We are delighted to announce that through our partnership with the Confucius Institute and Newcastle University, we will have our first session of Mandarin Club starting tomorrow after school until 4.30 – open to students from all year groups.

The sessions are interactive and great fun, and are aimed at developing conversational speaking, writing and listening in one of the most spoken languages in the world.

Students can come along tomorrow and get a taster session. Previous students from Year 9 and 10 really enjoyed their sessions when we have had these are part of LOOL in Key Stage 3.

Dear Families

What a great first week back it has been! Our students have returned well and quickly got back into the swing of things, working hard and enjoying the great learning opportunities they have had this week. We’ve had some amazing expert sessions in and outside of school which continue to feed into current expedition work supporting our students in their response to their guiding questions.

G31 – How can stories influence and shape communities?

Work has started on our final product of folk songs – more below about an expert visitor this week. Students also have been continuing to learn about our region’s history including the reformation during the reign of Henry VIII and have also been continuing to learn about the particle model in science which was harnessed during the industrial revolution – another stop on our history of Gateshead and its place in Britain.

G30 – What does it mean to be human?

Our Year 8 students had a fantastic week, carrying out fieldwork at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Sheriff Hill and interviewed Humanist experts in school. The fieldwork connected to the work students have been studying in STEAM sessions on gas exchange and circulatory  systems. Students enjoyed hands-on sessions  in the Respiratory Simulation Room and met the clinical lead for organ donation. They also got the chance to see the area where their final art product “Reflecting Humanity” will be exhibited. 

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Our students enjoyed their session with a Humanist expert who spoke to them about the Humanist belief that we have one life and therefore should ensure we make the most of our time on Earth by living the best life possible for ourselves and others, including future generations. As is always the case, the experts praised the high quality questions and discussions they had with our students and the maturity they demonstrated.

G29 – How are structures important in helping us to explain our world?

This week our Year 9 students worked alongside experts from Newcastle University making audio recordings of the built environment which will be manipulated so that they can be used as part of the audio installation that students will produce as part of the ‘Concrete Dreams’ exhibition at the Farrell Centre. In addition to the audio for the soundscapes that have now been recorded, students will be interviewing members of the community to collect oral histories of the iconic original car park on the Trinity Square site.


G28 – How did bonding help the Vikings forge a strong legacy? / Is charity enough?

Students this week were able to make connections between both of their learning expeditions in Year 10.

In Science they have been carrying out a required practical which requires the preparation of a pure, dry sample of a soluble salt from an insoluble oxide or carbonate using a Bunsen burner to heat dilute  acid and a water bath to evaporate the solvent. Students also reinforced the importance of: using appropriate heating devices safely, using appropriate apparatus and techniques, including a suitable choice of reactants and the safe use of equipment to purify mixtures. All of this is leading to students being able to analyse viking artefacts, based on connecting their properties to their chemical structure and internal bonding.

In HUMAN students had an expert session with local members of the Dickens Society, who were able to help students to make connections between themes in the book of charity, community and bonds, and also root these in the context in which Dickens was writing A Christmas Carol. More information soon on how students will put their learning to use in an event in school for our community designed to tackle loneliness at Christmas and beyond!

G30’s stunning Memory Lane Radio broadcast 

I think that the  biggest highlight of our week though must be our G30 radio  broadcast of unheard voices from WWI. This was played on Memory Lane Radio on Sunday 11th November at 11am as part of their Armistice Day programme. Listening to the beautiful voices and words of all 50 of our students was simply stunning, their writing was powerful and really emotive. If you didn’t get the chance to tune in on Sunday, here is the link to the recording.

I highly recommend you get a cup of tea, sit back and enjoy the 55 min programme.

Our week ahead 

PE sessions this week

Our PE sessions this week are as follows. Please ensure that your child has their  full PE kit.

  • All G30 students (Year 8) have PE on Monday..
  • For G31 students (Year 7)
    •  G31 Class 1 students have PE on Tuesday.
    • G31 Class 2 students have PE on Wednesday.
  • All G29 students (Year 9) have PE on Thursday.
  • All G28 students (Year 10) have PE on Thursday.

Extended Study and Clubs

Our clubs will all run this week (see schedule below) along with extended study sessions every day except Friday. Our before-school fitness and running clubs on Tuesday and Thursday will start at the earlier time of 7.45am this week.

For a small school, we offer a wide selection of enrichment opportunities to our students and this week we are adding Mandarin Club to the list. Please encourage your child to get involved in our clubs (lunchtime or after school) to explore their interests or find new ones. Being active or creative, learning new things and being part of a team helps connect us and boost our mental wellbeing.  

Working with experts, fieldwork and PoLs


Our year 7 students are this week meeting with Clare Price, who is the wife of David Price OBE who sadly passed away in May this year. David was a friend and advocate of XP Gateshead and was a renowned figure in the world of education. As part of their final product, students in year 7 are writing folk songs about important local figures from our region’s history – and one of those songs will be about David. We look forward to being able to perform our songs to you in December at our PoL in St Mary’s church in Heworth

G28 – RS Conference: ‘Poverty – a Humanist Concern’  

A group of our year 10 students are attending a conference on Friday. The purpose of the event is to bring together key individuals and organisations to share best practice: politicians, funders, schools, charities – including recipients of North East Humanists’ own microgrants scheme, and ‘Support and Grow’ who provide invaluable support in their local community. 

