About XP Gateshead

XP Gateshead is an exciting and innovative new small secondary school for 11-16 year olds, from the XP School Trust. The school will be based on the same model as strikingly successful XP Schools in Doncaster.

XP School Doncaster opened in 2014. and is heavily influenced by the extremely successful practices of High Tech High and EL Education (Expeditionary Learning) schools, USA. Our strategic vision is defined by our Design Principles.

XP School Doncaster was inspected by Ofsted in July 2017 and found to be “Outstanding” in all areas.

XP School Doncaster has also recently received its first set of GCSE results in Summer 2019. The fantastic results are a credit to the students and the team at XP.

XP East opened in 2017, creating a campus of two schools in Doncaster.

The location for XP Gateshead is the site of the former Thomas Hepburn Community Academy school in High Felling, which closed in 2019.

We will open in late August 2021, welcoming 50 students into Year 7 from across the whole of Gateshead. Each year we will add an additional cohort of 50 students. The school will have 250 students in 2025.

Our curriculum is academically rigorous, standards-based and university-bound. The signature element of our curriculum is study through cross-subject Learning Expeditions. Learning Expeditions are academically rigorous and connect students to their community and the world.

Our academic aim is that all our students are able to go to university after experiencing seven years of working hard, getting smart and being kind.

At XP Schools we have a relentless focus on beautiful work and character growth.

As a consequence, our students make outstanding academic progress.


Click here to view our Prospectus

XP – OUR SCHOOL from Gwyn ap Harri on Vimeo.

XP – OUR PARENTS from Gwyn ap Harri on Vimeo.

XP – OUR STUDENTS from Gwyn ap Harri on Vimeo.

XP – OUR TEACHERS from Gwyn ap Harri on Vimeo.

  1. Hello. I am a facility manager at a secondary Academy in Durham.
    Will you be requiring an FM and if so where would I find details?



    • Martin Said

      Hi Neil, if successful in our application we will be going out for applications for posts in the school. We will get a decision on the success of our application in Summer 2020. At that point we would then add a vacancies section to our website. We will also shortly be adding a subscribe option to this website so you can get emails when we update the website. Thanks.

  2. Kati Donlan

    Thank you for your enthusiasm and openness at this evening’s meeting. Your teaching model sounds really interesting and exciting. Best of luck with your application.

    • Martin Said

      Hi Melanie, I’m just about to post an update on the homepage now. No news as yet though sorry.

  3. brian cree

    can you advise which companies are working on constructing the site as i am Electrician looking for work

    • Martin Said

      Hi Brian, following what we hope will be a successful application we hope to use the former Thomas Hepburn school site. However the final site would be determined after going through due diligence with the DfE, looking at a range of options. At the moment we are still waiting to hear back about the success or otherwise of our application, so we are unable to say any more at this stage unfortunately.

  4. Helen armstrong

    Hi I’m wanting to apply for my son who will start 2021 September how do I go about this please.

    • Good afternoon Helen, thanks so much for getting in touch.

      We anticipate that the application process will be similar to what happens in our two secondary school in the Doncaster local authority.

      In terms of making application for September 2021, the guidance we have been given is that we should find out whether or not we have been successful in our bid to open the school in the next month.

      We’re still aiming for a September 2021 opening and if approved will work with the local authority to make sure that parents have enough time in terms of application to our school.

      We will have a separate application process to other Gateshead schools for that first year of opening, and since the announcement from government has been delayed we will look to have a later application deadline for our school too. However we’d ask Gateshead Local Authority to oversee our separate process too in order to ensure fairness.

      Our proposed site is at the former Thomas Hepburn building in the east of the borough, although again that would need to go through due process.

      I’m in contact with the local authority today and we should be able to post something on Monday about how you can officially register your interest in applying, even though we can’t officially take any applications until the government gives us the go-head.

      As soon as we hear anything about the go-ahead for the school, we’ll post on Facebook and our website straight away.

      • Fiona Trainer

        Hello I have applied for my son to start gateshead school September 2021 I saw a post on facebook and I was wondering if you had recieved the application

        • Martin Said

          Hi Fiona, yes we have received it. We will be posting more information about our virtual open evening shortly. Best of luck!

  5. Rachel Jarman

    I’m interested to know what roles would be coming up for Senior Management and Heads of Subject?

    • Martin Said

      Good evening Rachel. When the school is approved, we will be looking to appoint a Principal and Deputy initially. Over the years we will add additional leadership positions as we grow the school. Please keep an eye out on the website for notifications of vacancies.

  6. Will you be recruiting teaching staff soon as I’m a qualified pe and dance teacher.


    • Martin Said

      Good evening, we will go out to advertise for staff once given the final approval by the DfE. Initially we will be looking to appoint a small team of teachers and building the team over the first five years of opening. Please keep an eye out on our website for notifications of any vacancies.

  7. Caroline Quinn


    Just wondering -given the lack of quality education provided in the area.. would you consider enrolling year 8 students in 2021 if demand was high enough ??

    • Martin Said

      Initially we will be accepting applications for Year 7 only I am afraid. We will build the school year on year, to full capacity after five years.

  8. Fascinating to read of your vision for an XP. in Gateshead, Martin. Wishing you every success with this new venture.
    “Above all – compassion”; what a great tagline.

    • Hi Sarah, we are still taking applications from parents. Please see our admissions page (under parents on the top menu). There are some FAQ there too.

  9. Lee Whitfield


    Just making an enquiry as to whether you will be posting job roles related to student welfare/pastoral-based for the new site in Gateshead?


    • Good evening Lee. Our pastoral structure is similar to a primary model, with phase leads responsible for welfare and student wellbeing. Crucial to this is the role of crew leader. The phase leads and crew leaders will come from the teachers and learning coaches that we appoint. We will advertise for Learning Coaches soon, once we have finished our round of appointments for teaching posts.

  10. Hello, I applied for my son the gateshead school quite a while ago. When will we be finding out if he has been allocated a place?

  11. Monica Gracia

    Hi, I applied for my son a few days ago and I would like to know if have you got our application!
    I worked on a similar project a long time ago, back in Colombia and I very excited to know about this new model, here in Gateshead!! Bravo

    • Martin Said

      Good morning Monica, apologies for the delay in response, yes we have received your details thanks.

  12. Alan Wright

    Hi, I’m hoping to apply for my son to join XP Gateshead next September 2022, is the an opening day in the next few weeks, many thanks

    • Martin Said

      Hi Alan, we will post details of our open evening events as soon as we can. COVID allowing we hope to have in person events early in October yes. Please subscribe to our website by entering your details onto the widget at the side of the screen and you will be updated when we post. (The widget is at the bottom of the screen on a phone or tablet)

  13. Hello could you please tell me when applications will be out for September 2022 please

  14. Hi, I want my daughter to apply to this school as soon as I can, she is currently in Year 9, will it be possible for her to get a place?

    • Hi Naomi, we do not have a Year 9 sorry. We have Year 7 at the moment and will build the school year on year.

    • Martin Said

      Hi Jamie, the sports hall is part of the building that is ran by the Local Authority, but we do know it is not currently available to hire sorry.

      • Jamie buchanan

        Thank you, hopefully in the future it becomes available to hire.

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