Year 6 Open Evening – Booking is now open

We are pleased to be able to announce more details for our Open Evening on Tuesday 1st October at 5.45pm.

This is an event for families that are considering XP Gateshead as a destination school for their children in the next academic year (from September 2025).

IMPORTANT – Signing up to the event

Please take the time to read our prospectus before signing up to the event.

As we are anticipating a very high level of interest in these evenings ,and due to our limited size and space in our current temporary building, you will need to sign up for this event to be able to attend which was indicated in the secondary admissions booklet sent to you by Gateshead Council.

We are limiting the number of places to three places per family, including your child in Year 6.

Last year there were some families that could not be accommodated on the evening as they had not booked in advance. Due to our limited space, if you have not booked in advance, you will not be able to attend on the evening.

Please do not attempt to sign up if your children are currently in Year 5 or below. All of the above will mean that we can accommodate as many Year 6 families as possible.

You can book your place at this even by clicking on this link.

Julie Mosley


XP Gateshead


Sharing our Stories: 20/09/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

Yorkshire Sport Foundation – Opening School Facilities at Plover

Check out this actively awesome video courtesy of Yorkshire Sport Foundation. The children and staff at Plover were superstars in explaining their positive experiences regarding the OSF funding they secured last year, to provide after school and community clubs! Plover have been lucky enough to secure some OSF funding this year too, so watch this space for Community Clubs starting in October! #LovePlover

Beautiful Curation!

We don’t just ensure our work is made public – it needs to live inside our school communities, too! More beautiful work has been curated at Plover School, celebrating their ‘Pride of Plover’ award winners and recent Expedition products!

‘If we get staff Crew right, we get everything right…’

One of our great friends and mentors, Ron Berger, once said to us that ‘staff culture can never outpace student culture.’ With this firmly at the forefront of our minds we set out last week on our bi-annual outdoor staff induction process with a group of educators from across our Trust. 

We headed out into the wilderness to answer the guiding question, ‘What does it mean to be Crew?’ through a number of shared experiences and activities our Crew formed very quickly. We explored the purpose of Crew deeply and considered how we could make Crew even stronger on our return to our respective schools so that we continue to create the culture in which our students grow their character and make our community and the world a better place for everyone.

Below is an immediate reflection from one of our XP educators:

‘This experience has helped me to understand the building of community. The support that other members of our Crew showed this week has been immense. There have been some activities that have been challenging but everybody has been supportive whilst giving positive challenge so that everybody has been able to push themselves in a safe environment where everybody trusts each other and it’s lifted me and made me feel that I can achieve anything I put my mind to with the support of other people.’  – Louise

It was an honour and privilege to support and challenge our adults to reflect on the imperative we all have at XP to become and create great learners and even better human beings!

We are Crew!

Andy Sprakes and Kate ap Harri

Student Showcase for Year 6 at XP Doncaster

We’re got vacancies across XP Trust!

Find out more and apply here to #JoinOurCrew

LKS2 Teacher at Plover School

Year 5 Teacher/Leader at Carcroft School

F2 Teacher/Leader at Carcroft School

Top of the Blogs

EYFS Community Meeting @ Norton Infants

Class 7 eBook day! @ Green Top

Fun Family Learning @ Plover

Hooking in to Expedition @ Carcroft School

Crew Pasteur Check In! @ XP School

Fieldwork @ Norton Juniors

Weekly Update for Families @ XP Gateshead

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Year 6 Open Evening


Beautiful Work – Character Growth – Academic Success

We are pleased to be able to announce more details for our Open Evening on Tuesday 1st October at 5.45pm.

This is an event for families that are considering XP Gateshead as a destination school for their children in the next academic year (from September 2025).

IMPORTANT – Signing up to the event

As we are anticipating a very high level of interest in these evenings ,and due to our limited size and space in our current temporary building, you will need to sign up for this event to be able to attend which was indicated in the secondary admissions booklet sent to you by Gateshead Council.

We are limiting the number of places to three places per family, including your child in Year 6.

Last year there were some families that could not be accommodated on the evening as they had not booked in advance. We will also ask primary schools to pass on this message this week, specifically about the need to book and restrictions on how many family members can attend. Please do not attempt to sign up if your children are currently in Year 5 or below. All of the above will mean that we can accommodate as many Year 6 families as possible.

If you are interested in our school and have not already done so you can subscribe to get updates from our website by looking for this button on our homepage:

We will post an updated version of our prospectus later this week, along with the booking form for the event.

