G29 Volunteering opportunity

As part of our current G29 expedition, we have been given an opportunity for a group of students to run an art session at a local Saturday school for refugee children. As this will be outside of school time, it would require parents to drop off and pick up students which is why I am sharing here before inviting students to sign up.

The session is scheduled for Saturday 22nd June 10:30-11:30 and is at Gladstone Terrace Centre, 11/12 Gladstone Terrace, Gateshead NE8 4DY. We would want students to arrive for 10:15 and we would expect them to be ready to be collected at 11:45/12 by the time everything is cleared away. A member of school staff will accompany the students at the session.

If your child would like to be involved, please ask them to speak to Ms Macphail or Ms Tatters tomorrow. Students will need to be willing to spend time after school and at lunchtimes to prepare for this session. The plan is for the session to mirror what students have been doing and for the session to result in creating a stop motion animation, similar to G29’s final product.

Thanks for your support with this fantastic development opportunity for our students, it will really add value to any applications students are submitting as part of their next steps post-16.