Consultation update

As many of you will know, we have been approved to move into the pre-opening stage and are now consulting with you to get your views on our proposal to open XP Gateshead in September 2021.

Draft versions of our policies for XP Gateshead, our trust policies and indicative policies from our existing secondary schools have now been added to our consultation page on this website.

If you have not, or someone you know has not yet already filled in the consultation form, please do so.

Your views are really important to us and will assist us in making the case to the Secretary of State to enter into a funding agreement with us. This is the final major step in the process of our application to opening the school and will give confirmation that the school will open in September 2021.

We will have more details in the next week about two further online consultation events.

The first event will be for families. During this event we will be able to give further details of our timeline for admissions and when we will offer place to children for September 2021.

The second event will be for wider stakeholders and interested parties.

The support and overwhelmingly positive messages we have received so far have been gratefully received.

