Digital Leaders: Reminders for tomorrow

A reminder that students travelling to Doncaster as part of the digital leaders event will need to be in school for 8am tomorrow. I will be in school from 7am so any time from then will be OK for drop off.

Students should bring full kit,  including a fully charged iPad and a packed lunch.

If any students need travel sickness tablets, if we do not already have it,  we must have signed permission that you give consent for them to self-administer,  along with the name of the medicine, dose and instructions.

For example:

“I give consent for #student name# to self-administer #medicine name# 150mg. They should take one tablet 30 minutes before travel.”

Any medicine must be in its original packaging.

I will update our arrival time back at school on our website when we are on the road for the return journey.

Many thanks