G28 DofE degunge

All students are now back in school and making good progress on de-gunge. Unless you hear otherwise from your child directly, please arrive to pick them up between 4.45pm and 5.00pm. Students will leave as they finish so we appreciate your patience waiting outside the school for them to leave via the normal pedestrian gate.

The extreme weather cell that we have just had is scheduled to have passed by then.

Sharing our Stories: 05/07/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

XP Festival of Arts and Culture – Next Friday 12th July!

Book now

We first opened in September of 2014 in Doncaster and began to offer a creative and purposeful curriculum based on learning expeditions that connect subjects together so that learning is deepened and made relevant. Ten years on we have established a successful Trust that has shared this model with two more secondary schools, XP East in Doncaster and XP Gateshead, as well as five primary schools in the Doncaster area including: Carcroft Primary, Green Top Primary, Norton Infants, Norton Juniors and Plover Primary.

Our students create beautiful work that connects to the community and the world through the creation of high quality products that actively serve to make the world a better place.

To kick off our celebrations we are hosting our first community wide ‘Music and Arts Festival’ at XP East on the 12 July. This will become an annual event to bring together creatives from across the XP community, the wider community and the world to show why the Arts are so important to making our world more just, more beautiful and more humane and why they are at the heart of our curriculum.

We look forward to seeing you at the start of our festivities and hope you will join us as we continue to celebrate and share our stories throughout the rest of 2024 and 2025!!!

Andy Sprakes

Chief Academic Officer – XP Trust

We’re got vacancies across XP Trust!

We’re looking for:

Cleaners at Plover School

Cleaners at Green Top School

A Leading Learning Coach (HLTA) at Plover School

A Learning Coach/Crew Leader at XP Gateshead

Top of the Blogs

Kindess is Contagious! @ Norton Infants

Class 8 Proud Passage Presentations @ Green Top

Early Years Explorers Celebration of Learning @ Plover

DT Baking @ Carcroft School

Farewell Crew Pankhurst @ XP School

C29 Artwork in progress! @ XP East

Baking Bonanza @ Norton Juniors

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

G30’s Final Presentation of Learning

As we near the end of G30’s first year at XPG, we are reflecting on what a fantastic, jam-packed year it has been. The third and final Presentation of Learning (POL) in Year 7 for G30 will take place in school on Tuesday, 16th July, starting at 4:30 PM and concluding by 6:00 PM.

This evening will celebrate our students’ learning and achievements, featuring the launch of their Music CD, a product of their first expedition, ‘From the Ground Up.’ There will be a performance of the four songs that the students wrote alongside our very own music specialist teacher, Martin Said, and award-winning musician and writer, Joe Solo. These songs were performed for the first time in December at St. Mary’s Church and were well-received by all who attended. Parents and guests will have the opportunity to purchase a copy of the CD on the night, which also contains a booklet with song lyrics and acknowledgements, as a keepsake for £5.

Additionally, there will be a Hosted Gallery Walk where your children will guide you through images and articles from their current expedition, ‘Hold Back The River’ which has the guiding question ‘How does water shape our world?’  The students will explain their learning and the knowledge they’ve gained, giving you an insight into the rigour of our academic curriculum and showcasing the development of their HoWLs (habits of work and learning), Work Hard, Get Smart and Be Kind, as well as our core character traits: Respect, Courage, Craftsmanship and quality, Integrity, and above all, Compassion.

We ask our students to dress in a more formal manner for Presentations of Learning as this helps prepare them in advance to enter the larger arena of the professional and business world and gives them the mindset of the importance of the event and its audience. Students may wish to wear a shirt / blouse, trousers and shoes or a formal dress but our branded polo shirts are also appropriate for these occasions.

Students will remain in school on the day for a walk through rehearsal so we can ensure the evening runs smoothly and timely. They may bring a healthy snack to have at the end of the school day. It is crucial that each student has at least one family member present to support them, as our Presentations of Learning are a key component of our educational model. These events are carefully planned to help students develop character, showcase their beautiful work, and highlight the vital partnership between family, school, and the students themselves in contributing to their progress and growth. We look forward to welcoming you for the final time this academic year.

Dear Families

Sometimes, when you look back on the week past it is hard to believe that so much can be achieved in a week and this is definitely the case for last week when we only had four days with our students!

We get the chance to see your children and their greatness every day and see how hard they are working to produce beautiful work, grow their character and be successful academically. We also get the chance to see and hear them challenging and supporting each other to be better and, like staff here, our students ‘sweat the small stuff’ and have high expectations of themselves and their peers.  This is not the norm in schools and I feel really proud of our school where staff and students work together building this culture, doing this as crew and not passengers.