Julie Mosley


XP Gateshead


Dear Families

We have continued to be impressed with our students this week and the HOWLs (habits of work and learning) they are exhibiting in sessions. It has been great to see the fantastic start G31 have made and hear the praise from the team who work with our new cohort. 

On Friday it was wonderful to hear students’ appreciations, apologies and stands during our online Key Stage 3 (G31, G30, G29) Community Meeting at the end of the day.  The language our students use around our character values and HOWLs shows a real depth of understanding and commitment to character development. These are not just words on a wall at XPG.

Great North Run Junior

Congratulations to all of our students that ran, or supported the Great North Run last week. A big well done to Mrs Diamond, Señorita Quested and Miss Tatters for completing the big run on Sunday last week too.

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Guiding Questions

At the start of this last week immersion came to the end for all  year groups. After lots of wondering and suggestions, students in G31 enjoyed the big reveal to find out their expedition guiding questions.

GQs (guiding questions) are a crucial part of the anatomy of an expedition.

GQs influence, shape and act as a reference point for student learning. GQs provoke thinking and deepen learning throughout the 12 week expedition and allow students to be engaged in authentic and purposeful work which makes connections between different subject areas and disciplines. During the course of a learning expedition, our children experience a range of case studies, with challenging texts which deepen their understanding and help them to develop an answer to the rich GQ for the expedition.

Presentations of Learning

At XP we make our work public. One of the most important ways we do this is through Presentations of Learning (PoLs). PoLs usually take place towards the end of expeditions and they are used as an opportunity for students to showcase their learning from their most current learning expedition. PoLs enable students to grow their character and further embed their learning through presenting their work in front of a range of authentic audiences and in a variety of contexts. In addition, students develop oracy skills by presenting to different audiences and in different contexts which builds confidence and further allows students to grow their character whilst developing key skills.

This terms’ Guiding Questions and Presentation of Learning dates are:

G31 – “How can stories influence and shape communities?” The presentation of learning for this event will be held on the evening of  Monday 16th December at St Mary’s Church in Heworth. Please keep this evening free in your diaries. We will confirm a start time as soon as we can, but typically Presentations of Learning begin around 4.30pm to 5.00pm and last for around 60-90 minutes.

G30“What does it mean to be Human?” G30’s presentation of learning will be held on Wednesday 18th December in school.

G29“How are structures important in helping us to explain our world?” G29 have an exciting presentation of learning on the Newcastle University campus at the Farrell Centre on Thursday 12th December.

G28 – Study two expeditions this term with GQ’s  “How did bonding help the Vikings forge a strong legacy?” and “Why could ‘A Christmas Carol’ be thought of as the ultimate Christmas story?” The combined presentation of learning for these expeditions will be held in school on Thursday 19th December in school.

Our week ahead 

PE sessions this week

Please can parents make sure that their child has a PE kit  for PE sessions. We expect students to change into their appropriate PE kit, and not wear the same clothes they wear in school. Similarly, students must change out of PE kit afterwards, into their normal school clothes. For safety, jewellery must be removed and hair must be tied back.

  • G31 students (Year 7) – Class 1 PE sessions take place on Tuesday, Class 2 PE sessions take place on Wednesday.
  • G30 students (Year 8) have PE on Monday.
  • G29 students (Year 9) have PE on Thursday.
  • G28 students (Year 10) have PE on Thursday.

Extended Study 

Teachers have started to set extended study and students have begun to build their extended study timetable. In a typical week, for Years 7-9 there is around 45-60 mins set  per night. Each subject area sets the extended study and it is due on the same day each week, so that students can organise their time and get into good habits around additional study outside of sessions.

There is a step up in expectations at GCSE in Year 10 and beyond. All GCSE-level courses now have examinations as their main form of assessment. There is a lot of content that students need to internalise and it is just not possible for students to do this in Year 11 in the run up to their examinations. As such, students are expected to spend more time on their extended study in comparison to Years 7-9. This means that there should be no need to rely on cramming in Year 11 and students should be in good habits around working outside of sessions in readiness for the revision needed to be successful.. We will publish the regular schedule for the setting of and the deadlines for extended study for Year 10 later this week.

After school extended study sessions will start this week.

