As you know our presentation of learning will take place on Friday 24th March, from 6.00-7.30pm.
Could I ask that you please fill in this short Google Form, letting us know how many guests will be attending.
Newcastle University is in the city centre of Newcastle, opposite Haymarket Metro, allowing ease of access via metro or bus.
The event will be held in Kings Hall in the quadrangle at the north wing of the Armstrong Building. The building and Haymarket Metro Station are marked on the attached map with a red box.

There will be staff at the entrance to the building to meet and greet parents and direct them to the correct lecture theatre.
As is always the case for presentations of learning, there is an expectation that at least one family member attends the event to celebrate your children’s hard work over the course of this term.
We will be transporting the students to the university via coach in the afternoon. At the end of the presentation, students will be released into the care of the adult(s) in attendance.
Students are welcome to bring healthy snacks or a packed tea into school for them to eat after the school day, before the presentation.