G28 – KS4 Pathways

Since we met with G28 families for the information evening earlier this term, students have had a series of meetings with teachers of the courses that are part of our KS4 offer.

The slides below have details of all of the courses being offered, how students will be assessed and where courses could lead.

Some important notes:

  • Our CORE OFFER is for all students and we design our expeditions around this offer.
      • All students study Art & Design with some on a fine art pathway, and some on a photography pathway.


  • The COMMUNICATION strand is taught in classes of roughly 25 for three hours per week.
      • All students study one subject from this strand, or will have additional English / Maths instruction in smaller groups.


  • The LOOL (Leading our own learning) strand is taught in smaller classes for two hours per week with additional directed independent study.
      • All students study one subject from this strand, or will have additional English / Maths instruction in smaller groups.


Following the half-term break we will have meetings in school with families to finalise which pathways individual students will take at KS4.

Please discuss these pathways with your children and let us know your initial thoughts as a family be completing this Google Form.

We are aiming to finalise decisions on pathways by 20th June.


You can open up these slides in a separate window by clicking here.