We offer extended study sessions from 3:15pm – 4:30pm Monday – Thursday.  Students attending these sessions must stay for the full session until the end at 4.30pm. These sessions allow students to work with their peers and staff on extended study tasks in school where support is on hand. Extended study is optional for most students but for some who struggle to complete and miss deadlines, extended study may be directed.

We will be launching our new lunchtime and after school clubs programme by the end of September.

Staff Development Days

We have staff days each term at XP so that our teachers can collaborate across the Trust to create and deliver the high quality curriculum that our students study. These are shown in blue on our calendar.

This week and next sees the first of our staff days where students are not expected to be in school.

  • Friday 20th September – Staff Development Day 
  • Monday 23rd September – Staff Development Day 

On staff days our students do not attend school and there is no expectation that they complete work beyond their regularly set extended study (homework). Students will find this work on Google classroom.

Students are expected back to school on Tuesday 24th September by 8:25am at the latest.

As usual if you have any questions about your son or daughter please get in touch with your child’s Crew Leader in the first instance or email general enquiries to [email protected].

Thank you as always for your ongoing support.  Together we are stronger #WeAreCrew.

Julie Mosley


Sharing our Stories: 13/09/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

Race for Bears at Plover!

This week at Plover, students in EYFS completed a sponsored Bear walk as part of their new Expedition! They raised £1148 to support their local community – and dressed up as bears to perform bear related exercises and have fun during the process! Beautiful work!

Beautiful Curation at XP Gateshead

Last week, Comms installed some new wonderful displays of student work at XP Gateshead. These wall displays are culminations of recent Expeditions and Activism from the last year.

Steplab Coaching @ XP Trust

Last Monday, our staff worked closely with Steplab to start implementing their ICT platform for coaching across XP Trust. Staff spent the day looking at effective coaching and learning and how Steplab can help create a positive culture around it.

Crew JPO/JNO’s Ullswater Story

Over the coming week’s we’ll be sharing more stories of Crew from our recent Outward Bound Expedition – here’s another from Crew JPO/JNO!

Student Showcase for Year 6 at XP Doncaster

We’re got vacancies across XP Trust!

Find out more here to apply now and #JoinOurCrew

Top of the Blogs

Magic Maths @ Norton Infants

Crew Knowles – Expedition @ Green Top

Plover Praise Postcards @ Plover

Book Talk in Crew Elmer @ Carcroft School

Crew Brunel: first week back @ XP School

Manveer gets to the top of her mountain! @ XP East

A rainy day in space! @ Norton Juniors

Beautiful Work from Will @ XP Gateshead

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Beautiful work from Will in the summer holidays

It’s been a busy holiday for Will. Will spent a week on work experience with Esh Construction as part of a pilot employee family work experience programme. Working with a group of ten 14-17 year olds, Will showed great courage and met together for the first time that week. Will really pushed himself out of his comfort zone. To top that, Will spent the next week at a futsal camp after the efforts of the week before.

G31 First Week Back

What an incredible week our Year 7 had. As promised here is a slideshow of images from the week.

The guiding question for the week was “What does it mean to be Crew?” and our students learned that in spades. Across the week there were countless examples of students demonstrating courage, respect, craftsmanship & quality, integrity and above all… compassion.

All crews started with the traditional jog and dip, getting into the lake and going as deep as their crew could manage. After planning their expeditions, they carried out some evening crew-building activities and then stayed in dorms for the first night of their adventure.

On the second morning all Crews packed up and set off on their expeditions to include challenging adventurous activities such as hiking with packs containing food/tents/cooking equipment, climbing/abseiling, gorge walking, canoeing, rowing, rafting, camping in tents/yurts and more!

At the end of the week all students scaled the slopes around Halin Fell to carry out a presentation on what it means to be Crew. We are so delighted with out new students in Year 7 – they have made such a fantastic start in The Lakes and now back in school too.

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An announcement from Crew Attenborough in Year 9

Our crew charity is the WWF – World Wide Fund For Nature. The WWF is a charity fundraiser for natural habitat preservation and conservation. They also support endangered species by giving members of the public the ability to adopt and support an animal on their website –

Crew Attenborough believes this is an important cause due to its ability to help preserve our natural world and not let any more species die out and disappear forever. It is of most importance that we, as people of the natural world, must help sustain and support it. We do not want to lose anymore. 

The WWF does worldwide work helping preserve nature. It also helps endangered animals across the globe, such as the Snow leopard. There are only 4,000 left in the wild, along with the African wild dog which is one of the most endangered mammals on the planet. The African Wild dog is carnivorous, and it is a wild canine native to Sub-Saharan Africa. 

