Dear Parents/Guardians

Welcome to week three of our final half-term at XP Gateshead.

Students are continuing with our current expedition  – What a Wonderful World with the Guiding question: What is our relationship with the natural world? They will be completing case study two which explores  our relationship with the natural world and the notion of interdependence. We begin to understand that we will need to change our relationship with nature if we are to continue to survive as a species.

This week:

  • Our new staff joined us last week and began their induction. This week they will continue to experience what an expedition is like from the point of view of students so they have a better understanding of expeditionary learning.  Next week they will be taking part in our transition days and helping us to welcome our new cohort of students.
  • Student-Led Conferences for your children will continue this week and I have to say what an absolute delight it has been to hear students talk so fluently and with such enthusiasm about their work, habits of work and learning and academic progress. We are looking forward to listening to students this week.
  • Staff development days are on 24th and 27th June. Students are not expected to be in school on these days.

Upcoming Events:

A reminder there is a G28 parents’ calendar here

  • Our book launch for From The Ground Up is on 30th June. We have seen the final printed copies and the book is stunning! More details can be found here including a Google Form to complete.
  • Transition for our new cohort of students joining us in August. Year 6 students will be joining us in school on 28th and 29th June. We are all looking forward to welcoming our new students, our G28 students will have a key role to play in these days as you would expect.
  • The Presentation of Learning for our current learning expedition will take place on the evening of Tue 19th July. We will be sending more details on this in the coming weeks.

COVID testing 

We have decided to remove the requirement to test students each Sunday evening given the current low level in cases and additional staffing that we now have available. This is in line with Government guidelines, however we would ask parents to continue to be vigilant and to test students if they or other family members of the family have symptoms. With your support we will continue to test students in school if they present with symptoms during the school day. We will also continue to keep windows open and to ensure our building is as ventilated as possible.

We do still have a limited supply of testing kits, so if you are in need and find it difficult to obtain tests, please do speak to your son or daughter’s Crew Leader.

No Nuts in packed lunches please

We have students in our new cohort with a severe allergy to nuts and so we need to ask that no nuts or nut products be used in packed lunches from this point onwards. Thank you in advance for your support with this.

Extended Study this week

We will be setting reduced extended study in this week to allow students to continue to prepare for their upcoming SLCs which take place this week and next. There will be no extended study sessions or after school clubs this week or next due to staff involvement in SLCs.

PE sessions this week – Tuesday

Please note that PE this week will be on Tuesday


Staff Development Days – Friday 24th and Monday 27th June

Please note – Students will not be in school on these days and will return as normal on Tuesday 28th of June.

We have staff development days this Friday and next Monday. This Friday our current staff will undergo training in Mental Health First Aid so we can better support our students and help to keep them safe. Our new staff will be planning for our Transition days. On Monday 27th All staff will be preparing resources and planning for our next expeditions to begin in Year 8.


As usual if there are any queries please do get in contact with your child’s Crew Leader.

 Many thanks

Mark Lovatt


Dear Parents/Guardians

Welcome to week two of our final half-term at XP Gateshead.

Students are continuing with our current expedition  – What a Wonderful World with the Guiding question: What is our relationship with the natural world?

This week:

  • Our new staff join us, starting this week with an expedition “slice”, so that they know what this looks and feels like from a student point of view. Your children will see lots of our new staff this week.  
  • Student-Led Conferences for your children are starting this week and we look forward to listening to students talk to parents about their pledges, academic progress and HOWLs. 

Upcoming Events:

A reminder there is a G28 parents’ calendar here

  • Our book launch for From The Ground Up. We have seen the proof that has gone to the printers and this is looking stunning! We are looking to organise this for the evening of 30th June and will be sending our more detailed information this week. Apologies that we have not been able to send more detailed information any earlier but this has been reliant on the book being printed and bound, which is now confirmed.
  • Transition for our new students joining us in August. Year 6 students will be joining us in school on 28th and 29th June. We are all looking forward to welcoming our new students, our G28 students will have a key role to play in these days as you would expect.
  • The Presentation of Learning for our current learning expedition will take place on the evening of Tue 19th July. We will be sending more details on this in the coming weeks.

COVID testing 

We have decided to remove the requirement to test students each Sunday evening given the current low level in cases and additional staffing that we now have available.

This is in line with Government guidelines, however we would ask parents to continue to be vigilant and to test students if they or other family members of the family have symptoms.

With your support we will continue to test students in school if they present with symptoms during the school day. We will also continue to keep windows open and to ensure our building is as ventilated as possible.

