A group of Year 7 students will be carrying out workshops over the coming weeks with Bruce Tuckey inspired by the Riverside Sculpture Park between Gateshead and Dunston along the Tyne.

To prepare for this, students will walk along the sculpture park this Thursday 13th June during the school day to launch the partnership.

Students will need:

  • Regular school kit including water
  • A packed lunch.
  • A waterproof caot
  • Comfortable walking shoes or trainers.

We apologise for the shorter than usual notice for this. The event had initially been organised with another school participating but they have had to cancel. The Arts team at Gateshead Council know that we are studying rivers at the moment and so offered us the chance to take part.

The students taking part from Year 7 are:

Lily-Ann B
Layla E
Lexi J
Olivia W
Lexi S
Lily-Mae S

Take your singing to the next level with National Youth Choir!

  • Elevate Your Skills: Learn exciting songs, develop your musicianship, and dive deeper into singing techniques, practise and performance with vocal leaders who will take your musical abilities to new heights.
  • Meet Other Young Singers: Sing alongside other like-minded young singers and make new friends!
  • Explore Your Creativity: Get ready to unleash your creativity in fun and engaging workshops designed to inspire and ignite your passion for music.
  • Experience the Next Level: Take a sneak peek into what it is the National Youth Choir do!

Free to take part!

Whatever your musical interest or experience, everyone is welcome!

Ready to be part of something special? Visit the website or click the link below to reserve your spot now!

Sign up here!

Dear Families

We’ve enjoyed a good first week to our final Summer half term. It was great to hear appreciations, apologies and stands from students and staff in our end of week community meetings last week and all agreed on with the work we needed to do going forward to ensure we hold true to our character values every day – consistently high levels of respect for others, encouraging each other to be the best we can be, positively committed to our own education and that of those around us. Community meetings are a really special place to be, hearing students hold each other to account within a safe and supportive environment is unique and our students show sensitivity and maturity beyond their years.

There’s been high quality work in and out of sessions as usual.

G28 Grappling with depth / time graphs in the app Geogebra
Text coding rich and challenging non-fiction related to our guiding question “Is migration worth the risk?”


Reducing our carbon footprint whilst finding out more about Gateshead innovative solar and geothermal energy centre.


Great work from Ethan and Katie N in year 9 on graphs including trigonometric and exponential functions.

We have also enjoyed some real success this week…

National Writing Competition Success

We were delighted to find out that every one of our entries in a national writing competition were chosen to be published in a Young Writers Anthology with their short stories on the theme of ‘Mission:Catastrophe’. Eliza, Leo and Lyra will be published authors again and we can’t wait to add this book to our shelf. Very few schools have a 100% success rate within national competition so this really does show the quality of writing of our students. We look forward to seeing more entries in the next competition which has a poetry focus.

Stewardship and outdoor space development

We owe a huge thanks to Mr Walters, Connor, Kenzie and David for their stewardship work. Over the last few months, they have been working hard to clear an outside space and create a fire pit crew area. As you can see, they are nearly there and are set to work next week constructing a wood store. They will also get the opportunity to try out the fire pit and enjoy a well deserved marshmallow treat and identify any issues which need improvement before Crews start making full use of the area.

I’d also like to thank families who have supported this development with materials.

PE Kit

Just like last week’s update to Parents, we spent time reminding students of our expectations around attendance, punctuality, dress code and daily kit. One thing that has needed more reminders on is our PE kit expectations

“In line with our dress-code, we expect students to arrive at PE lessons with a change of kit which is appropriate for the activity and all accessories removed. As a guideline we recommend the following:

  • Black T-shirt
  • Black Shorts or leggings
  • Tracksuit (top and trousers for use in winter)
  • Sports trainers with non slip soles e.g. running shoes/astro turf (not plimsolls or Converse-style baseball boots)
  • Black football / hockey socks”


This week

Assessment Fortnight for all students

End of year assessments will take place over the next couple of weeks, starting on Wednesday this week. Extended study has focussed on revision. These assessments will check on students’ knowledge from the whole of the academic year. Information on how well your children have done in these assessments will be incorporated into the final set of snapshots that will be shared in July. Maths end of year assessment will take place in the fortnight commencing 2nd July.

