What is Crew?

Think of this as like a tutor group in a more conventional school, however it has as much more fundamental importance at XP. At XP schools, each student is placed into a crew of 12-13 students who will be their school family throughout their time with us.

The tradition of Crew is both a culture and a structure. The term “crew” comes from educator Kurt Hahn, the founder of Outward Bound. Hahn’s said “We are crew, not passengers, strengthened by acts of consequential service to others”.

Crew is a place where character, adventure, and a sense of family are developed in a deliberate fashion. 

Crew fosters a sense of belonging in students, and is a place where students learn to be the best version of themselves, whilst helping all students achieve in their common mission of being university-bound.

We Are Crew *super-cut* from Relational Schools on Vimeo.