We do still have a limited supply of testing kits, so if you are in need and find it difficult to obtain tests, please do speak to your son or daughter’s Crew Leader.

Extended Study this week

We will be setting reduced extended study in this week to allow students to continue to prepare for their upcoming SLCs which take place this week and next. There will be no extended study sessions or after school clubs this week or next due to staff involvement in SLCs.

PE sessions this week – Friday

Please note that PE this week will be on Friday. This is to accommodate induction for our new staff.

Google Forms for SLC preparation

Thanks to those parents that have completed the Google Form following the snapshots that were shared. We really do need these to be completed so that your child can use these to prepare for their SLCs. Crew Leaders will be in contact with you if the Google Form has not yet been completed.

As usual if there are any queries please do get in contact with your child’s Crew Leader.


Many thanks

Mark Lovatt


Dear Parents/Guardians

Welcome to our final half-term of the academic year

We will be continuing with our new expedition  – What a Wonderful World with the Guiding question: What is our relationship with the natural world?

There are so many exciting things happening this half-term:

  • Our new staff join us, starting this week with an outdoor adventure together to learn  what it means to be Crew. Your children will see lots of our new staff from next week.
  • Student-Led Conferences for your children starting in the fortnight commencing 13th June.
  • The book launch for From The Ground Up. We have seen the proof that has gone to the printers and this is looking stunning! More info on this very soon.
  • Transition for our new students joining us in August. Year 6 students will be joining us in school on 28th and 29th June.
  • The Presentation of Learning for our current learning expedition will take place on Tue 19th July.

COVID testing – A reminder to test your children this evening

Please make sure you complete a Lateral Flow Test with your child this Sunday evening and complete our online form as usual for this evening.

Whilst Covid infections are still falling in the community, given the size of our setting this really helps us to keep everyone safe and for our school to remain open.

If you require any extra LFT kits please let us know. 

We will continue to keep doors and windows open for ventilation so students are advised to bring multiple layers to school to keep warm. This is how we look after each other – #wearecrew

Extended Study this week

Señorita Quested, Miss Tatters and Mr Walters are joining our new colleagues on their outdoor adventure this week as they have not yet had this important part of their training. We are therefore operating with fewer staff in school this week. This means that we are only able to run our extended study sessions after school but not our usual sports clubs.

PE sessions this week – Extra session this Thursday

In light of the above, students will have an additional PE session this week. For both classes this additional session of PE will be on Thursday. So all students have PE on both Tuesday and Thursday this week.

Google Forms for SLC preparation

Thanks to those parents that have completed the Google Form following the snapshots that were shared. We really do need these to be completed so that your child can use these to prepare for their SLCs. Crew Leaders will be in contact with you if the Google Form has not yet been completed.

As usual if there are any queries please do get in contact with your child’s Crew Leader.


Many thanks


Mark Lovatt


Dear Parents/Guardians

Welcome to our final week before the half-term holiday

We have been continuing with our new expedition  – What a Wonderful World with the Guiding question: What is our relationship with the natural world?

This week we are all very excited about our fieldwork on Friday (23rd) where we will be exploring our local “green” corridor through a “geocaching” activity. Students will be outside for most of the day so will need:

  • Comfortable shoes for walking
  • Appropriate clothing for the weather, the forecast is currently fair and mild
  • Sunscreen
  • Hat
  • Water bottle
  • Regular school day kit in their school bag

We will be combining this event with crew picnics so don’t be surprised if your son/daughter has asked for a couple of extra items to be added to the shopping list this week!

Students will be leaving school at 2.15pm this Friday (see de-gunge notice)

Crew picnics

Crew picnics have been organised for Friday 23rd and take place when we go out to explore our local green corridor. These have been organised by students in their crews and your children may have already asked you about the food they have chosen to bring along as part of  their crew contribution this Friday. Please contact crew leaders if this raises any questions,  issues or concerns.

Student Assessment Information and SLCs – Dates for your diaries!

Last week we shared updated assessment snapshots with students, giving information around their HoWLs and academic progress.

Students are updating their pledges at the moment. We will then share these pledges and assessment information snapshots with you at the end of this week.

The next set of SLCs (Student-Led Conferences) will be taking place in the fortnight starting 13th June. In this SLC, students will show you evidence of how they are working on their pledges.

You will be able to book an appointment for your child’s SLC from this week. At this time you will also be able to ask your child questions about their assessment information snapshot. Your child will answer these questions as part of their SLC too.

