G28 Fieldwork – Wednesday 24th April

G28 Fieldwork

On Wednesday 24th April G28 students will be completing important fieldwork to help them answer the geography enquiry question: “Why are there differences in life expectancy in Gateshead?” This will support the students creating a final report investigating health inequalities in Gateshead which will be shown at their presentation of learning.

Students will be in crews walking from Felling to Gateshead collecting primary data to answer their fieldwork question. This will be a 10km walk, so students will need to bring an appropriate kit list.

Students should bring:

Their daily kit as usual

Shoes that are comfortable for walking long distances


Waterproof coat

Extra water

Packed lunch

Any medication your child should need (Inhalers epipen etc)

Suncream (hopefully the sun will be shining)

Currently the weather forecast is looking dry. If this changes alternative arrangements will be made.

Keep an eye on your inbox and an email will be sent out soon with a health questionnaire which will also support the students with their final product.

Have a great weekend

Miss Jones