G31 Year 6 Transition Days next week

For year 6 students, each day will start at 8.25am with students able to arrive from 8.00am.

Each day will end at 3.15pm.


Students can have a delicious school lunch or a packed lunch.If you have not already done so, please can you complete this Google form to let us know of your child’s dinner choices for each day.

At break and lunchtime, we will have activities led by our existing student leaders.

Dress Code

Some students choose to come in their primary school uniform or PE kit, however this is not necessary. Students need to dress modestly and appropriately for a day of learning in school. More details of our dress code can be found here.

Students will be introduced to PE at XP on Tuesday, so we recommend trainers and clothing appropriate for sports on Tuesday so that a change of clothes is not needed.


Plans for the days

Our guiding question for the two days will be:

“What will it take for me to be the best version of myself at XP?”

Tuesday 2nd July

On Tuesday students will experience Crew, Humanities and English, PE and Spanish.

We will end the day with a Community Meeting where students will make appreciations to each other connected to our character traits of courage, respect, integrity, craftsmanship & quality, and above all compassion. Our student leaders will support and model this process – as they will have been supporting in their sessions throughout the day.

Wednesday 3rd July

On Wednesday students will have another Crew, Art and STEAM sessions in Maths and Science.

Again we will finish the day with a Community Meeting to celebrate the beautiful work and character of our newest students over the two days.


Tuesday 9th July – Meet your child’s Crew Leader

Our ‘Meet the Crew Leader’ will be hosted in school. This is an important opportunity for families to meet their child’s Crew Leader and being forming the strong relationship that will be needed to support and challenge your child to become the best version of themselves. This event is for adults from families only, you should not bring your child to this event.

This event will start at 5pm on Tuesday evening and is expected to last for around 45 minutes.


Ullswater Participant Form

If you have not already done so, please complete the participant form for Ullswater. More details on how to do this can be found here.


We are so excited to welcome G31 into their new school next week, and meeting you all again in the week after.