G29 Science Checkpoint assessment

G29  have a checkpoint assessment in Science next week  on Monday . Students have been directed to help via their Google classrooms.

Students should focus upon the following targets:

I can describe the structure of an atom of an element

  • I can identify the different parts of an atom and state their charges and masses.
  • I can use the atomic number and mass number of an element to identify the number of protons, electrons and neutrons it has.
  • I can state the maximum number of electrons found in each of the first three energy levels.
  • I can write and draw electron configurations for the atoms of the first 20 elements.

I can describe the structure of the modern periodic table

  • I can describe how the modern periodic table is arranged by atomic number and that the elements in each group have the same number of  electrons on the outer shell of their atoms.
  • I can explain why elements have similar properties because of their electronic structure
  • I can use data from the periodic table to draw the electronic structure of the first 20 elements of the periodic table

I can explain how the atomic model changed over time

  • I can explain how the discovery of the electron changed Dalton’s model of the atom
  • I can explain how Rutherford’s Gold Leaf experiment change Thomson’s plum pudding model of the atom
  • I can describe Bohr’s contribution to the atomic model
  • I can describe Chadwicks contribution to the atomic model
  • I can explain the importance of evidence in changing scientific models.