Gurdwara Fieldwork – Monday 21st February

We are carrying out fieldwork at the Gurdwara Siri Guru Singh Sabha off Westgate Road in Newcastle on Monday morning, travelling by coach from school at 9am. Students should arrive for school as usual before 8.25am.

We will be returning to school after lunch for sessions 4 and 5 so students will finish the school day at the normal time.

We will be eating lunch at the Gurdwara, which will be a vegetarian dhal and flatbread.

If students would prefer to bring a packed lunch it must be vegetarian. Lunches will be provided for students eligible for free school meals.

Students will need to cover their heads when in the Gurdwara. If they have their own bandana then they can use this, otherwise they will be provided with one (which has been freshly laundered) on arrival at the Gurdwara.

We are looking forward to students being able to find out more about Sikhism and how temples operate as part of our expedition ‘Do your bit’ in order to answer the guiding question:

‘Why do we need to honour all those who sacrificed in WWI?’