We will send out provisional time slots for families on Monday 24th Feb from the office@ email address so please keep an eye out for that.
If you have not yet indicated your preference, please do so as a matter of urgency as we are doing our best to try to accommodate the highest preference for all families. You can let us know your preference by clicking on this link.
Attendance at school on these days
On Monday and Tuesday, students must arrive at school at least one hour before their passage so that they can gather their portfolio and any other resources that they need. Families should arrive around 15 minutes before the start time so that we can get you signed in as there will be lots of guests arriving to be panellists around the same time..
Monday 17th March is a staff day. Your child in G29 does not need to come in on this day unless they have a passage presentation. If they do have a presentation on Monday they can come in any time from 8am if they want some additional time to do final preparations.
Tuesday 18th March is a school day. In recognition of the preparation time that students have put in and your commitment as families, your child in G29 does not need to come in on Tuesday 18th unless they have a passage presentation – instead they can work from home on extended study. If they do have a presentation on Tuesday your child can come in any time from 8am if they want some additional time to do final preparations. If you would prefer for your child to be in school for we will have staff working with G29 throughout the day on Tuesday 18th March, so students can attend as normal if that works better for you as a family.
We will put out a Google Form next week to ask whether your child will attend school on Tuesday 18th March for part of the day, all of the day or if they will work from home that day.