Dear Parents/Guardians
It has been another busy week at XP Gateshead and students have now started their HUMAN expedition called ‘Do your bit‘ with the guiding question:
“Why do we need to honour ALL those who sacrificed in WW1?”

Students have also continued to prepare for their SLCs and have been completing their portfolios. In Science we have been studying elements, mixtures and compounds which is important background knowledge for their science expedition which we will be introducing over the next couple of weeks.
This coming week we will host a visit from officers at Gateshead Local Authority who were instrumental in supporting us on opening our new school and we look forward to giving them an Ambassadors tour. We also welcome Neil Butler, Executive Principal of XP Trust, who will be with us on Thursday looking at performance and leadership. In addition, on Friday, we will welcome Steve Bunce who is an Apple certified educator to discuss the possibility of putting on an exciting tech/coding workshop with some of our students.
Student-Led Conferences
Parents should by now have received an invitation to attend your son/daughter’s SLC and also an email to sign up for a time “slot” via sign up genius. We are planning on holding these in school and face to face and it will be great to finally meet in person. To allow us to do this safely we ask that no more than two members of the same household attend and that parents stick closely to allotted time slots arriving no earlier than 5 m minutes before scheduled times. Please contact crew leaders in the first instance if you have any problems signing up or any questions.
Lateral Flow Testing
Please continue to support us with lateral flow testing each Sunday and Wednesday evening and that you make sure you enter results into our website on each of these occasions. If you require any extra LFT testing kits please let us know. This is how we look after each other – We are Crew.
Masks in classrooms
A reminder that students should bring a mask to school with them as an additional part of their daily kit.
As usual if you have any questions please contact your son or daughter’s Crew Leader in the first instance.
Mark Lovatt
XP Gateshead