As part of this process, students will be reflecting on their HoWLs every week in Crew on Thoughtful Thursdays.

Visitors from Holland

We are excited to be hosting 14 Dutch Teachers on Monday afternoon who are on an organised tour of innovative schools in the North of England. They will be joining us from 1.30pm on Monday afternoon and will hear from myself, Mr Said and a panel of students who will share and discuss their work. We will be making use of the dining room for their visit which is a large and well ventilated area and we will ensure there is minimal disruption to student learning.

Transition meetings with new families

We will be continuing 1:1 transition meetings with our new families this week and are looking forward to meeting new students and their parents. These meetings are opportunities to find out more about our new students who will be starting in September and for our families to ask questions to find out a bit more about XP Gateshead. In time, our newest families will be added to our Facebook Group so please do make them feel welcome. Our community is strong because we are crew.

New Staff appointments 

We have successfully appointed to our admin position last week and welcomed Faye Dobson to our crew. Faye will be joining us on June 6th initially in a part time capacity as she learns about our systems etc and then will be full time form the start of next academic year. We are now fully staffed for next year.

AR (Accelerated Reader)

A reminder that our students should be reading their  AR books for between 20 – 30 minutes each day and crew leaders will be checking on progress every Tuesday in crew. For students to be great learners, first they must be strong readers. Please encourage your children to talk to you about what they are reading and support them to read on a daily basis. We have been really impressed with the range of books students have chosen and will be looking forward to seeing how they do on their first book “quizzes”.

Lateral Flow Testing

Please  make sure you complete a Lateral Flow Test with your child this Sunday evening and complete our online form as usual. We will also be asking you to complete a LFT on the Sunday (5th June) evening before your child returns after the half term holiday.

Whilst Covid infections are still falling in the community, given the size of our setting this really helps us to keep everyone safe and for our school to remain open.

If you require any extra LFT kits please let us know. 

We will continue to keep doors and windows open for ventilation so students are advised to bring multiple layers to school to keep warm. This is how we look after each other – #wearecrew

Guidance for isolation following a positive test

Any student who has a positive Covid-19 test result should stay at home and avoid contact with people for 3 days. As long as they are well they may return to school following the three days. There is no longer a requirement for students to test negative on the day when they return to school.

2.15pm finish – Friday 23rd

As usual we will be finishing slightly earlier this Friday to allow for “de-gunge” and restocking of classrooms in readiness for the new term. This Friday since we are also out and about geocaching, students will leave school at 2.15pm

It has been a fantastic half-term and there is much to look forward to after the holiday including the launch of our students’ first book

Thank you for your continued support and have a great holiday. As usual if you have any questions please contact crew leaders in the first instance.

Kind regards

Mark Lovatt


Dear Parents/Guardians

Welcome to another exciting week at XP Gateshead

We have been continuing with our new expedition  – What a Wonderful World with the Guiding question: What is our relationship with the natural world?

Students have been doing some creative writing inspired by rainforests, completing their cave art, and learning about specialist cells such as nerve, muscle, red blood, and root hair cells. We will be starting to do some microscopy work in Science this week too.

We are beaming live to the world this week! Do Your Bit Radio Broadcast

This week our students’ radio broadcast of untold stories will be broadcast from Memory Lane Radio at 2pm on Friday afternoon.

Trailers for the show will be being broadcast all week. You can listen along live on Friday using this link.

Student Assessment Information and SLCs – Dates for your diaries!

Last week we shared updated assessment snapshots with students, giving information around their HoWLs and academic progress.

Students are updating their pledges at the moment. We will then share these pledges and assessment information snapshots with you at the end of this coming week.

The next set of SLCs (Student-Led Conferences) will be taking place in the fortnight starting 13th June. In this SLC, students will show you evidence of how they are working on their pledges.

You will be able to book an appointment for your child’s SLC from next week. At this time you will also be able to ask your child questions about their assessment information snapshot. Your child will answer these questions as part of their SLC too.

As part of this process, students will be reflecting on their HoWLs every week in Crew on Thoughtful Thursdays.


We have received visits this week from Jane Sutton who is a member of our Local Governing Committee. Jane was looking at inclusive teaching and also reading across the curriculum. Jane said of her visit – “It is like you have taken the best of primary school practice and translated it into a secondary setting”. We are looking forward to Jane’s report which will be discussed at our next Local Governance Committee meeting.

