Beautiful work in the community…

Winnie and Scarlett completed the Great North Swim open water challenge in lake Windermere.

As well as swimming in England’s largest lake at 10.5 miles long and at its deepest point is 219 feet. The girls got to listen to inspiring speakers about the health benefits of swimming outdoors include everything from enhancing your happiness to boosting your immune system.

At his recent presentation for Felling Magpies, nNot only did Connor walk away with a merit trophy he also won ‘Most Man of the Match awards’, ‘Players’ player’ and the ‘Keith Rankin award’.

The Keith Rankin award is the highest level of achievement within the club, named after one of the leading founders at Felling Magpies and players are nominated by managers across the club. What an achievment!

Order my Parental Contribution Scheme iPad

As you know a school-managed iPad is part of the standard kit required of students in secondary schools across XP Trust. We have brokered a successful Parental Contribution Scheme to enable this for all our children for the last 4 years and continue to do this again for 2023/24.

The iPad scheme for September 2024 includes:

  • An iPad 10th Generation
  • A logitech keyboard and trackpad
  • AppleCare + for two years 
  • Jamf – (device management and security)
  • A glass screen protector

We will have a bank of Apple Pencils for use in Art and Design sessions. You are welcome to purchase an apple pencil of your own, should you wish, and we would recommend either:

  • Apple Pencil – Touch sensitive
  • Skriva – Not touch sensitive but does shade on the angle of the nib.

The extended warranty is covered by Apple for the first two years. You handle your own claims through an app. Further information can be found here:

There is a claim excess for broken screens at £39, we will supply a glass screen protector free of charge. This will be checked regularly by Crew Leaders as part of our kit checks.

You can get support and make warranty claims here:

Loss or theft of the iPad needs to be covered by your personal home insurance.

Cost of the scheme

The total retail cost of these items bought separately would be £598. Through our new purchase scheme the cost to you is £451.

This balance will be applied to your Parent Pay account and you can manage your own payments. Here are a few options.

  • £12.53 per month for 36 months (£2.89 a week)
  • £18.79 per month for 24 months (£4.44 a week)
  • Pay the balance at any time within three years at comfortable amounts for your circumstances.
  • Speak with our school office if you need financial support with this.

At the end of your child’s time in school the device can be kept by the family if the balance has been paid in full.

To order your child’s ipad, please complete this Google Form.

G29 Fieldwork tomorrow

G29 are going on fieldwork tomorrow morning. They will be visiting the Glasshouse, Gateshead to see an art exhibition in celebration of Refugee Week 2024.

We will be getting the metro, so there will be some walking involved. It is looking dry and warm so more likely that students will need to have sun cream on if they burn easily. Comfortable shoes for walking to and from the metro are a must (walking shoes or trainers).

There does not need to be anything different with regards to lunch as we will be back at school in time for normal lunch.

G28 Rivers Fieldwork – Tuesday 25th June

Year 9’s current expedition ‘Hold Back the River’ has the guiding question, ‘How does water shape our world?’

During this expedition, our geography content is focusing on river characteristics from source to mouth, river processes, formation of landforms as well as the cause, impacts and responses of flooding. As part of this, we are applying the theory of river processes and characteristics to the field.

Students will also be completing a study of the wildlife existing on the sand dunes and starting to plan their creative writing piece for their presentation of learning.

On Tuesday 25th June, students will visit Holywell Dene and Seaton sluice beach near Whitley Bay. Students will work together to collect data regarding the width, depth and velocity of the river.  We will also be capturing the beauty of a river by completing field sketches. This data collection will allow us to accept or reject our hypothesis once we have analysed our data in our lessons.

It is also essential that all students bring all kit on the kit list so that they are fully prepared for the fieldwork; this includes a packed lunch and plenty of water to drink. Students who receive free school meals will be provided with a lunch.

The weather forecast is currently showing sunny intervals and 19°C so hopefully we will have a beautiful day but please ensure your child has suncream.

Students will need to ensure they have suitable walking boots/trainers as well as wellies / trainers / water shoes they can get wet – we’ll be going in the river to collect the data!

If there are any problems in getting the appropriate kit for this, please email your child’s Crew Leader.

Students will be returning to school for 3:15pm (traffic dependent).

