UPDATE FOR ALL FAMILIES: An early look ahead to next week…

It is a particularly packed week next week with our open evening and fieldwork. We will post our usual weekly update, however for next week it is important to note:

Tuesday 1st October – Open Evening

We have our open evening for Year 6 families on Tuesday evening from 5.45pm. There will be no extended study provision after school on Tuesday next week. Extended study will run as normal next week on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

The Open Evening is led by our students. Tomorrow student leaders will bring home permission slips given that the event will finish at around 7.45pm. Student leaders will be preparing for their roles in presenting and being ambassadors throughout tomorrow, on Monday and Tuesday next week.

This event is now nearly fully booked! To book a place – please click here.


Tuesday 1st October – G29 Fieldwork in Newcastle

G29 are carrying out fieldwork in Newcastle on Tuesday next week. They will be travelling from school by foot and metro, so will need to be prepared with their regular kit and be ready for the weather. At the moment the forecast is cool and mostly dry.

Students will need a packed lunch for the day. They should arrive to school at the normal time.

They will be visiting the Hatton Gallery and Farrell Centre to do preparatory work in readiness for their final product which will be shared in their presentation of learning in Newcastle on Wednesday 11th December.

We will leave for the metro from Newcastle at 2.30pm, so students may be a little later back to school, around 3.30pm.


Thursday 3rd October – G31 Year 7 Fieldwork in Marsden Bay

G31have their first STEAM fieldwork next week. Each class will spend half a day in Marsden Bay analysing the rock formations in there, connected to their studies of the rock cycle and deep geological time.

Students will need a packed lunch for the day. They should arrive at school for the normal time.

We will be travelling by coach, but will be outdoors for the entire fieldwork. Students will need their regular kit including their iPad, and will need to be prepared for the weather. The current forecast is cool with a chance of showers so waterproof coats will be needed.

Class 2 will carry out work in the bay in the morning and will eat lunch in the bay before returning to school for their regular afternoon sessions.

Class 1 will carry out work in the bay in the afternoon and will eat lunch in the bay on arrival. Class 1 will set off by coach from the bay at 3.15pm, so may be a little later back to school – around 3.45pm.

Taster sessions for lunchtime and after school clubs

Tomorrow we will publish our initial list of proposed clubs to the students. They will have the opportunity to sign up for taster sessions next week. Please discuss this with your child and encourage them to get involved in as many clubs as possible.