominated as man of the match by the opposing team. Lewis had a few great shots but the keeper made some fantastic saves to keep him out. Great work boys!

Beautiful work in French Arts and Crafts

In our lunchtime club: ‘French Arts and Crafts; the students have gone through the alphabet in French and made salt dough figurines for something that begins with each letter.

Through A to Z they created animals, items of furniture, places and things. Then, with the help of an online dictionary and Señorita/ Mademoiselle Quested they have written facts about each thing in French.

The students have painted each with acrylic and have displayed them to present their beautiful work! Très bon travail!

For our immersion in G29, our science sessions took students off to Windy Nook Nature reserve. Here the students had a hugely successful day developing their fieldcraft skills for spotting wildlife.

The students’ patience was challenged whilst listening for and observing our local bird life to measure its biodiversity. They were rewarded with, amongst others, Chiffchaff and Great Tit songs as well as some great views of a hunting Kestrel. They used sweep nets to sample for the invertebrate life in the grassland to measure its biodiversity.

Amongst the species found were earwigs, leafhoppers, peacock butterflies, thrips and even the odd green dock beetle!

Students completed a litter survey to collect scientific data on the quality of the environment and finally a litter pick to act as stewards of their environment. A brilliant day – well done G29!

Crew Frank – The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation

Crew Frank have had a great week focusing on our chosen charity. On Tuesday 18th April, Liz Luff from the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation came in to talk to our crew about the work of our chosen charity.

Liz told us a little about how the foundation came about when Sir Bobby was battling cancer for the fifth and what would be the final time. She explained that Ruth Plumber, a Professor of Experimental Cancer Medicine, Newcastle University, had asked Sir Bobby if he could possibly use his contacts to help raise £500, 000 to help equip an important clinical research trials centre in Newcastle. From this request Sir Bobby, along with his wife Lady Elsie, set up the Sir Bobby Robson foundation. The response to Sir Bobby’s appeal for help was immediate and staggering and within less than two months of the Foundation being launched Professor Plummer had the £500,000 she needed. In February 2009, Sir Bobby officially opened the Sir Bobby Robson Cancer Trials Research Centre.  Liz told us that Sir Bobby was so proud that the centre carried his name and he vowed to give a year of his life to this charity in order to support very important work to save lives. Sir Bobby described it as being at the helm of his last and greatest team. His passion for The Foundation, despite being very ill himself, resulted in him spending his last 18 months doing all he could to raise funds to help others facing cancer.  He said he hoped it would become his legacy. 

Sir Bobby achieved so much in his footballing career which included playing for England himself in the late 1950s and early 60s and managing England for 8 years from 1982-1990 before successfully managing huge clubs such as PSV Eindhoven, FC Porto, Barcelona and then his beloved Newcastle United. He was a man who was highly respected in the footballing world and beyond and this is why so many people were so keen to support him when he set up this important foundation. To date, The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation has raised over £18 million and the Centre offers patients access to early trials and potential new treatments and works closely with the Imaging Research Centre to improve diagnosis and study the effects of new drugs.

During a Crew check in on Wednesday morning we reflected on how we are now feeling about our chosen charity and the support we intend to give to it. The following are quotes from our Crew check in.

After listening to Liz when she came in to speak to us…

Emily – I feel like I know so much more about Sir Bobby and how important he was to a lot of people, not just football fans, and I am proud to be supporting the foundation.

Leon – I feel proud of us choosing this charity because of Sir Bobby being such a great person from our region.

Jayden – I feel glad that we chose this charity because it has a huge impact helping so many people and Liz talked to us about the important work they do.

Ruby – I feel inspired by Sir Bobby Robson being our role model as seeing what he achieved, despite being very ill, makes me think that we can do so much more.

Hannah – I feel intrigued to find out even more about what the foundation does as we carry on supporting it.

Harris – I feel more motivated and confident in what we are going to do because of the important work they do in finding new treatments.

Mrs Ross – I feel so inspired to help make a difference for people who are fighting cancer especially after finding out how motivated Sir Bobby was, despite his own battle, and knowing that there are people everyday who owe their lives to the work of the Sir Bobby Robson foundation.

Daniel – I feel more connected to the charity and motivated to fundraise on its behalf.

Macie – I feel much more confident and eager to support and to do our walk on Friday because I know much more about what Sir Bobby achieved and know we can achieve so much too.

Elyse – I feel motivated by the work that Sir Bobby did and the legacy he has left behind so I’m looking forward to supporting more.

Will – I feel honoured to have chosen to support this charity as we have listened to how passionate Sir Bobby was to help others and so I feel like this was a good choice.

Tyler – I felt very proud of our choice of charity to support as it started out small with a goal of raising half a million pounds to equip a cancer trials centre but has grown so big and we can be part of it continuing and growing to help even more people.

Gemma – I feel confident that we will be able to positively support the charity and proud to have chosen the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation as our crew charity.

Crew Day

Our walk together as a Crew on Friday was to raise funds for this important charity and also included some solo time and a visit to a local Buddhist temple in Hebburn.


Eid Mubarak!

Harris has just completed his fast for Ramadan and was able to enjoy sharing his crew picnic today as part of Crew Frank’s plans for the day. He received a card from his crew who are so proud of his dedication and efforts this last month.

Sonny and Daniel have also won their league this week with two games to spare! Congratulations to them both and all involved with Gateshead Stripes U13 football team.

Great work boys!

More updates from Crew Days very soon. Have a great weekend.

Crew Stanton’s Crew Day

Crew Stanton started the day with a check in about favourite childhood toys and games. We then played a fun crew builder called ‘fruit and veg’. 

We had 2 visitors to our crew day who supported us with 2 activities in the morning. 

Mason, Anya, Laisey, Sonny, Rafa, Tyler and Lily D showed craftsmanship and quality whilst working as a crew to construct a toy box that will be donated to the family room of our chosen charity Tiny Lives. Students worked carefully and safely using drills, saws and clamps. Lily D worked on designing stencils which we will create then use to decorate the box.

Archie, Oliver, Jess, Lily T, Katie and Leighla learned how to knit so that they could knit squares which would be sewn together to create a baby blanket. They also showed craftsmanship and quality, as well as resilience to develop a new skill. 

In the afternoon we were joined by Mrs Downes and headed to Windy Nook nature reserve for a crew picnic. We then tried to find a geocache but unfortunately we were unsuccessful. We also selected a good location for our own geocache. We have submitted the location for approval and will plant our geocache once we have been granted permission. 

The whole crew have shown great compassion and respect throughout the day and have worked brilliantly as a crew. Our knitting group have gone home with needles and wool to continue their squares and the toy box group will complete decorating in the coming weeks during crew time. 

More beautiful work from G29

Here are some more stunning narratives from Morgan and Lyra in G29. Morgan has written his from the perspective of a fallen solider and Lyra from the daughter who loses her father to the war. Great work Lyra and Morgan!