As you know our presentation of learning will take place on Thursday 30th March, from 5.30pm until around 7.15pm.
Could I ask that you please fill in this short Google Form, letting us know how many guests will be attending.
The venue is Caedmon Hall, which is part of Gateshead Central Library.

As is always the case for presentations of learning, there is an expectation that at least one family member attends the event to celebrate your children’s hard work over the course of this term.
Students have been asked to bring their regular day to day kit and to wear plain clothing, ideally black or dark as they are all performing or directing as part of the Macbeth performance. There are no changing facilities at the venue other than toilets so we suggest that students come dressed for the performance in the morning.
We will be transporting the students to the hall via coach in the morning. At the end of the presentation, students will be released into the care of the adult(s) in attendance.
Students will require a packed lunch for the day. If your child usually has free school meals we can provide a packed lunch for them.
Students are welcome to bring healthy snacks or a packed tea into school for them to eat after the school day, before the presentation.