G28 Fieldwork 

As part of their current expedition, ‘Hold Back the River’ our Year 9 students had an amazing fieldwork experience at the coast this week, studying the river at Seaton Burn and the Seaton Sluice coastline.  The fieldwork incorporated geography standards around map reading, fieldwork skills including data collection and analysis and also physical geography standards about river processes, giving students an opportunity to test a hypothesis about the long profile of a river, and the changes from the middle to the lower course. In addition students spent time on a solo, using their surroundings to help prepare them for writing standards in English language associated with poetry and connected to the literature pieces that they have been studying. Finally, they also spent time observing the dune ecosystems at Seaton Sluice, building on learning about biotic and factors and variation in biology, to look at the adaptations, abundance and distribution of species that thrive in the dunes.

G30 Fieldwork

Our Year 7 students carried out fieldwork along the River Tyne this week as part of their current expedition and guiding question ‘How does water shape our world?’

They packed so much into one day, including using the physical model of the river catchment at Newcastle Central Library to look at how features can affect the river catchment and flow of water, using their sharp vocabulary to discuss how changes to the landscape impact on the whole system. They also walked the length of the Tyne from the quayside to Felling Shore to study human geography standards, looking at the change in land use on both sides of the river along the section sampled.

G29 workshop – Climate Adaptability

Year 8 students continue to consider their guiding question,  ‘Is Migration worth the Risk?’,  as part of their current expedition, ‘Should I stay or should I go?.’ Last week they spent time with expert Gemma Sarigu from ‘Students Owning Sustainability’. The session fit into the wider expedition, where students are seeing how changes in climate are becoming an increasingly prevalent push factor which causes people to migrate. Protecting our planet is one of our curricular seams that runs throughout expeditions, and this session was important in addressing potential feelings of ‘climate anxiety’. Much of the session was spent considering opportunities that climate change poses in terms of developing technologies, careers and bringing people together.

G30 Art Workshops

Our final workshops with Bruce Tuckey for art students leaders took place this week. This involved students creating sculptures inspired by the works on the Tyne Riverside Sculpture Park. We will post images of the final products soon.

PE collaboration with Felling Cricket Club 

This week our Year 9 students enjoyed the chance to test their cricket skills at Felling Cricket Club. We are really lucky to have such facilities on our doorstep, allowing our students to experience expert facilities and give them a platform to play cricket locally outside of school. All year groups will be using this facility in the coming weeks and months. Special thanks to Mr Devitt, Danny Norman and Macolm Norman who have supported this collaboration.



This week

Like was said on our early look ahead last week, it’s another packed week!

G31 Year 6 Transition Days – Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd July

This week we meet our new G31 students for their transition days at XP Gateshead. We are really looking forward to getting to know our G31 cohort and for them to get to know each other. Please see the website post for full details on transition

Please note that for all students (including Year 6 students), our school day will start at the usual time of 8:25am each day with students able to arrive from 8:00am. Each day will end at 3:15am for all students (there are no clubs or extended study running on Tuesday or Wednesday).

G29 Crews working in the kitchen – Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th July

As part of the preparation for their presentation of learning on 17th July, this week Crew King and Crew Watson will be working in the kitchen this week to prepare dishes from around the world for the event.

  • Crew King – Wednesday 3rd July, 
  • Crew Watson – Thursday 4th July

The ingredients will be already sourced for students. In terms of safety, long hair must be tied back, and students should wear clothes that are OK to get dirty. 

Over the next week, each of our G29 Crews will be working in the kitchen to prepare dishes for the presentation of learning event where our students will be hosting and catering an evening to celebrate their learning through their expedition ‘Is Migration Worth the Risk?’ This celebration of learning will be held at XP Gateshead School on 17th July 2024.

G28 Duke of Edinburgh Kit Check – Wednesday 3rd July, 3:30pm

Students in G28 will carry out a full kit check in school in readiness for their assessed expedition which is taking place on Friday and Saturday this week. The kit check should take no more than 1 hour and students will contact families to let you know when they will be finished if they need a lift home from school.

G30 Fieldwork – Thursday 4th July

On Thursday, G30 will be carrying out an important fieldwork at the Durham University Biosciences Department to further study aquatic food chains – both under the microscope and by looking at the variety of species caught from the nearby pond. For Year 7, this will be their first visit to a University Campus which is a really important moment for our students. As you know, university-readiness is part of our mission at XP Gateshead, to ensure that our students are on a path to university if that is what they choose for their future.

Students should arrive at the regular time and will finish school at 3.15pm as normal. They will need their regular kit for the day, a packed lunch and will need to be prepared for the weather (the current forecast is mild, sunny spells with a chance of showers). Students that normally have a free school meal will be provided with a packed lunch.

