As part of our current expedition ‘Do your bit’ with the guiding question:
‘Why do we need to honour all those who sacrificed in WWI?’
We are carrying out religion and worldviews fieldwork at the Gurdwara Siri Guru Singh Sabha in Newcastle on Tuesday 11th February. This fieldwork will consolidate the studying the students are going to be doing about the involvement of the many Sikh soldiers who fought bravely for the empire during WW1.
The students will have an informative presentation and Q & A session with an expert, Rav Singh from ‘A Little History of the Sikhs’ in London, on 7th February as well as lessons which explore the beliefs and practices of Sikhi. This fieldwork will then provide the students with firsthand experiences and insights into the Sikh religious traditions that they have learned about.
Students should arrive for school as usual before 8.25am.
We will be travelling to the Gurdwara by metro from Heworth, leaving school at 9:00am and returning by 3:15pm.
As a mark of respect, and as is the case in many different religious buildings, students will need to cover their heads when in the Gurdwara – if they have their own bandana or thin headscarf to do this they can use that, otherwise they will be provided with one (which has been freshly laundered) on arrival at the Gurdwara. Hats and hoods are not an appropriate or acceptable head covering inside the Gurdwara. Students will also need to remove their shoes but leave on their socks whilst in the Gurdwara. Students need to be dressed modestly which in terms of going into the Gurdwara means shoulders and knees covered so no shorts or vest tops to be worn please.

One of the practices we will have learned about in the Sikh faith is Sewa which is selfless service or volunteering for the betterment of others and the community without expecting anything in return. Our students will be contributing to ‘Langar’ whilst there, helping to prepare the meal that will be eaten at lunchtime. Students will also be responsible for serving the lunch and clearing away. Sewa is activism which emphasises the importance of compassion, empathy and the selflessness needed in order to promote a caring community and therefore aligns perfectly with our character values here at XP.
The lunch that the students will help to prepare and then will be served to eat will be a vegetarian dhal and flatbread. If students would prefer to bring a packed lunch it MUST not contain any meat, fish or eggs and, as always, strictly no nuts). Lunch will be provided for students eligible for FSM if you request this.
We are looking forward to students being able to find out more about Sikhi and how the Gurdwara holds immense significance in the Sikh faith and community.
Last year’s cohort and staff found this a very enriching experience and we know that G31 will too!
If you have any questions about this fieldwork, please contact your child’s Crew Leader.