G29 York Theatre Visit – Macbeth Performance

As an important piece of cultural fieldwork connected to their expedition “What is Power?”, Year 8 students are visiting the York Grand Opera House on Tuesday 23rd January to see a performance of Macbeth. This is the English Literature text for their current expedition. The Presentation of Learning for this expedition will include a performance of Macbeth by your children in March.

The school day will start at the regular time. Students will be travelling down by coach from school departing at 10.15am. We will be eating lunch in York so students will need a packed lunch. If your child has free school meals we can provide a packed lunch.

The performance finishes at 2.45pm and we will return from York at 3.00pm by coach. We expect to be back at school at around 4.45pm but will update the website if there any traffic delays.

We are delighted to be able to provide this opportunity for our children.

Travel sickness medication

If your child needs to take travel sickness medication. For the return journey, it is important that we know if children are self-administering medication. If your child will be doing this, please ensure that please:

  • make sure that the medicine is in the original box and labelled with your child’s name
  • email [email protected] so that we are aware that your child will be taking medication during the visit.