Crew Stanton Football Tournament!

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder for the football tournament tomorrow. The first match kicks off at 3:45 so families are welcome to arrive from 3:30 onwards (£1 per spectator).

All students who signed up to play should have paid their £1.50 to their crew leader by now. If not, please can you ensure they do this tomorrow.

There will be refreshments including burgers and hot dogs available to purchase so please bring some cash along with you. All money goes towards supporting the fantastic work of Tiny Lives.

In terms of kit, Y9s should have boots for the grass, Y7+8 are on the MUGA so trainers are fine. All students must have shin pads. Lots of students in school have talked about having spares so please encourage your child to ask their friends/crew mates/classmates to borrow.  If your child has spare shin pads, we would appreciate them coming into school in case a student needs them. Please ensure they are clearly labelled with your child’s name so we know who to return them to.

The students of Crew Stanton had this idea way back at the start of Y9 and have spent a lot of time and energy planning this event. As their crew leader, I am really impressed and proud of the passion they have shown for running events throughout this year, as well as the growth I have seen in them in terms of their event skills and organisation. We would like to thank everyone who has supported one of our events this year and would really appreciate as much support as possible tomorrow, so if you’re available, please come and cheer on our crews!

Special appreciation to Lily in our crew for creating this fantastic poster too!