A guide to first snapshots for G30 families

We are sharing your child’s information snapshot with you this week. This includes information about their attendance and their HoWLs (habits of work and learning).

This short video is a guide to help Year 7 families interpret this information:

Students are currently working on pledges based on these snapshots. These will be shared soon. Following this you will be able to ask questions of your child about their assessment information.

In January students will present to you and their Crew Leader at their SLC (student-led conference) with:

  • An updated information snapshot with further information about their academic progress
  • Responses to your questions
  • Evidence of how they have been working on their pledges

G29 students will also carry out SLCs in January.

G28 SLCs will be in the fortnight commencing 13th November. Details of how to book a slot will be sent out soon as well as the form which gives you the opportunity to ask questions of your child in advance of the SLC.

Of course for all families, if you do have any questions please get in contact with your child’s Crew Leader in the first instance.