Weekly update for Families – W/C Monday 30th September 2024 

Dear Families

It was another very busy and productive week, even with four days due to our second staff day on Monday. We really do work hard here to produce beautiful work with staff and students always striving to be the best versions of themselves.

The importance of reading 

As you know, reading is a key focus at XPG. It is not only the first building block to allow students to access all areas of the curriculum but reading also plays a significant role in their life chances and their wellbeing. We know that to be good learners, students need to first be good readers. Studies have shown that ‘those who read for pleasure have higher levels of self-esteem and a greater ability to cope with difficult situations. Reading for pleasure is also associated with better sleeping patterns’. 

At XPG our students are exposed to many texts – reading in sessions, studying an anchor text in each expedition, a weekly Crew Read during Tranquil Tuesday and the daily 20-30 minutes reading expectation of their accelerated reader book. Over the last few weeks, students who are not currently reading at an age appropriate level have started attending intervention sessions. 

Please support us by monitoring your child’s reading, ensuring they are reading their accelerated reader book (which may be on ePlatform or a physical book they have borrowed from our in-school library) and reminding them to complete their daily 20-30 reading minutes.

Extended Study

Our students are working hard on their weekly extended study tasks and, this week in Crews, discussed how to manage their time effectively to ensure deadlines are met and support each other with this. We do recommend that students commit to at least one after school extended study slot each week where support is on hand from staff and peers.


You can find more on our rationale for Extended Study by clicking here


Our week ahead 

Taster sessions for lunchtime and after school clubs

This week students will have the opportunity to sign up for taster sessions for lunchtime and after school clubs. Please discuss these with your child and encourage them to get involved in as many clubs as possible. Remember we also run extended study sessions Monday – Thursday.

PE sessions this week

  • G30 students (Year 8) have PE on Monday
  • G31 students (Year 7) 
    • Class 1 have PE on Tuesday
    • Class 2 have PE on Wednesday
  • G29 students (Year 9) have PE on Thursday
  • G28 students (Year 10) have PE on Thursday

G29 Fieldwork – Tuesday 1st October


G29 are carrying out fieldwork in Newcastle on Tuesday next week. They will be travelling from school by foot and metro, so will need to be prepared with their regular kit and be ready for the weather. At the moment the forecast is cool and mostly dry.

Students will need a packed lunch for the day. They should arrive to school at the normal time.

They will be visiting the Hatton Gallery and Farrell Centre to do preparatory work with University colleagues and experts from the arts sector in readiness for their final product which will be shared in their presentation of learning at Newcastle University on Wednesday 11th December.

We will leave for the metro from Newcastle at 2.30pm, so students may be back to school a little later, around 3.30pm.

Open Evening – Tuesday 1st October

On Tuesday we will be hosting Year 6 families and their children. This means that on Tuesday we will not have Extended Study provision or clubs after school as spaces will be being set up for the evening.

Our students as always will be centre stage and we have enlisted student volunteers to host and run the evening. This is a great opportunity for our students to demonstrate leadership and communicate what makes our school so wonderful. Thank you to the parents of our volunteers for their support of the evening with later pick ups.

G31 Fieldwork – Thursday 3rd October

G31 have their first STEAM fieldwork next week. Each class will spend half a day in Marsden Bay analysing the rock formations in there, connected to their studies of the rock cycle and deep geological time. As an integral part of the curriculum, this fieldwork and working alongside our expert Karl Egeland-Eriksen will bring to life the standards that students have been learning about Earth’s structure and rocks. 

Students will need a packed lunch for the day. They should arrive at school for the normal time.

We will be travelling by coach, but will be outdoors for the entire fieldwork. Students will need their regular kit including their iPad, and will need to be prepared for the weather. The current forecast is cool with a chance of showers so waterproof coats will be needed.

Class 2 will carry out work in the bay in the morning and will eat lunch in the bay before returning to school for their regular afternoon sessions.

Class 1 will carry out work in the bay in the afternoon and will eat lunch in the bay on arrival. Class 1 will set off by coach from the bay at 3.15pm, so may be a little later back to school – around 3.45pm.


As usual if you have any questions about your son or daughter please get in touch with your child’s Crew Leader in the first instance or email general enquiries to [email protected].

Thank you as always for your ongoing support.  Together we are stronger #WeAreCrew.

Julie Mosley