Kit List: 

Comfortable walking shoes (walking boots or trainers)

Wellies or trainers which can get wet in the river (water shoes if they have would be perfect)

Plenty of water (more than a normal school day, 1-1.5l)

Packed lunch

A waterproof jacket 

Suncream and cap

We recommend shorts or trousers which are easy to roll up to the knees for getting in the river. 

Bug spray (if they need)

Any student who suffers from hay fever should take medication in the morning before school.

Any regular medications must also be brought.

Dear Families

We enjoyed another great week last week and as always, it is great to see students pushing themselves and each other to be successful.

End of year assessments started last week for some subjects and I have been really pleased to see our students step up to the challenge showing real maturity and focus. Assessments continue (see last week’s post for details) and extended study continues to focus on revision this week.

On Thursday, we held an online whole school community meeting for all students and looked at the learning journey students have been on this year. It’s really important to stand back and reflect on journey and it is impressive to see just how much our students have achieved this year. Our students are working on a written reflection of the year which will be shared with you alongside their Crew Leader reflections and a final snapshot at the end of term.

Student Leadership 

“At XP, we build our community through activism, leadership and equity, sharing our stories as we go…”

This week we have seen multiple examples of great student leadership at work.

Year 7 Art student leaders carried out fieldwork with artist Bruce Tuckey in preparation for creating sculptures inspired by the Riverside Sculpture Park between Gateshead and Dunston along the Tyne.

A team from our Digital Leaders have been working alongside the XP Trust Comms Crew, taking on the role of professional sound technicians to carry out the important work of recording and editing the final folk songs written and performed by G30 students as well as recording final products for all cohorts including the G30 Do Your Bit radio performance, and poetry recitals from G28 and G29.

Mr Hewitt’s feedback on the day was extremely positive and complimentary:

“Could you pass on to all the students that I worked with yesterday that they were amazing and true professionals. I have many great days at work and this was one of the best days at work I’ve had.”

Crew Stanton’s Charity work this week organising and running a Football Tournament for the whole school was a huge success and enjoyed by students, staff and families alike. The work put in by this crew was stunning – advertising, organising teams and fixtures, ticket sales, refreshments including BBQ goods. The rain didn’t dampen the spirits of our teams or the spectators! A great example of activism from our students, making the world a better place.

Our Climate Action Plan student leadership group continued their work on developing a set of proposals for how we can make our school more sustainable including actions connected to: green spaces and trees, paper waste, rewilding, energy efficiency, food and food waste and raising awareness. Leaders will present to their peers our DfE project manager at the end of the academic year. They will also run a ‘teach the teacher’ session on what they have learned about sustainability. Again huge thanks to our experts at Students Owning Sustainability, in particular Gemma Sarigu.

Our student leaders in performance have been continuing to work hard to prepare for their show in Doncaster as part of the XP Trust Festival of Arts on Friday 12th July. XP Gateshead will have representation from our dancers, choir and rock band.

This week

Assessment Fortnight for all students continues

G28 Assessment timetable
  • Monday 17th June AM History / RE 1 hour
  • Tuesday 18th June PM English Language 1 hour
  • Wednesday 19th June AM Spanish 1 hour (Reading / Listening)
  • Thursday 20th June AM Science 75 mins
G29 Assessment timetable
  • Tuesday 18th June AM English Language 1 hour
  • Wednesday 19th June PM History / RE 1 hour
  • Thursday 20th June PM Science 75 mins
G30 Assessment timetable
  • CLASS 1 & 2: Monday 17th June AM English 45 mins
  • CLASS 1: Tuesday 18th June AM History 30 mins
  • CLASS 2: Tuesday 18th June AM Spanish 1 hour
  • CLASS 1: Wednesday 19th June AM Spanish 1 hour
  • CLASS 2: Wednesday 19th June AM History 30 mins
  • CLASS 1 & 2: Thursday 20th June AM Geography 1 hour
  • CLASS 1 & 2: Thursday 20th June PM Science 1 hour

Maths end of year assessment will take place in the fortnight commencing 2nd July.

PE sessions this week

Some PE sessions will not run this week due to assessments. PE time will be paid back in coming weeks with additional sessions and Crew Day

  • G30 students (Y7) have PE on Monday this week
  • G29 students (Y8):
    • G29 Class 1 have PE on Tuesday this week.
    • G29 Class 2 do not have PE this week 
  • G28 students (Y9) do not have PE this week 

G28 Pathways

Information on the pathways and courses in our offer can be found here. As was posted earlier last week, we are offering a drop-in session for families who would like more support and advice from teachers and Crew Leaders on Tuesday 18th June between 5pm and 6pm.