G28 Assessed Duke of Edinburgh Expedition – Friday 5th and Saturday 6th July

This week our G28 Pioneers embark on their final assessed Duke of Edinburgh expedition. As you know, DofE (like Year 7 Ullswater Outward Bound) is an important aspect of our curriculum in challenging students to develop their character and push them beyond their comfort zone. As a school we invest a great deal of time, money and staff resources into helping all students to achieve the award. We expect all of our students to complete the DofE.

Students should arrive at regular time on Friday and will be transported to their Duke of Edinburgh drop off point in Wark, Northumberland. Students will then be staying at Greencarts Campsite, next to Hadrian’s Wall, before completing day two of the expedition and being collected in Acomb, Northumberland. Students can expect to arrive back to school in the late afternoon on Saturday the 6th May.

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The forecast is mild, sunny spells and showers. The kit list reflects these possibilities, please ensure that your child is equipped for sun, rain and changes in temperature.

PE sessions this week

Our PE sessions this week are as follows. Please ensure that your child has their full PE kit.

  • G30 students (Y7) have PE on Monday this week
  • G29 students (Y8) have PE on Wednesday this week
  • G28 students (Y9) have PE on Thursday this week 

Extended Study and Clubs

Extended study and after school clubs will not be running this week due to transition, DofE preparation and staff Educator Led Conferences (think SLCs for adults – what’s good for our children is good for us!). 


Can I remind all families about the importance of good punctuality. A calm start to each day is really important for students to settle into learning and as you know, we ask all parents and carers to support their children with this, it is part of the XP Home School Agreement that every family has signed.

We are starting to see a small minority of students arrive after 8:25am without real justification. Please note that school opens at 8:00am every morning and there are spaces available for socialising, reading or completing extended study. Students must be on site for 8.25am for the call to Crew. 

Students have been given clear reminders about punctuality and I know that Crew Leaders have been in contact with families to remove barriers around punctuality. We monitor lateness closely down to precise time lost and where punctuality issues continue, students will make up lost time at the end of the week. 

Thank you as always for your ongoing support. 

As usual if you have any questions please contact your child’s crew leader in the first instance. 

Julie Mosley

G30 reminders for this week…

Outdoor area preparation

Thanks to the following G30 student leaders that have signed up to help prepare the school’s outdoor area for the final product for their ‘Hold Back the River’ learning expedition. This will take place during the students’ science session tomorrow.
Class 1: Olivia, Elina, James, Cameron, Molly
Class 2: George, Dylan, Isaac, Freya
The students above will need: shoes, clothes and a waterproof that can get muddy (and therefore may wish to bring a change of clothes / shoes).

Fieldwork to Durham University for all G30 students 

For G30’s Fieldwork at Durham University on Thursday, students will need:
  • Shoes that can get wet / or bring a second pair of trainers
  • The usual daily kit including a fully charged iPad
  • Sun Cream / sun hat / sunglasses
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Bug spray if required

Sharing our Stories 28/06/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

Visitors from around the world…

In 2023, XP had over 1000 visitors from all over the world – including India, Australia, America, Israel, Norway and Spain, just to name a few! As we continue to welcome more visitors, here’s what they’ve said about our students…

Exciting plans for Green Top – watch this space!

Friends of Norton Campus Summer Fair

This week we held our second Friends of Norton Campus Association Summer Fair. We were joined by members of our local community to raise funds for our schools. There were bouncy castles, penalty shoot outs, welly wanging and face painting.

Askern Community Brass Band provided the music – and there were plenty of sweet treats and snacks to enjoy too. Children were spending their pocket money on the hit the teacher coconut shy and sponge the teacher! Not forgetting we were joined by our special VIP’s Lenny and Alan (the alpacas!) We’re already looking forward to next year. 

We’re got vacancies across XP Trust!

We’re looking for:

Learning Coaches at Carcroft School

An EYFS/KS1 Specialist SEND Teacher at Carcroft School

A Leading Learning Coach (HLTA) at Plover School

A Learning Coach/Crew Leader at XP Gateshead

Top of the Blogs

Weekly update for families @ XP Gateshead

Celebrations and Ice Lollies! @ Norton Infants

Year 4 Taking Brownies to the Food Bank @ Green Top

Time to read Crew @ Plover

Acro and Cheer Showcase @ Carcroft School

Year 9 Sports Leaders @ XP School

Crew Malala DofE @ XP East

Kick Off @ Norton Juniors

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Another particularly packed week next week with our transition days for our G31 students, celebration of learning preparation for G29, fieldwork for G30 and Duke of Edinburgh for G28. We will post our usual weekly update, however for next week it is important to note:

Tuesday 2nd July

This is the first of our transition days for Year 6 students. Students in Year 7-9 should arrive for the school day at the regular time, and will finish at the regular time. We will have a staff debrief following the transition day to help us to prepare for the next day, so there are no clubs or extended study running on Tuesday for Years 7-9.

