G29 Presentation of Learning – Confirmation of date and start time and Upcoming SLCs

G29 Student-Led Conferences

G29 will have student led conferences earlier than other cohorts this year. This is because later in the year they will be carrying out Passage Presentations about their readiness for GCSE studies.

Student-Led Conferences for G29 will take place in the fortnight commencing Monday 25th November. More details on how to book a slot for your child’s SLC will be posted soon.

G29 Presentation of Learning

We are delighted to confirm the date and start time for G29’s presentation of learning for their expedition: Another brick in the wall with the Guiding Question “How are structures important in helping us to explain our world?

The presentation of learning will take place at The Farrell Centre and Newcastle University.

This will be on Wednesday 11th December starting at 3.45pm.

This is a change to earlier date that we had advertised. The Farrell Centre is a national centre for architecture, and this means that we will not only be able to use the centre for the evening but students will also get another experience of a University Campus and spend time preparing at the centre during the daytime too.

We expect for the presentation of learning to last around one hour, with two parts each in a separate building. We will provide a map and directions closer to the date.

We look forward to seeing all G29 families on December 11th.