G30’s First Week Back

We are delighted to share that Year 8 students (G30) have had an exceptional first week back at school. Not only have they settled in brilliantly, but they have also shown remarkable leadership skills as they worked collaboratively in their Crews to plan and execute fieldwork activities for the new Year 7 students (G31), who will be joining us next week.

Our G30 students demonstrated true craftsmanship and quality in their planning. They meticulously worked out routes, conducted extensive risk assessments, and created a range of resources for the fieldwork. Their attention to detail was evident as they planned carefully to ensure that the timings and costs of public transport would allow the fieldwork to be completed within the time allotted.

On Friday, the Crews put their plans into action, testing the effectiveness of their fieldwork activities. This hands-on approach not only allowed them to evaluate their own work but also provided a practical learning experience that will be invaluable when they complete their debrief and evaluation on Monday.

Crew Earhart and Crew Kahlo took on the challenge of enhancing both geographical enquiry and the study of beliefs and worldviews different from our own. Their fieldwork included a walk through Bill Quay Farm and along the Tyne River Trail to Hebburn Riverside Park, where they consolidated their learning on river processes and land use. After lunch, they visited the Dhamakaya Buddhist Centre in Hebburn, where they had the unique opportunity to learn about Buddhism and even participate in a meditation session with their teachers.


Crew Darling and Crew Einstein focused on a historical enquiry into Anglo-Saxon and monastic life in the Northeast. Their fieldwork took them to Jarrow Hall, where they explored farm and village life in Anglo-Saxon Jarrow and learned about the monastic life of St Bede. They also visited St Paul’s Church, walking in the footsteps of St Bede himself as they re-enacted a monk’s liturgical service in the Anglo-Saxon part of the church.

We are incredibly proud of the students for their excellent attitude towards learning and the true spirit of Crew they demonstrated throughout this first week back. Their hard work and dedication will set a wonderful example, and we are confident that their efforts will make a positive impact on the incoming Year 7 students.

G30’s Crew Leaders want to thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to another fantastic term ahead.