Happy Friday! Here’s a selection of beautiful work from across the XP Trust this week!
To read about other stories from across the XP Trust, visit http://xptrust.org/stories #WeAreCrew
Happy Friday! Here’s a selection of beautiful work from across the XP Trust this week!
To read about other stories from across the XP Trust, visit http://xptrust.org/stories #WeAreCrew
Visit xptrust.org/vacancies to apply and #JoinOurCrew
Visit xptrust.org/vacancies to apply and #JoinOurCrew
Visit xptrust.org/vacancies to apply and #JoinOurCrew
We are very sorry but we are experiencing an issue with our phone lines at the moment. The phones will ring but we cannot hear the person on the other end of the line.
Please can you contact [email protected] if you have any reason to contact our office at the moment.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience.
Welcome to our final week of this half term.
It has been great to see you all at Student-Led Conferences over the last two weeks and I’m sure that we can all agree that our students have worked really hard since their return to us in January. I have really admired their courage this term along with their craftsmanship and quality and it has been lovely to talk to so many proud students and parents.
This week our G29 students started their second case study in ‘Do Your Bit’. Having studied the outbreak of war, the second case study is called ‘The call of the Motherland’ which focuses on how the Commonwealth Countries (part of the British Empire at the time) were called upon to help the war effort and how their diverse cultures and religions impacted them on the battlefield.
To kick start the case study, students worked with experts from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and Newcastle University and worked as historians to discover the global scale of the war putting skills they have learned in Computer Science to the test.
Students also engaged with an expert from ‘A Little History of the Sikhs’ who talked to the students about how Sikhi soldier’s faith impacted on them and their battlefield experiences, in advance of the cultural fieldwork to the Gurdwara this week.
G29 also worked with an expert from Newcastle University on nutrition and digestion as part of their STEAM expedition with GQ “Is survival sufficient?”.
Our G28 students continue to work hard on their current expedition ‘What is Power?’ and last week the long awaited cast list for Macbeth was announced. Students will be performing an abridged version of Macbeth as part of their Presentation of Learning. This will be on the evening of Thursday 30th March. More details on this very soon.
Our usual programme of Extended Study and clubs are running this week with the exception of Chess Club on Thursday lunchtime.
As usual G28 students (Y8) will need a PE kit for Tuesday, G29 students (Y7) will need a PE kit on Wednesday.
Interviews will take place across this week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday). We have had lots of interest in the advertisement and are really looking forward to meeting the applicants at interview this week. As always, our staff and students are involved in the interviews to ensure we get the best teachers to join XPG Crew as we continue to grow.
Our Local Governing Body (LGC) Spring meeting takes place this week on Thursday 9th February.
Please remember that this is our last week of this half term and as always, we finish early to allow staff to de-gunge and replenish rooms and teaching spaces ready for next half term.
Thank you for your continued support throughout this half term and we hope everyone has a good holiday. We are looking forward to the next half term where we will continue to work hard on current expeditions and the final products and presentations of learning for these.
As usual if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your children’s crew leader in the first instance.
Julie Mosley
We are carrying out cultural fieldwork at the Gurdwara Siri Guru Singh Sabha off Westgate Road in Newcastle on Thursday morning, travelling by coach from school. Students should arrive for school as usual before 8.25am. The coach is leaving school at 8.30am.
We will be returning to school after lunch for sessions 4 and 5 so students will finish the school day at the normal time.
Students will need to cover their heads when in the Gurdwara – if they have their own bandana to do this they can use that, otherwise they will be provided with one (which has been freshly laundered) on arrival at the Gurdwara. Students will also need to remove their shoes whilst in the Gurdwara.
Students will be contributing to ‘Langar’ whilst there, helping to prep the meal that will be eaten at lunchtime. Students will also be responsible for serving the lunch and clearing away.
We are looking forward to students being able to find out more about Sikhi and how temples operate as part of our expedition ‘Do your bit’ in order to answer the guiding question:
‘Why do we need to honour all those who sacrificed in WWI?’
Happy Friday! Here’s a selection of beautiful work from across the XP Trust this week!
To read about other stories from across the XP Trust, visit http://xptrust.org/stories #WeAreCrew
Are you passionate about improving the life chances of young people, by supporting their social, emotional and academic needs, and developing the whole child?
It has been great to see so many of you in person this week attending your child’s Student Led Conference (SLC). Our students have shown real courage this week presenting their learning, especially G29 students where this has been their first time presenting a SLC.
The feedback from parents and carers collected on exit tickets has been full of praise:
‘My son has changed so much in his confidence. It was amazing to see his confidence, lack of nerves and how he just got on with it in what could have been a stressful time for anyone. I am super proud of him, I had a tear in my eye’ (G29 parent)
‘A really high standard of work and honest appreciation of areas to improve which is hard when the standards is consistently high’ (G28 parent)
‘We could see that she cares about her learning and that she enjoys learning through expeditions. A thoughtful presentation that she’d clearly spent a great deal of time planning’ (G29 parent)
‘More articulate and able to answer questions with authenticity but also not afraid to point out where she struggles to remember the content or context. Well prepared, good engagement and eye contact throughout. Well done!’ (G28 parent)
‘His confidence gets better every time and to present without looking at a script is brilliant!’ (G28 parent)
‘At a standard I would admire in work colleagues. Excellent! We recognise the nurture and support that has gone into getting him here.’ (G29 parent)
We will be sharing the feedback with students as part of their SLC debrief where they will reflect on this experience against the rubric and set themselves targets for their next SLC.
Extended Study and clubs are not running this week to allow for SLCs to take place. School will end at 3:15pm for all students apart from those with SLCs on that evening.
On Friday we will be joined by Trust colleagues who will work with us to complete a peer safeguarding review. Every school in the Trust has regular safeguarding reviews to ensure we are carrying out our statutory requirements and our students are safe. We will be looking at attendance, our work with students on how they keep themselves safe, staff training and our work with families.
As part of this review, we are asking for all families to complete a short survey. Your feedback is incredibly important to us and helps us to ensure that we continue to run an excellent school for your children.
Please complete this short Google Form and hit submit.
We look forward to the review and to any feedback we receive.
School will be fully open on Wednesday even though some of our staff will be on strike. XP Trust respects the right for our staff to strike and we support their action.
There will be no PE on Wednesday for Year 7.
You may be aware that we are looking to appoint new staff to our growing team. Our first adverts have gone out for teachers and we will be shortlisting applications this week for interviews during the final week of this half term. Our students will be involved in the interviews as always along with our staff.
Please be aware that it is half term for one week from w/c 13th February and so as normal students will finish at 1.30pm on Friday 10th February to allow staff to replenish resources and to de-gunge rooms and teaching spaces ready for after the half term holiday. Students will return to school at the normal time on Monday 20th February.
Thank you as always for your ongoing support.
Julie Mosely