We also had a visit from John Turner. John is an educational consultant who is currently working with Headteachers in Wales to see which bits of XP “magic” can be transported into schools he is working with. John thanked students and staff for the visit and was blown away by the students’ passion and enthusiasm for the school and by the quality of their work. We look forward to you visiting again John.

Transition meetings with new families

We will be starting 1:1 transition meetings with our new families this week and are looking forward to meeting new students and their parents. These meetings are opportunities to find out more about our new students who will be starting in September and for our families to ask questions to find out a bit more about XP Gateshead. In time, our newest families will be added to our Facebook Group so please do make them feel welcome. Our community is strong because we are crew.

New Staff appointments – admin+ post at XP Gateshead

We will be interviewing for an admin+ post this Wednesday afternoon which if successful will complete our staff recruitment for next year. All new staff will join us on 6th June just after the half term break and we have been busy planning their induction to XP Trust and to XP Gateshead.

“Above All Compassion” –  XP the movie

The Edge Foundation UK have made a film about XP schools which premiered at the Samsung centre in London last week. Students have been watching some of the film in their community meeting on Friday. If you would like to watch the approximately 30 minute film then please click on the link below and enjoy. It is a powerful tribute to the aims and aspirations of XP schools across the Trust and the hard work of all the staff, students and parents.

You can watch the movie on Youtube here.

AR (Accelerated Reader)

Students should be reading their  AR books for between 20 – 30 minutes each day and crew leaders will be checking on progress every Tuesday in crew. For students to be great learners, first they must be strong readers. It would be great if you could encourage your children to talk to you about what they are reading and help to ensure that reading continues on a daily basis. In addition we hope to start a new crew reader soon which links to our current expedition.

Lateral Flow Testing

Please complete a Lateral Flow Test with your child on Sunday evening (tonight), and again on Wednesday evening and complete our website with the results before sending your child to school.

Whilst Covid infections are still falling in the community, given the size of our setting this really helps us to keep everyone safe and for our school to remain open.

If you require any extra LFT kits please let us know. 

We will continue to keep doors and windows open for ventilation so students are advised to bring multiple layers to school to keep warm. This is how we look after each other – #wearecrew

Guidance for isolation following a positive test

Any student who has a positive Covid-19 test result should stay at home and avoid contact with people for 3 days. As long as they are well they may return to school following the three days. There is no longer a requirement for students to test negative on the day when they return to school.


As usual if you have any questions please contact crew leaders in the first instance.

Kind regards

Mark Lovatt


Dear Parents/Guardians

Welcome to another exciting week at XP Gateshead

Last week we revealed our big new Summer expedition  – ‘What a Wonderful World’ with the Guiding question:

What is our relationship with the natural world?

Students have already begun looking at physical geography as they explore biomes and habitats and have been learning about how the earth’s atmosphere has changed over billions of years. They have also begun to learn about cells which are the basic “building blocks” of all living things.

New Staff appointments – admin + at XP Gateshead

We have yet to appoint an admin post for next year to join our Staff Crew – we are looking for someone with experience of admin, ideally in a school setting, who in addition to normal school admin and looking after our front desk will also help us to contact local organisations to support expeditions and liaise with the Trust Communications team to help us curate beautiful work.

Further information will be available on our website from tomorrow and the deadline for applications is Friday 13th May at 12pm with interviews taking place w/c 16th May. Put the word out and if you know anyone who might be suitable for such a role then please let us know.

PE lessons 

PE lessons are back to normal times (Tuesday) this week.

XP the movie

The Edge foundation UK have made a film about XP schools which premiered at the Samsung centre in London last week. We will share the film as soon as it is made public.

AR (Accelerated Reader) book launch

As you know students have access to a virtual library of books and they were reading from this library over the Easter holiday. Students have already taken a baseline test so we have a good idea of reading ages now and this week we will be launching our AR reading programme. Students should be reading for between 20 – 30 minutes each day and we will be asking parents to support us in this – we will also reconfigure the amount extended study we set to make space to incorporate the daily reading. Further details will be forthcoming from Ms Tatters in due course. Reading is such an important skill and like all skills it needs to be practised on a regular basis; for students to be great learners then they must also be great readers.

Lateral Flow Testing

Please complete a Lateral Flow Test with your child on Sunday evening (tonight), and again on Wednesday evening and complete our website with the results before sending your child to school.

Whilst COVID infections are decreasing in the community and given the size of our setting this really helps us to keep everyone safe and for our school to remain open.

If you require any extra LFT kits please let us know. 

