Upcoming Celebrations of Learning for G29 and G28

G29 Celebration of Learning

We are delighted to be able to confirm that G29’s Celebration of Learning will take place on Tuesday 18th July at Seven Stories in Newcastle.

Students will remain in school and we will transport students from school to Seven Stories. We would recommend the bring a healthy packed tea or snack to eat after school.

Families should arrive at 6pm. Students will be dismissed after the event to return home with you.

This event will be in two parts.

First will be a celebration of the work of students across the year, including:

  • The launch of their book ‘From the Ground up’
  • Articles written to promote conservation of important local species
  • Students’ radio play inspired by sacrifice in World War I
  • The film of students’ presentation at King’s Hall

Secondly, students will also present to you their learning from their current expedition Hold Back the RiverΒ with the guiding question ‘How does water shape our world?’

Following this copies of your child’s local history book From the Ground Up will be available to purchase for Β£10. All proceeds raised from book sales will go back into the education of your children.

G28 Celebration of Learning

G28’s Celebration of Learning will take place on Thursday 20th July in school at 6pm.

This event will also celebrate work from across the year, including your children’s Banksy-inspired postcards which address issues of social justice identified by your children as part of their last expedition – What is Power?.

Students will host you on a gallery walk, where they will be able to talk through their learning from across disciplines connected to push and pull factors that lead to migration, and the reality of the lived experience of migrants.

We will also share an excerpt of the film that students are making as part of their learning expedition Should I Stay Or Should I Go, with the guiding question: Is migration worth the risk?’

This will be a longer feature length film which we will screen in the new academic year, and honours the stories of people that have made to choice to migrate to and from our country.

Formal occasions

A reminder that for these events we expect that families ensure that someone is there to support their child. We also ask that students dress formally for these events. Our XP polo shirts are suitable for these occasions.