Assessments for G28 and G29 will take place in the sports hall, to get students accustomed to the environment that they will use for their GCSE examinations. Assessments for G30 will take place in classrooms.

G28 Assessment timetable
  • Wednesday 12th June AM Geography 1 hour (Calculator)
  • Monday 17th June AM History / RE 1 hour
  • Tuesday 18th June PM English Language 1 hour
  • Wednesday 19th June AM Spanish 1 hour (Reading / Listening)
  • Thursday 20th June AM Science 75 mins
G29 Assessment timetable
  • Thursday 13th June AM Geography 1 hour (Calculator)
  • Friday 14th June AM Spanish 1 hour (Reading / Listening)
  • Tuesday 18th June AM English Language 1 hour
  • Wednesday 19th June PM History / RE 1 hour
  • Thursday 20th June PM Science 75 mins
G30 Assessment timetable
  • CLASS 1 & 2: Friday 14th June AM RE 30 mins
  • CLASS 1 & 2: Monday 17th June AM English 45 mins
  • CLASS 1: Tuesday 18th June AM History 30 mins
  • CLASS 2: Tuesday 18th June AM Spanish 1 hour
  • CLASS 1: Wednesday 19th June AM Spanish 1 hour
  • CLASS 2: Wednesday 19th June AM History 30 mins
  • CLASS 1 & 2: Thursday 20th June AM Geography 1 hour
  • CLASS 1 & 2: Thursday 20th June PM Science 1 hour

G28 Pathways

Information on the pathways and courses in our offer can be found here. As was posted earlier this week, we are offering a drop-in session for families who would like more support and advice from teachers and Crew Leaders on Tuesday 18th June between 5pm and 6pm.

New staff induction

Our two newest staff members join us this week in school having completed the first week of their induction which mirrors the Outward Bound adventure that all students do when they start in Year 7. This week the focus of induction for Miss Simpson and Mr Azam will be our teaching and learning model, and the structure of learning expeditions.

Art workshops with a professional sculptor

A group of Year 7 students will be carrying out workshops over the coming weeks with Bruce Tuckey inspired by the Riverside Sculpture Park between Gateshead and Dunston along the Tyne. This will involve a walk along the sculpture park this Thursday during the school day to launch the partnership.

Students will need a packed lunch. We apologise for the shorter than usual notice for this. The event had initially been organised with another school participating but they have had to cancel. The Arts team at Gateshead Council know that we are studying rivers at the moment and so offered us the chance to take part.

We will post a list of Year 7 students involved and more details tomorrow. 

PE sessions this week

  • G30 students (Y7) have PE on Monday this week
  • G29 students (Y8) have PE on Wednesday this week.
  • For G28 students (Y9):
    • G28 Class 1 have PE on Thursday this week
    • G28 Class 2 have PE on Friday this week.

Extended Study and Clubs

As has been discussed above, the focus in extended study is on preparation and revision for assessments. We would appreciate your support at home in discussing your child’s preparations and quizzing them on what they know. Like any formal assessment, there may be some level of anxiety from some children. We are communicating to students in school that whilst the amount of content in these assessments is wider than typically at the end of a term, they should treat them in the same way in terms of preparing and knowing that they have given their best. More details of the tasks set for revision can be found on Google Classroom.

Looking Ahead to next week

Staff day

Friday 21st June is the first of our staff days this half term.

Assessment weeks continue into next week too.

As usual if you have any questions please contact your child’s crew leader in the first instance. 

Thank you as always for your ongoing support.

Julie Mosley


There have been a number of requests from families in Year 9 for further support and guidance from staff to make good decisions with regards to Key Stage 4 pathways for your children.

To accommodate this, we are able to offer an additional evening slot for any G28 families that wish to attend.

This evening will be held on Tuesday 18th June between 5pm and 6pm in school.

You can drop in to the evening at any time, and Crew Leaders and course leaders will be available to talk about your child and the courses on offer.

