Thanks to our families for your support this term, the last couple of weeks of Presentations of Learning (PoLs) are always a special time, giving students an opportunity to present the best versions of themselves to their families. We have had fantastic feedback from all who attended the PoLs in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 and look forward to showcasing on our website where we will curate each expedition and link to our final products.
We have already posted about previous PoLs but I just wanted to give one final praise to G28 whose Presentation of Learning took the form of taught lessons about their studies with families as students. What an incredible PoL, with our students really stepping up in terms of confidence, warmth and engaging families in their learning. Absolutely stunning!
Staffing Changes for the New Year
There will be one change of staffing in Year 8 and Year 9. Mr Azam is going to be teaching Year 8 Class 2 as has been the case this term, and he will also now teach Year 9 Class 1. Ms Marshall will now teach Year 8 Class 1 and will continue to teach Year 9 Class 2. This will allow for more collaboration within the Maths team in school, which also includes Mrs Mosley.
There are also a few events that we want to bring to your attention in the next term.
Student-led Conferences: Year 7 and Year 8
Year 7 and Year 8 will be carrying out Student-Led Conferences in mid January. Student-Led Conferences give children the opportunity to share the information that they feel best reflects their learning journey and reflects on this question ‘Am I moving towards where I need to be?’. SLC’s ensure that they reflect on all the elements of the Narrative for Success including attendance, HoWLs and Academic Progress.
Invites to choose a slot for families will be sent when we return to school. SLCs for Year 7 and Year 8 will take place in the fortnight commencing 27th January.
London: Victoria & Albert Museum Fieldwork for Year 8
As part of their new learning expedition Year 8 students will be carrying out important fieldwork at the V&A (The Victoria & Albert Museum in London). This is in partnership with the Shipley Art Gallery in Gateshead. Students will travel to London and back in a day by rail, and will work with experts at the museum to help put together artistic responses to their new guiding question.
- Year 8 Class 2 will travel to London on Tuesday 28th January
- Year 8 Class 1 will travel to London on Monday 3rd February
There will be enough SLC slots for families to avoid your child’s slot being close to the London visit.
Passage Presentation Preparation for Year 9
When they return to school, Year 9 students will begin to prepare to carry out Passage Presentations. These will take place on Monday 17th March and Tuesday 18th March during the daytime in school and last for one hour. We will be able to share more information about these important rites of passage, as well as the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award and our Key Stage 4 offer of GCSEs and other courses as part of an information for all families.
This information evening will take place on Wednesday 15th January at 5:30pm.
Student/Teacher-led conferences for Year 10
Students in Year 10 will for the first time take part in Student/Teacher-led conferences. These are shorter conferences than SLCs where students will sit alongside each of their subject teachers to share their progress with you on their new Key Stage 4 courses.
These are scheduled to take part in the week commencing Monday 10th February, with an evening for each Class in Year 10. We will post more details when we return, including assessment information and an opportunity for you to ask questions in advance of these conferences.
Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our students and families a very Merry Christmas and restful holiday period. We return to school on Monday 6th January 2025 and look forward to another successful New Year at XP Gateshead.
Julie Mosley
Principal, XP Gateshead