We will continue to keep doors and windows open for ventilation so students are advised to bring multiple layers to school to keep warm. This is how we look after each other – #wearecrew

Guidance for isolation following a positive test

Any student who has a positive Covid-19 test result should stay at home and avoid contact with people for 3 days. As long as they are well they may return to school follwoing the three days. There is no longer a requirement for students to test negative on the day when they return to school.

As usual if you have any questions please contact crew leaders in the first instance.

Kind regards

Mark Lovatt


Dear Parents/Guardians

Welcome to another exciting week at XP Gateshead

I hope everyone has enjoyed the bank holiday weekend.

This week we will be revealing our very exciting next expedition which students will be working on up to the end of the Summer term – this was slightly delayed from last week as we wanted to make sure our food boxes were delivered to Edberts house.

Food/recipe boxes were successfully delivered to Edberts house and students presented their learning and also learnt a little about the work Edberts house do in the community.

New Staff appointments Learning Coaches and Crew Leaders

We successfully appointed two new members of staff as learning Coaches and crew leaders for next year. They are Saorise Blain and Kati Donlan and we are looking forward to both joining our “crew”. They will start with 5 weeks of induction alongside other new staff on June 6th.

This week we will be holding interviews for a full time administrator post to begin next year.

PE lessons

Apologies for the short notice, but due to a staff absence and interviews for the admin+ role, PE will now need to be on Wednesday of this week for both classes.

Lateral Flow Testing

Please complete a Lateral Flow Test with your child on Monday evening (tonight), and again on Wednesday evening and complete our website with the results before sending your child to school.

Covid infections are decreasing, but given the size of our setting this really helps us to keep everyone safe and for our school to remain open.

We really do appreciate your support.

Now that the government has decided to remove the wearing of face coverings as one of the mitigation measures in schools, we are happy for students (and staff) to continue wearing masks if they feel more comfortable doing so. 

If you require any extra LFT kits please let us know. 

We will continue to keep doors and windows open for ventilation so students are advised to bring multiple layers to school to keep warm. This is how we look after each other – #wearecrew

Guidance for isolation following a positive test

Any student who has a positive Covid-19 test result should stay at home and avoid contact with people for 3 days. As long as they are well they may return to school following the three days. There is no longer a requirement for students to test negative on the day when they return to school.

As usual if you have any questions please contact crew leaders in the first instance.

Kind regards

Mark Lovatt


G28 Weekly Update – w/c 25th April 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians

Welcome to another exciting week at XP Gateshead

It is a bumper update this week.

New expedition

This week we will be revealing our very exciting next expedition which students will be working on up to the end of the Summer term.

Staying Alive

We will also be delivering our food/recipe boxes to Edberts House in Gateshead – you will remember that this is our “Final Product” from our last expedition which concluded before the Easter break. We have asked for students’ food donations to be in school with their Crew Leader by Wednesday morning at the latest please. 

In Google Classroom students have access to a spreadsheet where they have each indicated which ingredient/s they think that they can donate. Please have a conversation with your child about this. If there are any problems in sourcing the ingredients, please do ask you child to talk to their Crew Leader.

Edberts House | OurGateshead

At XP Gateshead students are community activists and we use what we have learned to make a positive difference in our communities. In this case students have used what they learned about nutrition to put together food boxes and recipes which will feed two families for a week. We are proud to support the work of Edberts House which does so much for families in our community.

From the Ground Up

We have not forgotten that students have also used what they learned in their first expedition to publish their local history book on our mining heritage. We will be launching our students’ book this term and will provide further information in due course. We are proud that every student at XP Gateshead will be a published author before they break up for the summer holiday.

Guitar Lessons start this week

Students that signed up to guitar lessons will start these this week on Monday. This will be added as an item for payment in ParentPay for those students. Students have a timetable shared with them where they can check their times each week. As soon as we have further information on other instruments, Mr Said will let students and families know.

Local Governance Committee meeting

We will also be holding our Local Governance council meeting and will be hearing back from Andrea Mead (chair of LGC) as she takes us through her report looking at “Developing Crew” and also from James Renwick who will be reporting back on his visit which had a focus on “inclusive teaching”.

New Staff: Learning Coaches and Crew Leaders

In addition we will be holding interviews this week for two new members of staff who will take the role of Learning Coaches/Crew Leaders next year. Successful appointments will mean we are fully staffed for next year and all new members of staff will join us on June 6th to begin their induction.