Families of children that are attending have been contacted by Mrs Ross.

POLs (Presentations of Learning) this term – dates for your diary – all now confirmed

  • G31’s PoL will be on the evening of Monday 16th December at St. Mary’s church in Heworth at 4.30pm.
  • G30’s PoL will be on Wednesday 18th December in school at 4.30pm.
  • G29’s PoL will be on the evening of Wednesday 11th December at the Farrell Centre and Great North Museum in Newcastle University Campus at 3.45pm.
  • G28’s PoL will be on Thursday 19th December in school at 4.30pm.

As usual if you have any questions about your son or daughter please get in touch with your child’s Crew Leader in the first instance or email general enquiries to [email protected].

Julie Mosley

On Armistice Sunday, as part of Remembrance, Year 8’s final product from their expedition ‘Do your bit‘ will be broadcast on Memory Lane Radio.

This includes extracts of students’ creative writing about unheard voices from World War 1 supporting them to answer the guiding question: ‘Why is it important that we honour all of those who sacrificed in WWI?’

You can listen live by clicking on this link and pressing the play button at 11am on Sunday morning.

What a fantastic way for our students work to connect with their community and a listenership of over 100,000 people!

Sharing our Stories: 08/11/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

Jeff Tech High

This October half term, 9 members of staff from across XP Trust travelled to San Diego to work with the best project based learning teacher in the world – Jeff Robin. Each teacher brought with them a personally crafted exemplar – a tangible product of their passion and planning – to refine and inspire transformative future Expeditions.

Inspired by Jeff’s groundbreaking work at High Tech High, the school that inspired XP, they sought to elevate their teaching through creativity, activism, and lasting legacy. Away from the familiar, they embraced new ideas in a setting that ignited their imagination…

Stay tuned for the full length documentary and story of Jeff Tech High…

Green Top’s new Sensory Room!

Stay & Play at Carcroft!

Open Day @ Norton Infants

Top of the Blogs

Fun in the autumn leaves @ Norton Infants

Investigation Friction @ Green Top

Fieldwork Explorers @ Plover

Air Resistance – Parachutes @ Carcroft School

Celebrating 70 Years of Lord of the Flies @ XP School

Norton Remembers @ Norton Juniors

Beautiful Work from Danny in G28 @ XP Gateshead

Crew White Supports the Eve Merton Trust @ XP East

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Beautiful work from Danny in G28

We are delighted to announce that Danny in G28 has been selected to play for Durham County Cricket club under 15s after attending many training sessions and trials.

His hard work and dedication has paid off! Out of over 700 juniors in the north east, 40 were selected to attend trials and with a view to then being selected to represent Durham in the 2025 season.

Danny’s talent stood out and the coaches have therefore selected him to play for Durham. We know that Danny is going to make a massive difference to this team due to his passion for the game, determination and skills.

He has started his intense training this week to make sure he is ready for the upcoming season.

Well done Danny!

G29 Student-Led Conferences

G29 will have student led conferences earlier than other cohorts this year. This is because later in the year they will be carrying out Passage Presentations about their readiness for GCSE studies.

Student-Led Conferences for G29 will take place in the fortnight commencing Monday 25th November. More details on how to book a slot for your child’s SLC will be posted soon.

G29 Presentation of Learning

We are delighted to confirm the date and start time for G29’s presentation of learning for their expedition: Another brick in the wall with the Guiding Question “How are structures important in helping us to explain our world?

The presentation of learning will take place at The Farrell Centre and Newcastle University.

This will be on Wednesday 11th December starting at 3.45pm.

This is a change to earlier date that we had advertised. The Farrell Centre is a national centre for architecture, and this means that we will not only be able to use the centre for the evening but students will also get another experience of a University Campus and spend time preparing at the centre during the daytime too.

We expect for the presentation of learning to last around one hour, with two parts each in a separate building. We will provide a map and directions closer to the date.

We look forward to seeing all G29 families on December 11th.

G30 fieldwork tomorrow – reminder

A reminder that tomorrow Year 8 will be carrying out fieldwork at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Sheriff Hill.

Students will walk to the hospital from school but will be in school for lunch so no packed lunch is needed.

Comfortable shoes and a warm coat are needed.

The fieldwork will connect to the work students have been studied on the gas exchange and circulatory systems and our guiding question: “What does it mean to be human?”

Students will be involved in sessions in the respiratory simulation room and meet the clinical lead for organ donation who has commissioned the students’ artwork.

Dear Families

Welcome back after what I hope has been a restful and safe half term holiday.

We are looking forward to seeing all of our students back this week, raring to go and ready to continue their hard work on current expeditions.

As always, a return to school gives us all the opportunity to make a strong start in terms of getting into good habits and being organised. I would like to remind everyone of the importance of punctuality, attendance and being fully prepared for learning and ask for your support in this to make sure that all of our students are getting it right.