G29 Fieldwork – Wednesday 19th June

On Wednesday of this week all G29 students will be carrying out fieldwork at the Glasshouse in Gateshead connected to their guiding question “Is migration worth the risk?” As part of national refugee week, students will visit a hosted art exhibition led by volunteer refugees. They will explore art inspired by refugee journeys to gain greater understanding of what these people faced and the factors that caused them to migrate to the UK.

Students will leave school at 9.15am and return to school for a slightly later lunch than is usual at 12.45pm. This means that you do not need to provide a packed lunch unless your child usually has a packed lunch.

Students will travel by Metro and on foot so comfortable walking shoes or trainers will be needed, as well as being prepared for the weather. The current forecast is mild and cloudy with sunny spells.  There is little chance of rain at the moment.  Suncream is needed as students will be walking during the middle of the day.

G30 Art workshop 1 – Thursday 20th June

The first workshop for art students leaders with Bruce Tuckey will be taking place this Thursday in school this week. All 24 of the student leaders will take part over the coming weeks. This week it will be: Ethan, Adam, Elina, Molly, Parisa, Joe, Lily-Ann B. Layla E. Students will be creating sculptures so should wear clothes which you do not mind getting dirty.

Staff Day – Friday 21st June

Friday is the first of our staff days this half term, the second is on Monday 24th June. Our staff team will be planning for next year’s expeditions. Students will not be expected to be in school on Friday or Monday.

Looking Ahead 

Staff day

Monday 24th June is the second of our staff days this half term (and the last this academic year).

We are also expecting an Ofsted visit this final half-term and are really looking forward to the opportunity for our students to shine and showcase their brilliant learning, beautiful work, development of their character and academic success. We will let you know as soon as we are given the indication that we will be inspected and post an update on this website.

As part of the inspection process, Ofsted will ask for your views. It has been a privilege to listen to the things that you have told families in Year 6 about our school which has been fed back to us through our transition process. 

We are very aware of the trust that you place in us as families as a new school that is yet to be inspected. There are many stakeholders of our school including Ofsted, our governors and staff. As families you are equal partners in developing and sustaining our community so that it benefits the most important stakeholders of all: our children.

As usual if you have any questions please contact your child’s crew leader in the first instance. 

Thank you as always for your ongoing support.

Julie Mosley

G28 Walk4Water

G28’s final expedition Hold Back the River concludes with a walk for water as part of the morning on Sports Day this year (11th July).

Students will work together in their crews to walk at least 6 km carrying 10 litres of water. There will also be a competitive aspect to the walk to see which crew can walk the furthest.

Our partners for this challenge are the Comfrey Project in Gateshead, who have supported us with our migration expedition in Year 8 for the last couple of years – the funds raised through the website will be passed to the organisation Walk for Water.

For each £2700 raised for the charity, a toilet block can be installed in a rural area of Africa. We realise G28 parents have supported crew charities a lot throughout year 9, please only give what you can. Anything we raise will be helpful in contributing towards installing important sanitation in a place of need.

On average, women and girls in developing countries walk 6 kilometres (approximately 3.5 miles) a day, carrying 20 litres (about 42 pounds/20 kgs) of water. It is common for this journey to take more than 15 hours a week in some areas. We want to build empathy in our students for people who don’t have access to clean water, and help them to understand the hardship that some people face just to be able to drink, clean and cook every day.

We hope you will support by clicking on this link to donate!

Sharing our Stories: 14/06/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

XP Gateshead Students Shine as Digital Leaders in Exciting Expeditions Project

Students at XP Gateshead are stepping up in a big way as Digital Leaders, diving into the world of technology to record content for their Expeditions. Teaming up with the XP Trust Comms Crew, these young tech enthusiasts are taking on the role of professional sound technicians. They’re not just learning the ropes of audio recording and editing – they’re skilfully mastering them, gaining hands-on experience that goes beyond the classroom and reaching into real-world applications.

It was so inspiring to see these students get stuck in and take charge of such an important project. Across our Trust, students are constantly proving that with enthusiasm and dedication, they can achieve anything. A massive appreciation to these Digital Leaders for going above and beyond!

