G28’s First Week Back

G28 kicked off the new academic year with an impressive first week. The students were guided by the question: “How can we ensure that our future selves will thank us for the next two years?” This question set the tone for a week filled with exploration, reflection, and growth.

Throughout the week, students explored various future career paths, gaining valuable insights into what lies ahead. To help them reflect on how aspirations evolve over time, they watched clips from The Up Series, a documentary that follows a group of children from ages 7 to 21. This series provided a unique perspective on how early dreams can align—or diverge—from reality as life unfolds.

On Tuesday, the students took a trip to Gateshead Career Centre, where they participated in workshops focused on different post-16 options. This experience broadened their understanding of the diverse opportunities available to them. A special congratulations to Lily and Anya, who excelled in the apprenticeship quiz competition, and to Crew Frank, who worked collaboratively to construct a bridge closely resembling the iconic Tyne Bridge

After their insightful morning at Gateshead Career Centre, students were well-prepared to start crafting their CVs. They teamed up with their critical friends to exchange constructive feedback, fine-tuning their CVs to ensure they were polished and professional. These revised CVs were then sent off to their interviewers, ready for the big day on Friday.

When the day of interviews arrived, G28 students stepped up, taking on various roles with enthusiasm and professionalism. They meticulously prepared the interview rooms, arranged refreshments, and provided ambassador tours of the school.

Each student then participated in a 20-minute interview, during which they showcased their skills, experiences, and aspirations. The interviewers provided valuable feedback, giving students practical insights to help them refine their approach and boost their confidence as they continue their journey towards their future careers.


Well Done G28 and thank you to all our expert interviewers it was a brilliant experience for our students!