Good afternoon,
I just wanted to share with everyone some important information about our reading strategy at XPG.

The strategies are designed to equip students with the tools and skills to meet and exceed expected age-appropriate reading level, but also to develop a love and inquisitiveness around texts offered both in and out of school.
At the heart of XPG Reading Strategy is the Reading Curriculum, which is designed such that students will ‘learn to read as they read to learn.’ Every expedition has a carefully chosen anchor text which has sits within one of three curricular streams; social justice, the climate emergency or diversity & belonging.
Through a carefully designed curriculum map, XPG pupils will become expert readers throughout their time at XPG. Our expert reading strategies promote the importance of students being curious, confident, and reflective whilst reading.
AR (Accelerated Reader) is part of our wider reading strategy with them aims of developing and monitoring the reading age of our students.
For students to get the most out of this programme, they must engage with 20-30 minutes of accelerated reader per day.
We launched accelerated reader last year with year 8, and will soon look to launch for Year 7. As part of our continual drive to refine and improve our processes we are taking feedback from students, staff and parents. This is where we would like your help.
To help us with this, can I ask all year 8 parents to complete this short parent voice questionnaire before Friday 11th November at 5pm. You can complete the questionnaire by clicking on this link.