A Decade of Activism – New Beautiful Work in Frenchgate Centre

A new curation of recent beautiful work has been installed in the Frenchgate Centre in Doncaster City Centre! There’s awesome work from schools across our Trust, with a key focus on our Curriculum seam ‘Protecting our Planet’ – be sure to go and see the awesome work our students have created!

We’re got vacancies across XP Trust!

We’re looking for:

Learning Coaches at Carcroft School

An EYFS/KS1 Specialist SEND Teacher at Carcroft School

A Teacher at Norton Junior School

Top of the Blogs

Weekly update for families @ XP Gateshead

World Ocean Day @ Norton Infants

KS1 Sports Day @ Green Top

Fantastic Year 1 Fieldwork to the Deaf School @ Plover

Scott’s Heroes @ Carcroft School

Year 9 Rounders Winners @ XP School

Good luck! @ XP East

Ancient Egyptians @ Norton Juniors

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

On Wednesday, 26th June, G30 students will be heading out of school to carry out Geography fieldwork skills, including basic data collection techniques and observational skills, through practical activities and investigations in our local river environment.

This fieldwork will consolidate the students’ understanding of river geography, which they have been studying in class, and allow them to see the impact of human activity along the Newcastle and Gateshead Quayside. The planned activities are designed to meet National Curriculum standards while engaging our students in practical, meaningful geographical investigation through observation and field sketching. Additionally, our students will have the opportunity to work with an expert from Tyne Rivers Trust, looking at the Interactive River model in Newcastle Central Library.

We will be travelling by metro and on foot, so students will need:

  • Comfortable walking footwear and to be appropriately dressed for our changeable spring weather (optimistically a hat and suncream but also a raincoat).
  • A packed lunch. (This will be provided for students who are entitled to free school meals if they request one.)
  • A backpack with a pen, pencil, rubber, and iPad. Most bags are not waterproof, so we suggest putting kit inside a plastic bag inside the rucksack.

Students need to be in school at the normal time of 8:25 am, ready to be briefed at 8:30 am, and leave at 8:40 am.

We expect to return to school slightly later than the normal school day but no later than 3:45 pm. We will update our website should there be any delays.



Crew Stanton Football Tournament!

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder for the football tournament tomorrow. The first match kicks off at 3:45 so families are welcome to arrive from 3:30 onwards (£1 per spectator).

All students who signed up to play should have paid their £1.50 to their crew leader by now. If not, please can you ensure they do this tomorrow.

There will be refreshments including burgers and hot dogs available to purchase so please bring some cash along with you. All money goes towards supporting the fantastic work of Tiny Lives.

In terms of kit, Y9s should have boots for the grass, Y7+8 are on the MUGA so trainers are fine. All students must have shin pads. Lots of students in school have talked about having spares so please encourage your child to ask their friends/crew mates/classmates to borrow.  If your child has spare shin pads, we would appreciate them coming into school in case a student needs them. Please ensure they are clearly labelled with your child’s name so we know who to return them to.

The students of Crew Stanton had this idea way back at the start of Y9 and have spent a lot of time and energy planning this event. As their crew leader, I am really impressed and proud of the passion they have shown for running events throughout this year, as well as the growth I have seen in them in terms of their event skills and organisation. We would like to thank everyone who has supported one of our events this year and would really appreciate as much support as possible tomorrow, so if you’re available, please come and cheer on our crews!

Special appreciation to Lily in our crew for creating this fantastic poster too!

G29 Volunteering opportunity

As part of our current G29 expedition, we have been given an opportunity for a group of students to run an art session at a local Saturday school for refugee children. As this will be outside of school time, it would require parents to drop off and pick up students which is why I am sharing here before inviting students to sign up.

The session is scheduled for Saturday 22nd June 10:30-11:30 and is at Gladstone Terrace Centre, 11/12 Gladstone Terrace, Gateshead NE8 4DY. We would want students to arrive for 10:15 and we would expect them to be ready to be collected at 11:45/12 by the time everything is cleared away. A member of school staff will accompany the students at the session.

If your child would like to be involved, please ask them to speak to Ms Macphail or Ms Tatters tomorrow. Students will need to be willing to spend time after school and at lunchtimes to prepare for this session. The plan is for the session to mirror what students have been doing and for the session to result in creating a stop motion animation, similar to G29’s final product.

Thanks for your support with this fantastic development opportunity for our students, it will really add value to any applications students are submitting as part of their next steps post-16.