G31 – First Day and the Outward Bound Expedition at XP Gateshead

Students can be dropped off at XP Gateshead school from 8am on Tuesday 27th August 2024.

We will be leaving school at around 10.am to travel to Outward Bound, Howtown Centre, Penrith CA10 2ND on Ullswater.

The journey to Howtown will take approximately 2.5 hours by coach and we do not intend to stop at a service station.

Students must bring a packed lunch in a plastic bag and this will be eaten on arrival at the centre. Meals will then be provided from that evening onwards.

All students need to bring their belongings in a suitable bag (e.g. a holdall or small suitcase) with their names displayed on a tag or written on the bag. Students may want to bring a small bag, wallet or purse to bring smaller personal items with them on the coach.

We expect to be back at school around 3.30pm on Friday, but will update the school website if there any delays.

Personal Kit List:

  • 1 large bag or suitcase to take kit on the coach
  • 2 bin bags –  to store wet and dirty clothes
  • 1 pair of trainers for getting wet – these trainers will definitely get wet so it is important that you have a second pair.
  • A second pair of trainers to stay dry for day to day wear – these are likely to get muddy so preferably not new.
  • 3 sweatshirts, jumpers, hoodies or fleeces – Fleeces are ideal as they dry quickly but any of the other items are a good substitute. You should include at least one warmer fleece for your expedition.
  • 3 pairs of trousers – Lightweight trousers (not denim) such as walking trousers, leggings or tracksuit bottoms.
  • 3 T-shirts – Aim for tops that cover shoulders from the sun.
  • 1 long-sleeved base layer/top 
  • 1 pair of shorts – Not denim
  • 1 pair of nightwear/pyjamas
  • 1 set of casual clothes for around the centre
  • 7 sets of underwear including socks – This is a minimum number. Trainer socks aren’t recommended as they may cause blisters.
  • At least 2 pairs of thick walking socks
  • Sunhat, sunglasses, suncream – don’t bring expensive sunglasses, suncream needs to be at least factor 30.
  • 1 set of warm hat and gloves
  • At least 1 towel – Quick drying microfibre towels are great. You will need a towel for showering and on activities, so bring at least one.
  • Watch with alarm if possible
  • 1 set of swimwear plus t-shirt and shorts for use in water
  • Toiletries – including soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, blister kit, plasters, insect repellent, lip salve, hand sanitiser, wet wipes. Please note that aerosols are prohibited on the Outward Bound site.
  • 1 pair of flip slops or sandals – optional
  • £10 deposit

Some of the activities will involve getting wet at some point, so please make sure your son/daughter has plenty of spare dry clothes to change into.

XP School Trust and Outward Bound encourage students to bring magazines and/or books for them to read in their dormitories at night before lights out.  Each bed has a light allowing students to read whilst not disturbing other students in the room.


If your son/daughter needs travel sickness tablets please ensure they take them before we depart school.

If your son/daughter needs to take medication during the course of the trip, or has travel sickness tablets for the return journey, please ensure the medication comes in its original packaging along with instructions for when the medicine needs to be taken and your son’s/daughter’s name written clearly on it.  All medication except inhalers must be handed to your crew leader before departing from school. 

All medication must have been documented on the medical consent form and signed.


A refundable £10 deposit is required for each student for the use of the Outward Bound’s specialist activity/safety equipment. This must be handed to crew leaders before departure  in a sealed envelope with your son’s/daughter’s name on it. 


The signal for mobile phones can be unreliable. Students will not be allowed to take their phones with them on their daily activities. They will be handed into crew leaders and left securely on site. The students will have access to their mobile phones at a specified point in the evening. If you need to get hold of a member of staff and/or get a message to your son/daughter please telephone the appropriate Outward Bound centre:

Howtown Centre Phone: 017684 86272

Please contact myself or your crew leader if you have any further questions.


Martin Said

[email protected]