We could not be more proud of our G28 volunteers that helped promote our book at the Miners’ Gala this weekend.

Students spoke with confidence to members of public about their work, why it is important to continue to tell the stories of our cultural heritage and clocked up some pretty decent sales figures too.

Members of the public were blown away by how articulate our students were and there were very emotional moments as students spoke to members of the mining community specifically.

First class work from Ethan, Mason, Beth, Daniel, Daniel, Charlie, Elyse, Isla, Katie, Maddie, Betsy, Daria and Jessica!

Get ready for something special

Memory Lane Radio are hosting our Y7 students’ work on Friday 20th May at 2pm. You can listen live by clicking on the link and pressing the play button.

What a fantastic way for our students work to connect with their community and a listenership of over 100,000 people!

Clear your diaries, you will not want to miss this!


Beautiful work from Katie

Katie has also been trying out recipes before they were gathered in our food boxes.

Here are Katie’s socca gluten free frying pan pizza and since she had some free time, she also made the cookies.

Beautiful work Katie!

Beautiful work from Lucy

More experimentation her, Lucy chose to mix up the pizza toast with her idea of a crumpet base.

Again, these picture could have come straight from a recipe book.

Beautiful work Lucy!