G28 Key Stage 4 Pathways – Family Drop In Evening

There have been a number of requests from families in Year 9 for further support and guidance from staff to make good decisions with regards to Key Stage 4 pathways for your children.

To accommodate this, we are able to offer an additional evening slot for any G28 families that wish to attend.

This evening will be held on Tuesday 18th June between 5pm and 6pm in school.

You can drop in to the evening at any time, and Crew Leaders and course leaders will be available to talk about your child and the courses on offer.

Please do let us know about your current thoughts and questions by completing this Google form.

As well as Mrs Mosley, on the evening staff will be available to give you and your child advice in their role as:

G28 Crew Leaders:

Mr Devitt, Miss Jones, Mr Mead and Miss Tatters


Communication Strand:

Spanish – Señorita Quested

Interactive Media – Mr Said


Leading our own leading strand:

Geography – Miss Jones

Health & Social Care – Mrs Diamond

Religious Studies (Ethics) – Mrs Ross

Sports – Mr Devitt

Additional DT / Engineering – Mr Said


Additional support for English and Maths:

Mrs Mosley & Miss Tatters