G28 Deposits from Ullswater

We will return deposits to Mr Dobson and Mrs Mosley’s crew today, so students should return to you with their cash in full.

In Miss Tatters’ and Mr Devitt/Mr Said’s crews, each crew did not return one headlamp. This was not due to a lack of care, as things do genuinely get lost. However the Ullswater centre cannot absorb these costs. As a result each student in these crews will get £9 back from their initial deposit.

It would be really helpful if your son or daughter is in Miss Tatters’ or Mr Devitt/Mr Said’s crew if you could give your son or daughter £1 to bring to school. Then we can give them their £10 note in return when we receive the £1.

Thanks for your assistance.

There was also a very small amount of lost property from the coach. We will post photos of that later today.