Please do let us know about your current thoughts and questions by completing this Google form.

As well as Mrs Mosley, on the evening staff will be available to give you and your child advice in their role as:

G28 Crew Leaders:

Mr Devitt, Miss Jones, Mr Mead and Miss Tatters


Communication Strand:

Spanish – Señorita Quested

Interactive Media – Mr Said


Leading our own leading strand:

Geography – Miss Jones

Health & Social Care – Mrs Diamond

Religious Studies (Ethics) – Mrs Ross

Sports – Mr Devitt

Additional DT / Engineering – Mr Said


Additional support for English and Maths:

Mrs Mosley & Miss Tatters

Sharing our Stories: 07/06/2024

Beautiful Work This Week

Year 10 Band ‘LOOM’ @ the Doncaster Festival of Colour

On the last Friday before half term, students from XP Doncaster performed their original composition ‘Like A Storm’ in the magnificent ‘Luminarium’ at Right Up Our Street’s Doncaster Festival of Colour.

As part of ‘LOOL’ music sessions, Year 10 students have worked really hard to write this piece of music with Skinny Pelembe and Higher Rhythm as part of the Noise Collective project.

We are really proud of what they have achieved over the last few months – they’ve created beautiful work and developed a true sense of Crew in music.

There is No Planet B – Product Curation in Carcroft Community

Beautiful work from LKS2s most recent Expedition ‘There Is No Planet B’ has been curated on three signs in Carcroft! Their guiding question was ‘How can we protect our wonderful world?’.

Their learning focussed on the climate emergency and the impact that humanity is having on the environment, as well as what can be done to prevent further damage and protect the planet. The curated signs they have created not only celebrate the beautiful work they have done during the Expedition, but also make a stand about a persistent issue with local fly tipping.

Students have created helpful guides on recycling as an alternative to tipping and how this can benefit the community as a whole.

Friends of Norton Campus Football!

Friends of Norton Campus Association organised a community football match – parents versus teachers at Askern Miner’s Welfare Ground. Teachers were joined by some of Doncaster Rovers coaches and staff from Green Top – a real crew effort. The match was a tight game with both teams really wanting the win but at the final whistle it was the teachers that took home the trophy!

Friends of Norton Campus organised food, face painting and activities for the children – we even had a special visit from Donny Dog! We were supported with over two hundred members of the local community resulting in a really fantastic event.

Student Showcase – 4th July 2024

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Y5 parents please find attached an event you can attend to find out more about XP and XP East.

Please note this is not for Y6 students who have already been allocated their school. 

You can book your place here.

We’re looking for an outstanding Learning Coach (Teaching Assistant and HLTA) and Crew Leader at XP Gateshead!

Find out more here and apply to #JoinOurCrew

Top of the Blogs

Beautiful Work from Elize, Lyra and Leo @ XP Gateshead

Brilliant Bakers @ Norton Infants

D-Day @ Green Top

Pride of Plover @ Plover

Grammar in MI @ Carcroft School

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Beautiful work from Eliza, Lyra and Leo

All three students have been chosen to be published in a Young Writers Anthology with their short stories on the theme of ‘Mission:Catastrophe’.

This was a national competition, and all three of our entries for the school were chosen to be published. It is of note that Eliza, Lyra and Leo can now all say they are published authors…twice!

Congratulations on such a fantastic achievement. We’d love to see more students entering in the next competition which has a poetry focus. More details from Miss Tatters soon!

G28 Presentation of Learning

On Thursday 18th July at 6.00pm a video will be shared for G28’s presentation of learning. This video will have the audio of the student’s descriptive writing over images of beautiful work they have done as part of 9.3 Hold Back the River. This link will go live on the website which will allow people to comment as they are watching.

We recognise the commitment G28 parents have shown this year by coming into school on numerous occasions to support their child’s learning which has contributed to our decision to have G28’s final presentation of learning as a video.

We can’t wait to see you in the comments!



On Thursday 13th June, to help kick off the men’s 2024 Euros, Crew Stanton are hosting a football tournament at school.

