G29 Celebration of Learning

On Wednesday 17th July at 4.30pm, G29 students will be hosting and catering an evening to celebrate their learning through their expedition ‘Is Migration Worth the Risk?’ This celebration of learning will be held at XP Gateshead School.

It will be an opportunity to celebrate the diverse nature of our area by ‘breaking bread’ together with our experts from the Comfrey Project and other migrants in our community. Students will share their learning from the expedition including poetry recital and a screening of a film made by G28 students.

As this event is catered with afternoon tea-style food and cakes from around the world, it is important we are aware of any dietary requirements and also the numbers that will be attending.

Please use this link to let us know who will be attending and if there are any dietary requirements we need to be aware of. There is a limit of 2 people per student.

To support this, we are in need of some plates of different sizes that we can use to construct our afternoon tea stands. If you are have some at home or are able to pick some up from a charity shop that you would be willing to donate, we would much appreciate it!

Afternoon Tea | The Barnstaple Hotel | North Devon