All students need to be in school for an 8.30am start so they must arrive by 8.25am at the latest. A minority of students were frequently late for school last half term which impacted on the learning of others (staff and students). Please talk to your child about their punctuality and ensure that they are arriving on time every day. 


At XPG we celebrate attendance and will support those students and families who need to improve their attendance. Snapshots will be shared with you this half term which include attendance information and Crew Leaders will be talking with students and their families  about how important attendance is to academic achievement and success in school.

As you may have seen in the news, school attendance continues to be a concern across the country. At XPG, we were proud of our attendance last year with attendance figures higher than local and national. There is no doubt that this was down to the hard work of all – students, parents/carers, Crew Leaders and our inclusion team. We all understand that school attendance is vital to the life chances of young people and that being in school improves health, wellbeing and socialisation throughout life. 

In the winter months we are all more susceptible to mild respiratory illnesses including general cold symptoms. It is usually appropriate for parents and carers to send their children to school at these times but it can be tricky making these decisions. The following NHS guidance includes information which may be useful – NHS ‘Is my child too ill for school?’ guidance.

Please share any worries you have around attendance or punctuality with your childs’ Crew Leader. We will be in contact with families where attendance or punctuality is a concern and put supportive improvement plans in place.

Being organised

As always, students need to bring a school bag every day with the following items

  • A filled water bottle
  • Pencil case including: pens, pencils, ruler, eraser and pencil sharpener
  • A fully charged iPad
  • Headphones – ideally not expensive ones
  • A healthy snack for break (no confectionery (sweets), fizzy drinks or energy drinks, nut products)
  • A notebook
  • A reading book (e-reader book, school library book or book from home)

As you know, we ask for very few financial contributions from families but I would like to request that the following items are added to the kit list to support us in our spend on resources

  • A gluestick
  • A purple biro pen
  • A highlighter pen

Please make sure your son/daughter is fully equipped for learning and contact us if there are any problems.

Our week ahead 

Working with experts and fieldwork

G30 – What does it mean to be human?

G30 Students are carrying out fieldwork at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital connected to their studies in Science around organ systems in the human body. They will also meet our contact at the hospital who has commissioned their final product: artwork which promotes organ donation.  More details on this fieldwork can be found here

G30 also have sessions with our longstanding humanist experts, who will help student to build on their learning about the golden rule of humanism, and uncover more about the Humanist belief that we have one life and therefore should ensure we make the most of our time on Earth by living the best life possible for ourselves and others, including future generations.

G29 – How are structures important in helping us to explain our world? 

G29 students are working alongside experts this week to make audio recordings of the built environment which can then be manipulated so that they can be used as part of the audio installation that students will produce as part of the ‘Concrete Dreams’ exhibition at the Farrell Centre.

G28 – Is charity enough

Connected to their studies of Dickens’  A Christmas Carol, G28 students will have a sessions with experts from the local Dickens society, giving students more contextual knowledge about Dickens’ life and how this informed the theme of charity in this novella and his other writing.

PE sessions this week

Our PE sessions this week are as follows. Please ensure that your child has their  full PE kit.

  • All G30 students (Year 8) have PE on Monday..
  • For G31 students (Year 7)
    •  G31 Class 1 students have PE on Tuesday.
    • G31 Class 2 students have PE on Wednesday.
  • All G29 students (Year 9) have PE on Thursday.
  • All G28 students (Year 10) have PE on Thursday.

Extended Study and Clubs

Our clubs will all run this week (see schedule below) along with extended study sessions every day except Friday. Our before-school fitness and running clubs on Tuesday and Thursday will start at the earlier time of 7.45am this week.

Important dates for your diaries for next half-term

PoLs are used as an opportunity for students to showcase their learning from their most current learning expedition. PoLs enable students to grow their character and further embed their learning through presenting their work in front of a range of authentic audiences and in a variety of contexts. In addition, students develop oracy skills by presenting to different audiences and in different contexts which builds confidence and further allows students to grow their character whilst developing key skills. We expect for every child to have a family member there to support them.

Below are the dates for our PoLs (Presentations of Learning) next term. 

  • G31’s PoL will be on the evening of Monday 16th December at St. Mary’s church in Heworth. Start time is to be confirmed but we expect at around 5.30pm.
  • G30’s PoL will be on Wednesday 18th December in school at 4.30pm.
  • G29’s PoL will be on the evening of Wednesday 11th December at the Farrell Centre in Newcastle University Campus. Start time is to be confirmed.
  • G28’s PoL will be on Thursday 19th December in school at 4.30pm.

As usual if you have any questions about your son or daughter please get in touch with your child’s Crew Leader in the first instance or email general enquiries to [email protected].

Julie Mosley

Flu Immunisation in school – Autumn 2024

The NHS flu vaccination programme will commence this half-term for all students.

The following date has been planned for XP Gateshead:  26/11/2024

Could all families please complete the attached link if you have not already done so. https://www.northumbria immunisations.co.uk/Forms/Flu 

The school code is: NB148617

Here is a link to a video explaining how the nasal spray works if your child has any concerns.