Phase teams for XP Gateshead next year

As our school continues to grow, we review structures to ensure we have key teams of staff working closely with our students.

One of the structures for this is Phase Teams. Next academic year we will have three year groups. This means that we will have two phases: a Year 7 phase and a Year 8 & 9 phase.

Although students remain in the same Crew throughout their time at XP Gateshead, as they mature, and move up in years, this does mean that sometimes there will be changes in Crew Leader from phase to phase.Β 

Crew Leaders for next academic year will be:

  • Our Year 7 Crew Leaders will be Mrs Diamond, Ms Donlan, Ms Macphail and Mrs Ross.
  • Our Year 8 Crew Leaders will be Miss Blain, Miss Marshall, Miss Power and Miss Quested.
  • Our Year 9 Crew Leaders will be Mr Devitt, Miss Jones, Mr Mead and Miss Tatters.

Mr Said will be leading the Year 7 phase, and Mrs Mosley will lead the Year 8 & 9 phase.

Over the coming weeks, our new Crew Leaders will get to know students in their Crews whilst working alongside current Crew leaders – who will remain in place until the end of the academic year.

If you have any questions, please do get in touch.