The first match will kickoff at 3:45 so students will stay at school to get ready for the match.

Everyone must have shin pads. Y7 and 8 will be on the MUGA, Y9 have the option to wear studs as they will be on the grass.

There will be a tournament for every year group and every Crew will play 3 matches (dependent on sign-up) and by the end there will be 1 winner per year group, with the winners getting a trophy.

We will have a barbecue as well as a tuck shop selling sweets and drinks. There is space for  5-8 people per crew to sign up and play, so if your child wants to play for their crew team, it will be £1.50 which will go towards our crew charity Tiny Lives.

Student supporters, parents and siblings can come and watch for £1 per person.

Thanks for your support,

Crew Stanton

Thanks to all of the G31 families that attended our information evening yesterday. The slides from the evening can be found here.

Ullswater Outwards Bound – For all G31 students

Our new Year 7 students’ Outward Bound adventure begins on Tuesday 27th August. Students need to be arrive at school between 8.00am and 8.25am. The coach will depart later that morning.

Participant Form

We need all parents to complete a Participant Information Form by following the link below. The form must be submitted by Monday, July 3rd, 2023.

Outward Bound Participant Form – Click here

– It should take around 20-45 minutes to complete and you will need to register an account to begin. You can use existing Microsoft, Google or Facebook accounts to login if you choose.
– You can find instructions, a video walkthrough and troubleshooting help here: How to complete the Participant Information Form
– The form is only supported on Chrome, Edge, Safari and Firefox browsers.
– Remember to enter the information for the person who will be attending the course.

Returnable Deposit

Students must bring a £10 deposit with them on the morning which will be handed back to them at the end of their adventure if there is no loss or damage to equipment. This is an important part of the process for the week, and teaches the students about join responsibility as a Crew.


Any medication for students must be in the original box, clearly labelled with your child’s name and details of regularity of administration and dose. This includes:

  • Inhalers
  • Epipens
  • Travel sickness pills
  • Painkillers
  • Antihistamines

Please get in contact with [email protected] if your child will be bringing medication and we can provide you with a self-administration or permission to administer form.

Kit List

Specialist equipment such as walking boots, tents, sleeping bags, hiking rucksacks and waterproofs will be provided by the centre.

The kit list for students is listed below. Please ensure that your child has all of these items.

If you are having problems sourcing these please get in touch with our office via [email protected] . Older clothes are far better for the week as they will get wet and or muddy.

  • 1 large bag or suitcase to take kit on the coach
  • 2 bin bags –  to store wet and dirty clothes
  • 1 pair of trainers for getting wet – these trainers will definitely get wet so it is important that you have a second pair.
  • A second pair of trainers to stay dry for day to day wear – these are likely to get muddy so preferably not new.
  • 3 sweatshirts, jumpers, hoodies or fleeces – Fleeces are ideal as they dry quickly but any of the other items are a good substitute. You should include at least one warmer fleece for your expedition.
  • 3 pairs of trousers – Lightweight trousers (not denim) such as walking trousers, leggings or tracksuit bottoms.
  • 3 T-shirts – Aim for tops that cover shoulders from the sun.
  • 1 long-sleeved base layer/top 
  • 1 pair of shorts – Not denim
  • 1 pair of nightwear/pyjamas
  • 1 set of casual clothes for around the centre
  • 7 sets of underwear including socks – This is a minimum number. Trainer socks aren’t recommended as they may cause blisters.
  • At least 2 pairs of thick walking socks
  • Sunhat, sunglasses, suncream – don’t bring expensive sunglasses, suncream needs to be at least factor 30.
  • 1 set of warm hat and gloves
  • At least 1 towel – Quick drying microfibre towels are great. You will need a towel for showering and on activities, so bring at least one.
  • Watch with alarm if possible
  • 1 set of swimwear plus t-shirt and shorts for use in water
  • Toiletries – including soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, blister kit, plasters, insect repellent, lip salve, hand sanitiser, wet wipes, talcum powder (for your feet), etc.
  • 1 pair of flip slops or sandals – optional