The Adelie penguin is a popular animal to adopt as their species is declining. One of the main reasons for this decline is climate change causing the melting of their homes.  

For a species to be classified as endangered there has to be a decline in population between 50 and 70 percent. 

“We have the power to bring our world back to life.” – WWF 

The opinion is backed by the members of the public. The WWF helps preserve habitats by restoring forests, coral reefs and more by planting trees introducing new species to the environment. 

Crew Attenborough believes the WWF embodies the character traits of Compassion, Courage, Integrity, Respect and Craftsmanship and Quality. These traits are also displayed by Sir David Attenborough and we look forward to giving support to this important cause. 

Throughout year 9 we will be planning events to raise money and awareness to support the WWF. 


Black Soldier Fly – Illustrated by Braydon Kennedy &
African Wild Dog – Illustrated by Harry Treadwell 

Dear Families

We welcomed all of our students and staff into school last week so, for the first time, four year groups were all together. We are delighted by how our new G31 students have all settled into school and how students in other year groups have welcomed our new cohort, settled into their new classes and sessions and daily life of school. A Kurt Hahn quote that has continued to resonate with us over these last weeks is

“We are crew not passengers, strengthened by acts of consequential service to others”

We build our culture of crew at XP Gateshead so that all members of our school community are impelled to work together as a team, to pitch in, to help others. This happens in crew, in classrooms, during social times and at the start and end of the day

Students are settling into their new classes, working with new learning partners and getting used to new spaces. Unfortunately, we are still without a theatre space so are unable to have whole school community meetings in person at the moment. We’ve been pleased with how adaptable and mature our students have been especially during lunchtimes as we get used to another 50 students on site. Our older students in G28 and G29 enjoyed their first PE sessions last Thursday with Mr Devitt and Mrs Cadenas. Mrs Cadenas is an experienced PE teacher, personal coach and works with many schools and youth groups running sessions in dance, fitness, etc. She joins our staff crew on a part-time  basis and will work with our older students in PE.

Last week saw the start of  immersion for all new learning expeditions. Immersion is an opportunity for students to dip their toe into the content of the learning expeditions, to build background knowledge and generate curiosity about the guiding question for the expedition. Guiding questions are revealed to students at the end of each immersion. 


G31 started their week in Crews unpacking what they learned at Ullswater about ‘What it means to be Crew’ and considering how that is applied back at school with an additional question: “What will my learning be like at my new school?”

All Crews took time to curate their Outward Bound fieldwork and the individual journeys they had all taken along with the character traits they had demonstrated. They then spent time agreeing their crew norms and what they would look like, sound like and feel like in classrooms. 

All G31 students have now set up their iPads and completed initial Google training as part of their induction to school.  Students have resigned our ICT acceptable use agreement, which helps to ensure that students use technology appropriately and most importantly safely.

A fully charged iPad is now expected as part of daily kit for G31 students, as well as headphones. We advise against buying expensive headphones. It is worth noting that the newer iPads that G31 have do not have a regular 5mm headphone socket, so it may require purchasing an adapter such as the one linked here, to allow use of any existing headphones that you have.

There is additional guidance for families here on setting up apple accounts to download additional apps, and also on how to set sensible boundaries at home using screen time functions and parental controls on your home Wifi router.


G30 have completed their immersion which included study of the human body through the emotional true story of Peter the human cyborg and also Bill Bryson’s text “The Body: A guide for inhabitants”. In a bumper week, they have been introduced to the text “Noughts and Crosses” by Malorie Blackman, studied various creation stories and considered what makes effective speeches. All of this has come to a focal point with their guiding question, revealed next week.


G29 have started their new expedition by learning about the geography and history of Russia around the turn of the 20th century. Connected to this, and to build further background knowledge they have also been studying the atomic bombs that were dropped at the end of WWII, and have seen further evidence of the power of the atom by learning about the impact of the Chernobyl meltdown in the former Soviet Union. They have also used Ken Loach’s film “I, Daniel Blake” to develop questions and curiosity about how societal and governmental structures can impact on the way that we live our lives. At the end of the week students had a session with an expert from our partners at the Farrell Centre in Newcastle, who introduced them to their brief for a final product which will be influenced by their learning about physical and societal structures. Connected to their new guiding question “How are structures important in helping us to explain our world?”students will work on a design brief to produce a maquette of a new sculpture for Gateshead.


