Dear Parents/Carers
Here we are at the end of a second May Bank Holiday weekend. I hope you have enjoyed the additional family time over the past two weeks.
We have had lots of sponsor money collected over the past two weeks and we’re incredibly proud of the activism shown by our students. Our Year 7 Crew Day raised over £1200 for toilet twinning, which will install four sets of toilet blocks and clean water in villages in need. We have a similarly exciting announcement for you later in the week from Crew Frank about their fundraising for the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation. Thank you so much for your support!
Oyster Conservation
Our students continued to work hard in sessions last week and expeditions in each year group were well underway. G29 students enjoyed a fantastic expert session this week from the Wild Oyster Project. Students are carrying out conservation projects this term, collecting live data which will help scientists to protect both oysters and water voles. We will be giving more information soon on fieldwork to both oyster and water vole habitats.

Coronation Lunch
On Friday all of our students enjoyed a celebration picnic lunch to mark the Coronation. As usual, Suzanne and Cheryl pulled out all of the stops and we all enjoyed a great picnic lunch.

Term Dates
Last week, after consultation with all stakeholders, we also made the decision to change some of our term dates for 2023/24 and 2024/25. Our term dates have been updated on our website and are as follows:
XP Trust Calendar 2023/24 Gateshead schools
XP Trust Calendar 2024/25 Gateshead schools
Please note that we are awaiting publication of Gateshead Local Authority’s 2025/26 dates for final confirmation of our 2025/26 dates.
As was said in the website post last week, thanks to everyone for using their voice and adding their contributions.
This week
PE sessions
As you know from last week’s post, Mr Currie will be covering PE sessions with our students whilst Mr Devitt continues his training placement in another secondary school.
All students will have a PE session on Wednesday this week.
To maximise time in each PE session, we ask that G29 (Year 7) come to school dressed in their PE kit on Wednesday so they are ready for a sharp start to the session. They will then be able to change into fresh clothes at the end of the session. G28 (Year 8) students will change to PE kit at the start of the session and will be able to wear this until the end of the day on Wednesday.
Extended Study and clubs
Extended Study and clubs are running after school this week. On Tuesday we have hula fitness, Wednesday is our robotics club and Thursday is Nature Club and Rock School (in lieu of Monday being a bank holiday).
Staffing Update
As you are aware, we have been advertising two vacancies at XP Gateshead; a Safeguarding and Attendance Lead and a Learning Coach/Crew Leader. Interviews will take place on Thursday 11th May for the Safeguarding and Attendance Lead.
As usual, if you have any questions please contact your child’s crew leader in the first instance.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Julie Mosley