End of Term – Easter holiday
Wow what a fantastic term it has been and thank you so much to all those who came and supported our students at their PoL (Presentation Of Learning ) yesterday evening.
I think we can all agree that it was a special occasion and our students made us all proud. When I woke up this morning I was still thinking about the breadth and depth of learning covered in the expedition ‘Do Your Bit’ and the confidence of our students in talking about what they had learned. As someone said in their feedback “It was like an hour long living history show”.
We celebrated with students today in our community meeting and have read back to them many of the comments written by people in the 120 strong audience. I know they are proud of themselves as well.
Who would have thought that 6 months after opening our students would be presenting live to a large audience in the Herschel Building of Newcastle University.
Our thanks also to all of our experts who supported students in this expedition and also to Newcastle University and Professor David Leat for supporting us in use of the lecture theatre.

Over the Easter holidays
We are asking students to relax, rest, exercise, and Read Read Read with their newly borrowed books from our virtual library.
We are also asking students to cook (with parents) and try out several recipes from the Jack Munroe cookbook in readiness for our final product for our expedition – Staying Alive. Full instructions have been sent out to students via Google Classroom and crew leaders have gone through this with students today.

Happy Easter
As a small token of how proud we are of students we have bought all students an Easter egg which we presented to them in crew just after lunch. This is a present from our staff to our students.
We will be in touch before the start of next term if there is anything more we need to let families know about. In the meantime have a great Easter holiday and thank you so much for your continued support.
As usual if you have any questions please contact your child’s crew leader in the first instance.
We look forward to seeing you after the holiday on Tuesday 19th April at the usual time where we will be starting our next exciting expeditionary adventure.
Happy Easter from all the staff crew at XP Gateshead
Mark Lovatt