G28 have also found out their guiding question “How did bonding help the Vikings forge a strong legacy?” for an expedition which will encompass content from their GCSE studies in History, English and Science. Students spent the week testing materials for their strength and have also been recalling their prior learning about Vikings, and tackling misconceptions about the nature of Viking society.

This expedition will also make connections to their English Literature texts, where this week students have been deepening their knowledge of the context of Dickensian Britain, which will all support in working on the guiding question “Why could ‘A Christmas Carol’ be thought of as the ultimate Christmas story?”

Our week ahead 

G31 students (Year 7) 

Students will continue with their immersion this week, thinking about what their guiding question could be, having considered the influences of the Romans and the Vikings on Medieval England and also the importance of coal as part of the Industrial Revolution. 

This week students will carry out fieldwork focused on a historical enquiry into Anglo-Saxon and monastic life in the Northeast. The fieldwork will take place at St Bede’s Monastery, and Jarrow Hall Museum and Anglo Saxon farm and settlement in Jarrow. 

Year 7 Class 2 Students will carry out this fieldwork on Monday 9th September with Year 7 Class 1 completing it on Tuesday 10th. Please see the website post from Mrs Ross which details the kit needed, packed lunch requirements and timings for the day. 

PE sessions take place on Wednesday for both Year 7 classes this week so students need a full PE kit to change into on this day.

G30 students (Year 8) 

G30 students will begin formal studies of the learning targets for their new expedition. This week they will begin reading “Noughts and crosses” in earnest, and move from creation stories to teaching and beliefs about the afterlife in Abrahamic faiths. Students will also start looking at ventilation and the lungs as part of wider learning about the respiratory system.

PE sessions take place on Monday for both Year 8 classes so students need a full PE kit on this day.

G29 students (Year 9) 

Students will consolidate their learning from the film “I, Daniel Blake” by carrying out virtual fieldwork to the Byker Wall, the setting of the film. They will also start reading their anchor text “Lord of the flies”, a classic text which gives an insight into what could happen when conventional structures for children are removed. Connected to Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Chernobyl, students will also peer inside the structure of the atom to begin to be able to answer questions about the chemical and nuclear stores of energy therein.

PE sessions take place on Thursday for both Year 9 classes so students need a full PE kit on this day.

G28 students (Year 10) 

G28 students will start to look at VIkings in Scandinavia and their trade relationships within their society and with other parts of the world. They will also build on their learning about the atom from Key Stage 3, and develop more refined mental models for chemical bonding of ionic and covalent molecules. 

PE sessions take place on Thursday for both Year 10 classes so students need a full PE kit on this day. Students have one timetabled PE session in Year 10 and we will be encouraging all students to join an after school sports club or fitness activity as part of their continued wellbeing.

Meeting our expectations

Dress code

As you know at XP, we believe that:

  • Children need to learn to express themselves responsibly.
  • Children are not all the same, so they should not be forced to look the same.
  • Families would rather spend their money on clothes that their children can wear inside and outside school.

We do not have a school uniform however we do have a dress code and we ask our students and staff to dress appropriately and modestly.

For a normal day within school, we do not think it appropriate that students wear:

  • Hats, hoods & coats inside school
  • Revealing clothing, i.e. revealing the midriff, chest or upper thigh
  • Noticeable make-up, including false eyelashes
  • Valuable, sentimental or impractical accessories / jewellery (eg. heavy chains, thick sovereign rings, or false nails)
  • Impractical footwear (eg. sliders, flip-flops or high heels)

Please see our website post on dress code so you are aware of our expectations and can fully support these.


Can I remind all families that students need to be in school for an 8.30am start to sessions. They must arrive by 8.25am at the latest. There will be staff in school supervising so students can arrive from 8.00 am. The vast majority of our students had perfect punctuality last week but not all of them. Please support us with our high expectation around punctuality to school.

Extended Study 

Teachers will start to set extended study this week and students will begin to build their extended study timetable.

After school extended study sessions will start next week and students attending these sessions must stay until the end of the session at 4.30pm. These sessions allow students to work with their peers and staff on extended study tasks in school where support is on hand.

We will be launching our new lunchtime and after school clubs programme by the end of September.

As usual if you have any questions about your son or daughter please get in touch with your child’s Crew Leader in the first instance or email general enquiries to [email protected].

Thank you as always for your ongoing support.  Together we are stronger #WeAreCrew.

Julie Mosley
