PSHE Information for parents – Jan 2023

Here at XP, we want to ensure that our students receive a well rounded and meaningful education so that they not only flourish academically but feel empowered to make the right choices for themselves. 

Each week, students have a Wise Wednesday session during Crew, where they examine topics central to PSHE (personal, social and health education) that are in line with DfE national standards. Our sessions fall into case studies that often connect with current expedition themes.

As a staff team, we constantly consider what is relevant and appropriate for our unique cohort of students. We also think it is crucial that our staff receive regular training so that they feel confident and informed when delivering sessions. Last term for example, all of our staff achieved the Mental Health First Aid qualification, which is invaluable to support our young people. 

G29: Surviving or Thriving?

This term, the case study for G29 is called “Surviving or Thriving?”. Students are encouraged to consider the importance of their mental and physical health. The first few sessions focus on what mental health is. For some, this will be challenging and may bring to the surface new questions, feelings and emotions. 

If you would like to know more about talking to your child about mental health, or have any questions, take a look at these resources: 

NSPCC: Support for parents


Action for Children: Parent Talk

We want our students to feel comfortable and free to talk about how they feel and know where to get support if they need it. 

G28: I’ve got the power

G28 will be looking at a case study called “I’ve got the power”, focusing on how students can make the right choices for themselves online, in their relationships and in their communities. Students will therefore be studying PSHE with an additional focus on RSE (relationships and sex education).

During this case study, we will be discussing some sensitive themes that are-appropriate. This includes ‘sexting’ and pornography. Sessions are designed so that students discuss these themes with a view to being safe, knowing the law and feeling empowered to make the right choices.

If you would like to know more about any of these themes, have a look at the website below. It is designed for young people, but has a wealth of information for all: 

Brook: Sexual Health and Wellbeing

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 


Thank you for your continued support, 

Sophie Pegg