Wednesday 3rd July

This is the second of our transition days for Year 6 students. Again, students in Year 7-9 should arrive for the school day at the regular time, and will finish at the regular time. Likewise there will no clubs or extended study running on Wednesday for Years 7-9.

G29 Crew King working in the kitchen

As part of the preparation for their presentation of learning on 17th July, this week on Wednesday Crew King will be working in the kitchen to prepare dishes from around the world for the event. The ingredients will be already sourced for students. In terms of safety, long hair must be tied back, and students should wear clothes that are OK to get dirty.

G28 Duke of Edinburgh Kit Check

At 3.30pm on Wednesday, students in G28 will carry out a full kit check in school in readiness for their assessed expedition on Friday. Please check the forecast next week to make sure that your child is equipped to stay safe in the weather.

The kit check should take no more than 1 hour, students will contact families to let you know when they will be finished if they need a lift home from school.

Thursday 4th July

G30 Fieldwork

G30 will be carrying out important fieldwork. This will be their first visit to a University Campus, a really important moment for our students as it is part of their mission at our school to ensure that they and their peers are on a path to university-readiness if that is what they choose for their future.

Students should arrive at the regular time and will finish school at 3.15pm as normal. The day, at the Durham University Biosciences Department, will involve study of aquatic food chains – both under the microscope and by looking at the variety of species caught from the nearby pond. Students will need their regular kit for the day and need to be prepared for the weather. The current forecast is mild, sunny spells with a chance of showers.

Students that normally have a free school meal will be provided with a packed lunch.

G29 Crew Watson working in the kitchen

This week on Thursday Crew Watson will be working in the kitchen to prepare dishes for their upcoming Celebration of Learning. The ingredients will be already sourced for students. As above, in terms of safety, long hair must be tied back, and students should wear clothes that are OK to get dirty.

Friday 5th July

G28 Assessed Duke of Edinburgh Expedition

Students must arrive at school the normal on Friday and will be transported to their Duke of Edinburgh drop off point in Wark, Northumberland.

Students will then be staying at Greencarts Campsite, north of Hexham, before completing day two of the expedition and being collected in Acomb, Northumberland. Students can expect to arrive back to school in the late afternoon on Saturday the 6th May. We will update the website with an arrival time on Saturday afternoon.

G31 Year 6 Transition Days next week

For year 6 students, each day will start at 8.25am with students able to arrive from 8.00am.

Each day will end at 3.15pm.


Students can have a delicious school lunch or a packed lunch.If you have not already done so, please can you complete this Google form to let us know of your child’s dinner choices for each day.

At break and lunchtime, we will have activities led by our existing student leaders.

Dress Code

Some students choose to come in their primary school uniform or PE kit, however this is not necessary. Students need to dress modestly and appropriately for a day of learning in school. More details of our dress code can be found here.

Students will be introduced to PE at XP on Tuesday, so we recommend trainers and clothing appropriate for sports on Tuesday so that a change of clothes is not needed.


Plans for the days

Our guiding question for the two days will be:

“What will it take for me to be the best version of myself at XP?”

Tuesday 2nd July

On Tuesday students will experience Crew, Humanities and English, PE and Spanish.

We will end the day with a Community Meeting where students will make appreciations to each other connected to our character traits of courage, respect, integrity, craftsmanship & quality, and above all compassion. Our student leaders will support and model this process – as they will have been supporting in their sessions throughout the day.

Wednesday 3rd July

On Wednesday students will have another Crew, Art and STEAM sessions in Maths and Science.

Again we will finish the day with a Community Meeting to celebrate the beautiful work and character of our newest students over the two days.


Tuesday 9th July – Meet your child’s Crew Leader

Our ‘Meet the Crew Leader’ will be hosted in school. This is an important opportunity for families to meet their child’s Crew Leader and being forming the strong relationship that will be needed to support and challenge your child to become the best version of themselves. This event is for adults from families only, you should not bring your child to this event.

This event will start at 5pm on Tuesday evening and is expected to last for around 45 minutes.


Ullswater Participant Form

If you have not already done so, please complete the participant form for Ullswater. More details on how to do this can be found here.


We are so excited to welcome G31 into their new school next week, and meeting you all again in the week after.