We will return deposits to Mr Dobson and Mrs Mosley’s crew today, so students should return to you with their cash in full.
In Miss Tatters’ and Mr Devitt/Mr Said’s crews, each crew did not return one headlamp. This was not due to a lack of care, as things do genuinely get lost. However the Ullswater centre cannot absorb these costs. As a result each student in these crews will get £9 back from their initial deposit.
It would be really helpful if your son or daughter is in Miss Tatters’ or Mr Devitt/Mr Said’s crew if you could give your son or daughter £1 to bring to school. Then we can give them their £10 note in return when we receive the £1.
Thanks for your assistance.
There was also a very small amount of lost property from the coach. We will post photos of that later today.