Welcoming our next cohort of students and their parents

We will be beginning our transition arrangements for welcoming 50 new students this term and we are all very excited to meet our next cohort of students and their parents. Mrs Mosley will be taking a lead on this and further information will be appearing on our website in the coming weeks

COVID Updates

Guidance for isolation following a positive test

Any student who has a positive Covid-19 test result should try to stay at home and avoid contact with people for 3 days. There is no longer a requirement for students to test negative on the day when they return to school, however if they still feel unwell then they should not return to school.

Lateral Flow Testing

Please complete a Lateral Flow Test with your child on Sunday evening, and again on Wednesday evening or Thursday morning and complete our website with the results before sending your child to school.

Covid infections are still high in the community and given the size of our setting this really helps us to keep everyone safe and for our school to remain open.

We really do appreciate your support. If you require any extra LFT kits please let us know. 

Mitigations in school

Now that the government has decided to remove the wearing of face coverings as one of the mitigation measures in schools, we are happy for students (and staff) to continue wearing masks if they feel more comfortable doing so. 

We will continue to keep doors and windows open for ventilation so students are advised to bring multiple layers to school to keep warm. This is how we look after each other – #wearecrew

As usual if you have any questions please contact crew leaders in the first instance.

Kind regards

Mark Lovatt


Dear All,

I hope you have all had a restful and safe Easter break and I would like to take the opportunity to welcome you all back to what will be an exciting new Summer term at XP Gateshead.

We are expecting students at the normal time tomorrow and look forward to welcoming them back after the holiday.


Students will be completing their final product from the “Staying Alive” expedition this week and we will start on Tuesday morning with students sharing the recipes they have been cooking from the Jack Munroe recipe book. Students will be using what they have learned about nutrition during this expedition to put together food boxes. Our food boxes will contain ingredients and recipes to feed a family of four for a whole week. We hope to be able to deliver our food/recipe boxes to Edberts House in Gateshead next week.

We will also be  starting our major new Summer term expedition and students will begin immersion this week. I wonder if anyone will be able to guess what it is about!

PE sessions this week

As mentioned above, this coming week we are starting a new learning expedition which will combine HUMAN and STEAM. This has meant that we have changed the timetable slightly for the coming week.

For this week, Class 2 will have PE on Tuesday 19th April as normal. However Class 1 will have PE on Wednesday 20th April this week.

In the week commencing Monday 25th April, both classes will return to PE on Tuesday.

Covid Testing

Covid infections are still high in the community so as normal we would ask you to ensure that your child has taken an LFT test and entered the result on our website as normal. LFT tests are available on request so if you have run out your son/daughter can ask their crew leader for more. We appreciate your support in helping to keep our community safe and our school open.

As usual if you have any questions/queries please ask your child’s crew leader in the first instance.

Best wishes

Mark Lovatt


G28 Easter Holiday update for parents

End of Term – Easter holiday

Wow what a fantastic term it has been and thank you so much to all those who came and supported our students at their PoL (Presentation Of Learning ) yesterday evening.

I think we can all agree that it was a special occasion and our students made us all proud. When I woke up this morning I was still thinking about the breadth and depth of learning covered in the expedition ‘Do Your Bit’ and the confidence of our students in talking about what they had learned. As someone said in their feedback “It was like an hour long living history show”.

We celebrated with students today in our community meeting and have read back to them many of the comments written by people in the 120 strong audience. I know they are proud of themselves as well.

Who would have thought that 6 months after opening our students would be presenting live to a large audience in the Herschel Building of Newcastle University.

Our thanks also to all of our experts who supported students in this expedition and also to Newcastle University and Professor David Leat for supporting us in use of the lecture theatre.

Over the Easter holidays

We are asking students to relax, rest, exercise, and Read Read Read with their newly borrowed books from our virtual library. 

We are also asking students to cook (with parents) and try out several recipes from the Jack Munroe cookbook in readiness for our final product for our expedition  – Staying Alive. Full instructions have been sent out to students via Google Classroom and crew leaders have gone through this with students today.

Happy Easter

As a small token of how proud we are of students we have bought all students an Easter egg which we presented to them in crew just after lunch. This is a present from our staff to our students.

We will be in touch before the start of next term if there is anything more we need to let families know about. In the meantime have a great Easter holiday and thank you so much for your continued support.

As usual if you have any questions please contact your child’s crew leader in the first instance.

We look forward to seeing you after the holiday on Tuesday 19th April at the usual time where we will be starting our next exciting expeditionary adventure.

Happy Easter from all the staff crew at XP Gateshead


Mark Lovatt
