Dear Families
I look back on last week with a real sense of pride for the work our students are doing and the people they are becoming. The words of Kurt Hahn ring truer and truer every day
“There is more to us than we know. If we can be made to see it, perhaps for the rest of our lives, we will be unwilling to settle for less”
On Monday, we observed our two minute silence for Remembrance Day. This was signalled by Devin with a solo bugle call and a huge amount of courage . Students were also given the opportunity to listen to our remembrance broadcast on Memory Lane Radiothe opportunity to listen to our remembrance broadcast on Memory Lane Radio. If you have not yet done so, please take some to listen to this wonderful piece of work from G30.
At XP we work to ensure that our students grow their character, create beautiful work and achieve academic success. We develop our curriculum so that learning is relevant, purposeful and authentic and we encourage our students to be compassionate citizens, expanding opportunity so that they can impact positively on others both in the school and in the wider community. We work hard to nurture and develop an understanding of how kindness, empathy and concern for others must define us, as both individuals and also as part of society, if we are to create a more just and compassionate world.

Our G31 students had an expert session with Clare Price who told us about the extraordinary life and character of her husband David, about whom G31 will be writing a folk song. This is one of a series of songs about local figures of importance in our region’s story. As we have said before, David was a friend of XP and instrumental in the story of our school. A huge appreciation to Clare for bringing lots of David’s possessions and speaking so beautifully about a wonderful man.
At the end of the week our students took part in conversations with several organisations working regionally, nationally and internationally. These each exemplify how our approach to personal development means that students develop in confidence over time, are confident to speak to a range of audiences and can hold their own in discussion about important issues of our time.
Our G29 students had an expert session with Kate Osborne Member of Parliament (MP) for Jarrow and Gateshead East as part of their current expedition ‘Another Brick in the Wall’ and working to answer a guiding question ‘How are structures important in helping us to explain our world?’. As part of their work students have been looking at political structures in Government and been investigating housing policy of the Labour Party and other major political parties in the U.K. Our Year 9 really took the opportunity to ask Kate questions in discussions that covered climate action, sustainability, housing policy, immigration along with more personal questions around Kate’s passion for politics and the North East.

On Friday, Koen Timmers visited XP Doncaster to share his work involving young people and schools across the world on Climate Action. Koen set up the Take Action Global project and The Climate Action Project – with 5.3 million kids from 127 countries taking part. He has been nominated for the Bill Gates for the top ten Global Teacher Prize twice. Students from XPG Climate Action Group joined an online meeting with staff from across the Trust to hear Koen talk about his work and how XP schools could get involved. Our students will be updating our wider staff team in the near future about the The Climate Action Project and considering how XPG can get involved.

Our final example of activism in our students came from a group of G28 students who were amazing young delegates at a Humanist Conference on Poverty. The event brought together key individuals and organisations to share best practice: politicians, funders, schools, charities – including recipients of North East Humanists’ own microgrants scheme, and ‘Support and Grow’ who provide invaluable support in their local community. Our students’ maturity and contributions were praised by other delegates from many of the organisations present.
Our week ahead
G31 Music
Students are working with experts on Tuesday on the materials that will become the lyrics, harmonies and melodies for their folk songs. G31 families can look forward to hearing these live at St Mary’s church in our presentation of learning. They will then be recorded professionally and published to all of the big streaming sites. By the end of the academic year, all of G31 will be published songwriters.
G29 Expert
G29 are hosting an expert Michelle Bell who is Assistant Director of BCT (Byker Community Trust). This connects to their studies around structure of government and habitations and how these interact as well as modernist and brutalist art and architecture.
Michelle’s career in social housing spans 26 years that started at Newcastle City Council in 1995, followed by roles in Your Homes Newcastle and Homes England. Michelle joined the BCT project team in September 2011 and in July 2012 when BCT was formed, she became responsible for heading up Property Services within BCT.
G28 Preparation for PoL
G28 will this week start preparation for their PoL for their studies of A Christmas Carol. This is an afternoon tea for members of the community that typically experience loneliness, especially around Christmas, all of which connects to their GQ: “Is charity enough?”
Crew Stanton are baking tomorrow morning, and Angelou on Wednesday. Students do not need to bring ingredients, but it is worth wearing clothes that are older. Long hair needs to be tied back in a bobble please.
Crew Frank are baking on Monday 25th November, and Parks on Wednesday 27th next week.
Crew Day – Friday 22nd November
Every half term, we look to run a Crew Day which is an opportunity to ‘tend to and build’ crew and culture. Crew is our support network at XPG and key to the continued success of everyone at our school, we will revisit what it means to be crew and our responsibilities in getting everyone to the top of the mountain. In this week’s Crew Day:
G31 students will start their work on researching suitable people after whom to name their crews – people who have achieved great things and who display our character traits of courage, integrity, respect, craftsmanship and quality, and above all compassion.
G30 will start their work on looking at which charity they want to support. Students will be putting together their proposals and pitching to the rest of their crew their choice of charity.
G29 will continue their activism work, the awareness raising and charity work they are planning to carry out this academic year.
G28 students will focus on wellbeing and looking after their ‘mind, body and soul’.
On Friday, students will work with their crew and Crew Leader for the day developing their team work, crew identity and wellbeing.
PE sessions this week
Our PE sessions this week are as follows. Please ensure that your child has their full PE kit.
- All G30 students (Year 8) have PE on Monday..
- All G31 students (Year 7) have PE on Wednesday.
- All G29 students (Year 9) have PE on Thursday.
- All G28 students (Year 10) have PE on Thursday.
G29 SLCs
Year 9 will be carrying out SLCs in the fortnight commencing Monday 25th November. We will be in touch in the next couple of days to give you the opportunity to book a slot.
Looking ahead – important dates
Staff Days – Friday 29th November and Monday 4th December
We have staff days each term at XP so that our teachers can collaborate across the Trust to create and deliver the high quality curriculum that our students study. These are shown in blue on our calendar. On staff days our students do not attend school and there is no expectation that they complete work beyond their regularly set extended study (homework). Students will find this work on Google classroom.
POLs (Presentations of Learning) this term – dates for your diary – all now confirmed
- G31’s PoL will be on the evening of Monday 16th December at St. Mary’s church in Heworth at 4.30pm.
- G30’s PoL will be on Wednesday 18th December in school at 4.30pm.
- G29’s PoL will be on the evening of Wednesday 11th December at the Farrell Centre and Great North Museum in Newcastle University Campus at 3.45pm.
- G28’s PoL will be on Thursday 19th December in school at 4.30pm.
As usual if you have any questions about your son or daughter please get in touch with your child’s Crew Leader in the first instance or email general enquiries to [email protected].
Julie Mosley