G30 reminders for this week…

Outdoor area preparation

Thanks to the following G30 student leaders that have signed up to help prepare the school’s outdoor area for the final product for their ‘Hold Back the River’ learning expedition. This will take place during the students’ science session tomorrow.
Class 1: Olivia, Elina, James, Cameron, Molly
Class 2: George, Dylan, Isaac, Freya
The students above will need: shoes, clothes and a waterproof that can get muddy (and therefore may wish to bring a change of clothes / shoes).

Fieldwork to Durham University for all G30 students 

For G30’s Fieldwork at Durham University on Thursday, students will need:
  • Shoes that can get wet / or bring a second pair of trainers
  • The usual daily kit including a fully charged iPad
  • Sun Cream / sun hat / sunglasses
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Bug spray if required